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Experiments How to fetch experiments from the API


This section of the documentation will cover how to fetch experiments from the API.

Accessible on

Experiment Object

Represents an experiment

Experiment Structure:

field type description
data experiment data structure The data of the experiment
rollout ?experiment rollout structure The rollout of the experiment

Data Object

Represents the data of an experiment

Experiment Data Structure:

field type description
hash string Hash of the experiment (if the experiment has no id, this will be a hash)
id * ?string Id of the experiment
label * ?string Human-readable label of the experiment
kind ** string Kind of the experiment
description ?array of string Names of buckets
buckets ?array of integers Ids of available buckets
config_keys ?array of string Keys of the config

* Also included if you're using ?only_keys=true query parameter.
** Can be guild if the experiment is guild-specific, user if the experiment is user-specific.
*** Everything is included in the data field, if you're not using ?also_with_unknown_ids=true query parameter.

Rollout Object

Represents the rollout of an experiment

Rollout Structure:

field type description
revision integer Current version fo the rollout
populations array of rollout population The experiment rollout's populations
overrides array of rollout override The experiment rollout's overrides
overrides_formatted array of rollout population Additional experiment rollout's populations

Rollout Population Object

Represents a population of an experiment rollout. The population object specifies a set of filters and ranges of positions needed to fit into particular buckets.

Rollout Population Structure:

field type description
buckets map[string][population bucket]
filters array of population filter

Population Bucket Object

Represents a bucket of a population of an experiment rollout.

Population Bucket Structure:

field type description
rollout array of population bucket rollout

Population Bucket Rollout Object

Represents a rollout of a bucket of a population of an experiment rollout.

Population Bucket Rollout Structure:

field type description
start integer
end integer

Population Filter Object

Represents a filter of a population of an experiment rollout.

Population Filter Structure:

field type description
type string

type is guild_has_feature

field type description
features ?array of string

type is guild_id_range

field type description
min_id ?integer
max_id integer

type is guild_member_count_range

field type description
min_count ?integer
max_count integer

type is guild_ids

field type description
ids ?array of string

type is guild_hub_types

field type description
hub_types ?array of integer

type is guild_has_vanity_url

field type description
has_vanity ?boolean

type is guild_in_range_by_hash

field type description
hash_key ?number
target ?number

Fetching all experiments

You can fetch experiments from the API by sending a GET request to

Query parameters:

Name Type Description
also_with_unknown_ids boolean This will include also experiments without id, just hash
only_keys boolean This will only return the keys of the experiments (label, id)
has_rollout boolean This will only return experiments with rollout
kind * array of string This will only return experiments with the specified kind

* If you want multiple kinds, you can separate them with a comma (,)


Fetching experiment

You can fetch a specific experiment from the API by sending a GET request to

You can use same query parameters as in Fetching all experiments