chore(deps): update dependency dart to v3 #42

renovator wants to merge 1 commit from renovate/dart-3.x into main

This PR contains the following updates:

Package Update Change
dart (source) major >=2.18.2 <3.0.0 -> <4.0.0

Release Notes

dart-lang/sdk (dart)


Compare Source


Compare Source

  • Breaking change #​52334:
    • Added the interface modifier to purely abstract classes:
      MultiStreamController, StreamConsumer, StreamIterator and
      StreamTransformer. As a result, these types can only be implemented,
      not extended or mixed in.
  • Uri.base on native platforms now respects IOOverrides overriding
    current directory (#​39796).
  • Added the NativeCallable class, which can be used to create callbacks that
    allow native code to call into Dart code from any thread. See
    NativeCallable.listener. In future releases, NativeCallable will be
    updated with more functionality, and will become the recommended way of
    creating native callbacks for all use cases, replacing Pointer.fromFunction.
  • Breaking change #​51486:
    • Added sameSite to the Cookie class.
    • Added class SameSite.
  • Breaking change #​52027: FileSystemEvent is
    sealed. This means
    that FileSystemEvent cannot be extended or implemented.
  • Added a deprecation warning when Platform is instantiated.
  • Added Platform.lineTerminator which exposes the character or characters
    that the operating system uses to separate lines of text, e.g.,
    "\r\n" on Windows.
  • Object literal constructors:
    ObjectLiteral is removed from dart:js_interop. It's no longer needed in
    order to declare an object literal constructor with inline classes. As long as
    an external constructor has at least one named parameter, it'll be treated as
    an object literal constructor. If you want to create an object literal with no
    named members, use {}.jsify().
Other libraries
  • Breaking change to @staticInterop and external extension members:
    external @staticInterop members and external extension members can no
    longer be used as tear-offs. Declare a closure or a non-external method that
    calls these members, and use that instead.
  • Breaking change to @staticInterop and external extension members:
    external @staticInterop members and external extension members will
    generate slightly different JS code for methods that have optional parameters.
    Whereas before, the JS code passed in the default value for missing optionals,
    it will now pass in only the provided members. This aligns with how JS
    parameters work, where omitted parameters are actually omitted. For example,
    calling external void foo([int a, int b]) as foo(0) will now result in
    foo(0), and not foo(0, null).


Compare Source

This is a patch release that:

  • Fixes a bug in dart2js which would cause certain uses of records to lead to
    bad codegen causing a TypeError or NoSuchMethodError to be thrown
    at runtime (issue #​53001).


Compare Source

This is a patch release that:

  • Fixes a flow in flow analysis that causes it to sometimes ignore destructuring
    assignments (issue #​52767).
  • Fixes an infinite loop in some web development compiles that include is or
    as expressions involving record types with named fields (issue #​52869).
  • Fixes a memory leak in Dart analyzer's file-watching (issue #​52791).
  • Fixes a memory leak of file system watcher related data structures (issue #​52793).


Compare Source

This is a patch release that:

  • Fixes a bad cast in the frontend which can manifest as a crash in the dart2js
    ListFactorySpecializer during Flutter web builds (issue #​52403).


Compare Source

This is a patch release that:

  • dart format now handles formatting nullable record types
    with no fields (dart_style issue #​1224).
  • Fixes error when using records when targeting the web in development mode
    (issue #​52480).


Compare Source

This is a patch release that:

  • Fixes an AOT compiler crash when generating an implicit getter
    returning an unboxed record (issue #​52449).
  • Fixes a situation in which variables appearing in multiple branches of an
    or-pattern might be erroneously reported as being mismatched (issue #​52373).
  • Adds missing interface modifiers on the purely abstract classes
    MultiStreamController, StreamConsumer, StreamIterator and
    StreamTransformer (issue #​52334).
  • Fixes an error during debugging when InternetAddress.tryParse is
    used (issue #​52423).
  • Fixes a VM issue causing crashes on hot reload (issue #​126884).
  • Improves linter support (issue #​4195).
  • Fixes an issue in variable patterns preventing users from expressing
    a pattern match using a variable or wildcard pattern with a nullable
    record type (issue #​52439).
  • Updates warnings and provide instructions for updating the Dart pub
    cache on Windows (issue #​52386).


