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title: Experiments
description: How to fetch experiments from the API
# Experiments
This section of the documentation will cover how to fetch experiments from the API.
Accessible on [](
## Experiment Object
Represents an experiment
**Experiment Structure:**
| field | type | description |
| ------- | ------------------------------------------------ | ----------------------------- |
| data | [experiment data structure](#data-object) | The data of the experiment |
| rollout | ?[experiment rollout structure](#rollout-object) | The rollout of the experiment |
## Data Object
Represents the data of an experiment
**Experiment Data Structure:**
| field | type | description |
| ----------- | ------------------ | ------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| hash | string | Hash of the experiment (if the experiment has no id, this will be a hash) |
| id * | ?string | Id of the experiment |
| label * | ?string | Human-readable label of the experiment |
| kind ** | string | Kind of the experiment |
| description | ?array of string | Names of buckets |
| buckets | ?array of integers | Ids of available buckets |
| config_keys | ?array of string | Keys of the config |
\* Also included if you're using `?only_keys=true` query parameter.
\** Can be `guild` if the experiment is guild-specific, `user` if the experiment is user-specific.
\*** Everything is included in the `data` field, if you're not using `?also_with_unknown_ids=true` query parameter.
## Rollout Object
Represents the rollout of an experiment
**Rollout Structure:**
| field | type | description |
| ------------------- | --------------------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------- |
| revision | integer | Current version fo the rollout |
| populations | array of [rollout population](#rollout-population-object) | The experiment rollout's populations |
| overrides * | map\[string\]\[array of string\] | The experiment rollout's overrides |
| overrides_formatted | array of [rollout population](#rollout-population-object) | Additional experiment rollout's populations |
\* Map key is bucket id and value is array of guild ids
## Rollout Population Object
Represents a population of an experiment rollout. The population object specifies a set of filters and ranges of positions needed to fit into particular buckets.
**Rollout Population Structure:**
| field | type | description |
| ------- | --------------------------------------------------------------- | ---------------------- |
| buckets | map\[string\]\[[population bucket](#population-bucket-object)\] | The population buckets |
| filters | array of [population filter](#population-filter-object) | Population filters |
### Population Bucket Object
Represents a bucket of a population of an experiment rollout. Bucket contains a rollout.
**Population Bucket Structure:**
| field | type | description |
| ------- | ----------------------------------------------------------------------- | ---------------------------- |
| rollout | array of [population bucket rollout](#population-bucket-rollout-object) | The bucket rollouts (ranges) |
### Population Bucket Rollout Object
Represents a rollout of a bucket of a population of an experiment rollout. Rollout contains a range, start and end.
**Population Bucket Rollout Structure:**
| field | type | description |
| ----- | ------- | ----------------------- |
| start | integer | The start of this range |
| end | integer | The end of this range |
### Population Filter Object
Represents a filter of a population of an experiment rollout.
**Population Filter Structure:**
| field | type | description |
| ----- | ------ | --------------- |
| type | string | The filter type |
#### type is **guild_has_feature**
The guild features required for eligiblity
| field | type | description |
| -------- | ---------------- | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| features | ?array of string | Contains [Guild Features]( |
#### type is **guild_id_range**
The range of snowflake resource Ids that are eligible
| field | type | description |
| ------ | -------- | ---------------- |
| min_id | ?integer | Minimum guild id |
| max_id | integer | Maximum guild id |
#### type is **guild_member_count_range**
The range of guild member counts that are eligible
| field | type | description |
| --------- | -------- | -------------------- |
| min_count | ?integer | Minimum member count |
| max_count | integer | Maximum member count |
#### type is **guild_ids**
The list of snowflake resource IDs that are eligible
| field | type | description |
| ----- | ---------------- | ------------------ |
| ids | ?array of string | Contains Guild Ids |
#### type is **guild_hub_types**
The types of hubs that is eligible
| field | type | description |
| --------- | ----------------- | ------------- |
| hub_types | ?array of integer | Types of hubs |
0. Default
1. High School
2. College
#### type is **guild_has_vanity_url**
Whether a vanity is or is not required for eligibility
| field | type | description |
| ---------- | -------- | -------------------------------- |
| has_vanity | ?boolean | Whether the guild has vanity url |
#### type is **guild_in_range_by_hash**
If the guild experiment hash (murmurhash v3 unsigned of `experiment_name:guild_id` % 1e4) is greater than `hash_key`, it is eligible
| field | type | description |
| -------- | ------- | ---------------- |
| hash_key | ?number | Minimum hash key |
| target | ?number | Unknown |
## Fetching all experiments
You can fetch experiments from the API by sending a GET request to [](
**Query parameters:**
| Name | Type | Description |
| --------------------- | --------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------- |
| also_with_unknown_ids | boolean | This will include also experiments without id, just hash |
| only_keys | boolean | This will only return the keys of the experiments (label, id) |
| has_rollout | boolean | This will only return experiments with rollout |
| kind * | array of string | This will only return experiments with the specified kind |
\* If you want multiple kinds, you can separate them with a comma (,)
Returns array of [Experiment Object](#experiment-object)
## Fetching experiment
You can fetch a specific experiment from the API by sending a GET request to [](
You can use same query parameters as in [Fetching all experiments](#fetching-all-experiments)
Returns [Experiment Object](#experiment-object)