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Eligible How to check if a guild is eligible for an experiment


This section of the documentation will cover how to check if a guild is eligible for an experiment.

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Eligible Object

Represents the eligibility of a guild for an experiment

Eligible Structure:

field type description
eligible boolean Whether the guild is eligible for the experiment or not
bucket * bucket The bucket of the guild
filters array of filter The filters that haven't been checked
is_override_formatted boolean Whether the guild is in overrides_formatted

* Includes id field - id of the bucket

Checking eligibility

You can check if a guild is eligible for an experiment by sending a POST request to


field type description
experiment_id string The id of the experiment to check eligibility for
guild * guild The guild to check eligibility for

* Only id, features and member_count fields are checked and id is required


  "experiment_id": "2023-03_clyde_ai",
  "guild": {
    "id": "1046534628577640528",
    "features": ["COMMUNITY"],
    "member_count": 100

Returns an eligible object