Compare Source

This is a patch release that:

  • Fixes a dart2js crash when using a switch case expression on a record where
    the fields don't match the cases (issue #​52438).
  • Add class modifier chips on class and mixin pages
    generated with dart doc (issue #​3392).
  • Fixes a situation causing the parser to fail resulting in an infinite loop
    leading to higher memory usage (issue #​52352).
  • Add clear errors when mixing inheritance in pre and post Dart 3 libraries
    (issue: #​52078).


Compare Source

This is a patch release that:

  • Fixes a compiler crash involving redirecting factories and FFI
    (issue #​124369).
  • Fixes a dart2js crash when using a combination of local functions, generics,
    and records (issue #​51899).
  • Fixes incorrect error using a void in a switch case expression
    (issue #​52191).
  • Fixes a false error when using in switch case expressions when the switch
    refers to a private getter (issue #​52041).
  • Prevent the use of when and as as variable names in patterns
    (issue #​52260).
  • Fixes an inconsistency in type promotion between the analyzer and VM
    (issue #​52241).
  • Improve performance on functions with many parameters (issue #​1212).


Compare Source


Dart 3.0 adds the following features. To use them, set your package's SDK
lower bound to 3.0 or greater (sdk: '^3.0.0').

  • Records: Records are anonymous immutable data structures that let you
    aggregate multiple values together, similar to tuples in other languages.
    With records, you can return multiple values from a function, create composite
    map keys, or use them any other place where you want to bundle a couple of
    objects together.

    For example, using a record to return two values:

    (double x, double y) geoLocation(String name) {
      if (name == 'Nairobi') {
        return (-1.2921, 36.8219);
      } else {
  • Pattern matching: Expressions build values out of smaller pieces.
    Conversely, patterns are an expressive tool for decomposing values back into
    their constituent parts. Patterns can call getters on an object, access
    elements from a list, pull fields out of a record, etc. For example, we can
    destructure the record from the previous example like so:

    var (lat, long) = geoLocation('Nairobi');
    print('Nairobi is at $lat, $long.');

    Patterns can also be used in switch cases. There, you can destructure values
    and also test them to see if they have a certain type or value:

    switch (object) {
      case [int a]:
        print('A list with a single integer element $a');
      case ('name', _):
        print('A two-element record whose first field is "name".');
      default: print('Some other object.');

    Also, as you can see, non-empty switch cases no longer need break;

    Breaking change: Dart 3.0 interprets switch cases as patterns instead of
    constant expressions. Most constant expressions found in switch cases are
    valid patterns with the same meaning (named constants, literals, etc.). You
    may need to tweak a few constant expressions to make them valid. This only
    affects libraries that have upgraded to language version 3.0.

  • Switch expressions: Switch expressions allow you to use patterns and
    multi-way branching in contexts where a statement isn't allowed:

    return TextButton(
      onPressed: _goPrevious,
      child: Text(switch (page) {
        0 => 'Exit story',
        1 => 'First page',
        _ when page == _lastPage => 'Start over',
        _ => 'Previous page',
  • If-case statements and elements: A new if construct that matches a value
    against a pattern and executes the then or else branch depending on whether
    the pattern matches:

    if (json case ['user', var name]) {
      print('Got user message for user $name.');

    There is also a corresponding if-case element that can be used in collection

  • Sealed classes: When you mark a type sealed, the compiler ensures that
    switches on values of that type exhaustively cover every subtype. This
    enables you to program in an algebraic datatype style with the
    compile-time safety you expect:

    sealed class Amigo {}
    class Lucky extends Amigo {}
    class Dusty extends Amigo {}
    class Ned extends Amigo {}
    String lastName(Amigo amigo) =>
        switch (amigo) {
          Lucky _ => 'Day',
          Ned _   => 'Nederlander',

    In this last example, the compiler reports an error that the switch doesn't
    cover the subclass Dusty.

  • Class modifiers: New modifiers final, interface, base, and mixin
    on class and mixin declarations let you control how the type can be used.
    By default, Dart is flexible in that a single class declaration can be used as
    an interface, a superclass, or even a mixin. This flexibility can make it
    harder to evolve an API over time without breaking users. We mostly keep the
    current flexible defaults, but these new modifiers give you finer-grained
    control over how the type can be used.

    Breaking change: Class declarations from libraries that have been upgraded
    to Dart 3.0 can no longer be used as mixins by default. If you want the class
    to be usable as both a class and a mixin, mark it mixin class. If you want it to be used only as a mixin, make it a mixin
    declaration. If you haven't upgraded a class to Dart 3.0, you can still use it
    as a mixin.

  • Breaking change #​50902: Dart reports a compile-time error if a
    continue statement targets a label that is not a loop (for, do and
    while statements) or a switch member. Fix this by changing the continue
    to target a valid labeled statement.

  • Breaking change language/#​2357: Starting in language version 3.0,
    Dart reports a compile-time error if a colon (:) is used as the
    separator before the default value of an optional named parameter.
    Fix this by changing the colon (:) to an equal sign (=).

General changes
  • Breaking Change: Non-mixin classes in the platform libraries
    can no longer be mixed in, unless they are explicitly marked as mixin class.
    The following existing classes have been made mixin classes:
    • Iterable
    • IterableMixin (now alias for Iterable)
    • IterableBase (now alias for Iterable)
    • ListMixin
    • SetMixin
    • MapMixin
    • LinkedListEntry
    • StringConversionSink
  • Added bool.parse and bool.tryParse static methods.

  • Added DateTime.timestamp() constructor to get current time as UTC.

  • The type of RegExpMatch.pattern is now RegExp, not just Pattern.

  • Breaking change #​49529:

    • Removed the deprecated List constructor, as it wasn't null safe.
      Use list literals (e.g. [] for an empty list or <int>[] for an empty
      typed list) or [List.filled][List.filled].
    • Removed the deprecated onError argument on [int.parse][int.parse], [double.parse][double.parse],
      and [num.parse][num.parse]. Use the [tryParse][tryParse] method instead.
    • Removed the deprecated [proxy][proxy] and [Provisional][Provisional] annotations.
      The original proxy annotation has no effect in Dart 2,
      and the Provisional type and [provisional][provisional] constant
      were only used internally during the Dart 2.0 development process.
    • Removed the deprecated [Deprecated.expires][Deprecated.expires] getter.
      Use [Deprecated.message][Deprecated.message] instead.
    • Removed the deprecated [CastError][CastError] error.
      Use [TypeError][TypeError] instead.
    • Removed the deprecated [FallThroughError][FallThroughError] error. The kind of
      fall-through previously throwing this error was made a compile-time
      error in Dart 2.0.
    • Removed the deprecated [NullThrownError][NullThrownError] error. This error is never
      thrown from null safe code.
    • Removed the deprecated [AbstractClassInstantiationError][AbstractClassInstantiationError] error. It was made
      a compile-time error to call the constructor of an abstract class in Dart 2.0.
    • Removed the deprecated [CyclicInitializationError][CyclicInitializationError]. Cyclic dependencies are
      no longer detected at runtime in null safe code. Such code will fail in other
      ways instead, possibly with a StackOverflowError.
    • Removed the deprecated [NoSuchMethodError][NoSuchMethodError] default constructor.
      Use the [NoSuchMethodError.withInvocation][NoSuchMethodError.withInvocation] named constructor instead.
    • Removed the deprecated [BidirectionalIterator][BidirectionalIterator] class.
      Existing bidirectional iterators can still work, they just don't have
      a shared supertype locking them to a specific name for moving backwards.
  • Breaking change when migrating code to Dart 3.0:
    Some changes to platform libraries only affect code when that code is migrated
    to language version 3.0.

    • The Function type can no longer be implemented, extended or mixed in.
      Since Dart 2.0 writing implements Function has been allowed
      for backwards compatibility, but it has not had any effect.
      In Dart 3.0, the Function type is final and cannot be subtyped,
      preventing code from mistakenly assuming it works.

    • The following declarations can only be implemented, not extended:

      • Comparable
      • Exception
      • Iterator
      • Pattern
      • Match
      • RegExp
      • RegExpMatch
      • StackTrace
      • StringSink

      None of these declarations contained any implementation to inherit,
      and are marked as interface to signify that they are only intended
      as interfaces.

    • The following declarations can no longer be implemented or extended:

      • MapEntry
      • OutOfMemoryError
      • StackOverflowError
      • Expando
      • WeakReference
      • Finalizer

      The MapEntry value class is restricted to enable later optimizations.
      The remaining classes are tightly coupled to the platform and not
      intended to be subclassed or implemented.

  • Added extension member wait on iterables and 2-9 tuples of futures.

  • Breaking change #​49529:

    • Removed the deprecated [DeferredLibrary][DeferredLibrary] class.
      Use the [deferred as][deferred as] import syntax instead.
  • Added extension members nonNulls, firstOrNull, lastOrNull,
    singleOrNull, elementAtOrNull and indexed on Iterables.
    Also exported from dart:core.

  • Deprecated the HasNextIterator class (#​50883).

  • Breaking change when migrating code to Dart 3.0:
    Some changes to platform libraries only affect code when it is migrated
    to language version 3.0.

    • The following interface can no longer be extended, only implemented:
      • Queue
    • The following implementation classes can no longer be implemented:
      • LinkedList
      • LinkedListEntry
    • The following implementation classes can no longer be implemented
      or extended:
      • HasNextIterator (Also deprecated.)
      • HashMap
      • LinkedHashMap
      • HashSet
      • LinkedHashSet
      • DoubleLinkedQueue
      • ListQueue
      • SplayTreeMap
      • SplayTreeSet
  • Breaking change #​49529:

    • Removed the deprecated [MAX_USER_TAGS][MAX_USER_TAGS] constant.
      Use [maxUserTags][maxUserTags] instead.
  • Callbacks passed to registerExtension will be run in the zone from which
    they are registered.

  • Breaking change #​50231:

    • Removed the deprecated [Metrics][Metrics], [Metric][Metric], [Counter][Counter],
      and [Gauge][Gauge] classes as they have been broken since Dart 2.0.
  • Breaking change: As previously announced, the deprecated registerElement
    and registerElement2 methods in Document and HtmlDocument have been
    removed. See #​49536 for
  • Breaking change when migrating code to Dart 3.0:
    Some changes to platform libraries only affect code when it is migrated
    to language version 3.0.
    • The Random interface can only be implemented, not extended.
  • Added name and signalNumber to the ProcessSignal class.
  • Deprecate NetworkInterface.listSupported. Has always returned true since
    Dart 2.3.
  • Finalize httpEnableTimelineLogging parameter name transition from enable
    to enabled. See #​43638.
  • Favor IPv4 connections over IPv6 when connecting sockets. See
  • Breaking change #​51035:
    • Update NetworkProfiling to accommodate new String ids
      that are introduced in vm_service:11.0.0
  • Added several helper functions to access more JavaScript operators, like
    delete and the typeof functionality.
  • jsify is now permissive and has inverse semantics to dartify.
  • jsify and dartify both handle types they understand natively more
  • Signature of callMethod has been aligned with the other methods and
    now takes Object instead of String.
  • Observatory is no longer served by default and users should instead use Dart
    DevTools. Users requiring specific functionality in Observatory should set
    the --serve-observatory flag.
Web Dev Compiler (DDC)
  • Removed deprecated command line flags -k, --kernel, and --dart-sdk.
  • The compile time flag --nativeNonNullAsserts, which ensures web library APIs
    are sound in their nullability, is by default set to true in sound mode. For
    more information on the flag, see
  • The compile time flag --native-null-assertions, which ensures web library
    APIs are sound in their nullability, is by default set to true in sound mode,
    unless -O3 or higher is passed, in which case they are not checked. For more
    information on the flag, see
  • Cleanup related to #​46100:
    the internal dart2js snapshot fails unless it is called from a supported
    interface, such as dart compile js, flutter build, or
    build_web_compilers. This is not expected to be a visible change.
  • Format sync* and async* functions with => bodies.
  • Don't split after < in collection literals.
  • Better indentation of multiline function types inside type argument lists.
  • Fix bug where parameter metadata wouldn't always split when it should.
  • Most static analysis "hints" are converted to be "warnings," and any
    remaining hints are intended to be converted soon after the Dart 3.0 release.
    This means that any (previously) hints reported by dart analyze are now
    considered "fatal" (will result in a non-zero exit code). The previous
    behavior, where such hints (now warnings) are not fatal, can be achieved by
    using the --no-fatal-warnings flag. This behavior can also be altered, on a
    code-by-code basis, by changing the severity of rules in an analysis
    options file.
  • Add static enforcement of the SDK-only @Since annotation. When code in a
    package uses a Dart SDK element annotated with @Since, analyzer will report
    a warning if the package's Dart SDK constraint allows versions of Dart
    which don't include that element.
  • Protects the Dart Analysis Server against extreme memory usage by limiting
    the number of plugins per analysis context to 1. (issue [#​50981][]).

Updates the Linter to 1.35.0, which includes changes that

  • add new lints:
    • implicit_reopen
    • unnecessary_breaks
    • type_literal_in_constant_pattern
    • invalid_case_patterns
  • update existing lints to support patterns and class modifiers
  • remove support for:
    • enable_null_safety
    • invariant_booleans
    • prefer_bool_in_asserts
    • prefer_equal_for_default_values
    • super_goes_last
  • fix unnecessary_parenthesis false-positives with null-aware expressions.
  • fix void_checks to allow assignments of Future<dynamic>? to parameters
    typed FutureOr<void>?.
  • fix use_build_context_synchronously in if conditions.
  • fix a false positive for avoid_private_typedef_functions with generalized
    type aliases.
  • update unnecessary_parenthesis to detect some doubled parens.
  • update void_checks to allow returning Never as void.
  • update no_adjacent_strings_in_list to support set literals and for- and
  • update avoid_types_as_parameter_names to handle type variables.
  • update avoid_positional_boolean_parameters to handle typedefs.
  • update avoid_redundant_argument_values to check parameters of redirecting
  • improve performance for prefer_const_literals_to_create_immutables.
  • update use_build_context_synchronously to check context properties.
  • improve unnecessary_parenthesis support for property accesses and method
  • update unnecessary_parenthesis to allow parentheses in more null-aware
    cascade contexts.
  • update unreachable_from_main to track static elements.
  • update unnecessary_null_checks to not report on arguments passed to
    Future.value or Completer.complete.
  • mark always_use_package_imports and prefer_relative_imports as
    incompatible rules.
  • update only_throw_errors to not report on Never-typed expressions.
  • update unnecessary_lambdas to not report with late final variables.
  • update avoid_function_literals_in_foreach_calls to not report with nullable-
    typed targets.
  • add new lint: deprecated_member_use_from_same_package which replaces the
    soft-deprecated analyzer hint of the same name.
  • update public_member_api_docs to not require docs on enum constructors.
  • update prefer_void_to_null to not report on as-expressions.
Migration tool removal

The null safety migration tool (dart migrate) has been removed. If you still
have code which needs to be migrated to null safety, please run dart migrate
using Dart version 2.19, before upgrading to Dart version 3.0.

  • To preserve compatibility with null-safe code pre Dart 3, Pub will interpret a
    language constraint indicating a language version of 2.12 or higher and an
    upper bound of <3.0.0 as <4.0.0.

    For example >=2.19.2 <3.0.0 will be interpreted as >=2.19.2 <4.0.0.

  • dart pub publish will no longer warn about dependency_overrides. Dependency
    overrides only take effect in the root package of a resolution.

  • dart pub token add now verifies that the given token is valid for including
    in a header according to RFC 6750 section
    . This means they must
    contain only the characters: ^[a-zA-Z0-9._~+/=-]+$. Before a failure would
    happen when attempting to send the authorization header.

  • dart pub get and related commands will now by default also update the
    dependencies in the example folder (if it exists). Use --no-example to
    avoid this.

  • On Windows the PUB_CACHE has moved to %LOCALAPPDATA%, since Dart 2.8 the
    PUB_CACHE has been created in %LOCALAPPDATA% when one wasn't present.
    Hence, this only affects users with a PUB_CACHE created by Dart 2.7 or
    earlier. If you have path/to/.pub-cache/bin in PATH you may need to
    update your PATH.


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This PR has been generated by Renovate Bot.

This PR contains the following updates: | Package | Update | Change | |---|---|---| | [dart]( ([source]( | major | `>=2.18.2 <3.0.0` -> `<4.0.0` | --- ### Release Notes <details> <summary>dart-lang/sdk (dart)</summary> ### [`v3.1.1`]( [Compare Source]( ### [`v3.1.0`]( [Compare Source]( ##### Libraries ##### `dart:async` - **Breaking change** [#&#8203;52334][]: - Added the `interface` modifier to purely abstract classes: `MultiStreamController`, `StreamConsumer`, `StreamIterator` and `StreamTransformer`. As a result, these types can only be implemented, not extended or mixed in. [#&#8203;52334]: ##### `dart:core` - `Uri.base` on native platforms now respects `IOOverrides` overriding current directory ([#&#8203;39796][]). [#&#8203;39796]: ##### `dart:ffi` - Added the `NativeCallable` class, which can be used to create callbacks that allow native code to call into Dart code from any thread. See `NativeCallable.listener`. In future releases, `NativeCallable` will be updated with more functionality, and will become the recommended way of creating native callbacks for all use cases, replacing `Pointer.fromFunction`. ##### `dart:io` - **Breaking change** [#&#8203;51486][]: - Added `sameSite` to the `Cookie` class. - Added class `SameSite`. - **Breaking change** [#&#8203;52027][]: `FileSystemEvent` is [`sealed`]( This means that `FileSystemEvent` cannot be extended or implemented. - Added a deprecation warning when `Platform` is instantiated. - Added `Platform.lineTerminator` which exposes the character or characters that the operating system uses to separate lines of text, e.g., `"\r\n"` on Windows. [#&#8203;51486]: [#&#8203;52027]: ##### `dart:js_interop` - **Object literal constructors**: `ObjectLiteral` is removed from `dart:js_interop`. It's no longer needed in order to declare an object literal constructor with inline classes. As long as an external constructor has at least one named parameter, it'll be treated as an object literal constructor. If you want to create an object literal with no named members, use `{}.jsify()`. ##### Other libraries ##### `package:js` - **Breaking change to `@staticInterop` and `external` extension members**: `external` `@staticInterop` members and `external` extension members can no longer be used as tear-offs. Declare a closure or a non-`external` method that calls these members, and use that instead. - **Breaking change to `@staticInterop` and `external` extension members**: `external` `@staticInterop` members and `external` extension members will generate slightly different JS code for methods that have optional parameters. Whereas before, the JS code passed in the default value for missing optionals, it will now pass in only the provided members. This aligns with how JS parameters work, where omitted parameters are actually omitted. For example, calling `external void foo([int a, int b])` as `foo(0)` will now result in `foo(0)`, and not `foo(0, null)`. ##### Tools ##### Linter - Added new static analysis lints you can [enable][enable-lints] in your package's `analysis_options.yaml` file: - [`no_self_assignments`]( - [`no_wildcard_variable_uses`]( [enable-lints]: ### [`v3.0.7`]( [Compare Source]( This is a patch release that: - Fixes a bug in dart2js which would cause certain uses of records to lead to bad codegen causing a `TypeError` or `NoSuchMethodError` to be thrown at runtime (issue [#&#8203;53001]). [#&#8203;53001]: ### [`v3.0.6`]( [Compare Source]( This is a patch release that: - Fixes a flow in flow analysis that causes it to sometimes ignore destructuring assignments (issue [#&#8203;52767]). - Fixes an infinite loop in some web development compiles that include `is` or `as` expressions involving record types with named fields (issue [#&#8203;52869]). - Fixes a memory leak in Dart analyzer's file-watching (issue [#&#8203;52791]). - Fixes a memory leak of file system watcher related data structures (issue [#&#8203;52793]). [#&#8203;52767]: [#&#8203;52869]: [#&#8203;52791]: [#&#8203;52793]: ### [`v3.0.5`]( [Compare Source]( This is a patch release that: - Fixes a bad cast in the frontend which can manifest as a crash in the dart2js `ListFactorySpecializer` during Flutter web builds (issue [#&#8203;52403]). [#&#8203;52403]: ### [`v3.0.4`]( [Compare Source]( This is a patch release that: - `dart format` now handles formatting nullable record types with no fields (dart_style issue [#&#8203;1224]). - Fixes error when using records when targeting the web in development mode (issue [#&#8203;52480]). [#&#8203;1224]: [#&#8203;52480]: ### [`v3.0.3`]( [Compare Source]( This is a patch release that: - Fixes an AOT compiler crash when generating an implicit getter returning an unboxed record (issue [#&#8203;52449]). - Fixes a situation in which variables appearing in multiple branches of an or-pattern might be erroneously reported as being mismatched (issue [#&#8203;52373]). - Adds missing `interface` modifiers on the purely abstract classes `MultiStreamController`, `StreamConsumer`, `StreamIterator` and `StreamTransformer` (issue [#&#8203;52334]). - Fixes an error during debugging when `InternetAddress.tryParse` is used (issue [#&#8203;52423]). - Fixes a VM issue causing crashes on hot reload (issue [#&#8203;126884]). - Improves linter support (issue [#&#8203;4195]). - Fixes an issue in variable patterns preventing users from expressing a pattern match using a variable or wildcard pattern with a nullable record type (issue [#&#8203;52439]). - Updates warnings and provide instructions for updating the Dart pub cache on Windows (issue [#&#8203;52386]). [#&#8203;52373]: [#&#8203;52334]: [#&#8203;52423]: [#&#8203;126884]: [#&#8203;4195]: [#&#8203;52439]: [#&#8203;52449]: [#&#8203;52386]: ### [`v3.0.2`]( [Compare Source]( This is a patch release that: - Fixes a dart2js crash when using a switch case expression on a record where the fields don't match the cases (issue [#&#8203;52438]). - Add class modifier chips on class and mixin pages generated with `dart doc` (issue [#&#8203;3392]). - Fixes a situation causing the parser to fail resulting in an infinite loop leading to higher memory usage (issue [#&#8203;52352]). - Add clear errors when mixing inheritance in pre and post Dart 3 libraries (issue: [#&#8203;52078]). [#&#8203;52438]: [#&#8203;3392]: [#&#8203;52352]: [#&#8203;52078]: ### [`v3.0.1`]( [Compare Source]( This is a patch release that: - Fixes a compiler crash involving redirecting factories and FFI (issue [#&#8203;124369]). - Fixes a dart2js crash when using a combination of local functions, generics, and records (issue [#&#8203;51899]). - Fixes incorrect error using a `void` in a switch case expression (issue [#&#8203;52191]). - Fixes a false error when using in switch case expressions when the switch refers to a private getter (issue [#&#8203;52041]). - Prevent the use of `when` and `as` as variable names in patterns (issue [#&#8203;52260]). - Fixes an inconsistency in type promotion between the analyzer and VM (issue [#&#8203;52241]). - Improve performance on functions with many parameters (issue [#&#8203;1212]). [#&#8203;124369]: [#&#8203;51899]: [#&#8203;52191]: [#&#8203;52041]: [#&#8203;52260]: [#&#8203;52241]: [#&#8203;1212]: ### [`v3.0.0`]( [Compare Source]( ##### Language Dart 3.0 adds the following features. To use them, set your package's [SDK constraint][language version] lower bound to 3.0 or greater (`sdk: '^3.0.0'`). [language version]: - **[Records]**: Records are anonymous immutable data structures that let you aggregate multiple values together, similar to [tuples][] in other languages. With records, you can return multiple values from a function, create composite map keys, or use them any other place where you want to bundle a couple of objects together. For example, using a record to return two values: ```dart (double x, double y) geoLocation(String name) { if (name == 'Nairobi') { return (-1.2921, 36.8219); } else { ... } } ``` - **[Pattern matching]**: Expressions build values out of smaller pieces. Conversely, patterns are an expressive tool for decomposing values back into their constituent parts. Patterns can call getters on an object, access elements from a list, pull fields out of a record, etc. For example, we can destructure the record from the previous example like so: ```dart var (lat, long) = geoLocation('Nairobi'); print('Nairobi is at $lat, $long.'); ``` Patterns can also be used in [switch cases]. There, you can destructure values and also test them to see if they have a certain type or value: ```dart switch (object) { case [int a]: print('A list with a single integer element $a'); case ('name', _): print('A two-element record whose first field is "name".'); default: print('Some other object.'); } ``` Also, as you can see, non-empty switch cases no longer need `break;` statements. **Breaking change**: Dart 3.0 interprets [switch cases] as patterns instead of constant expressions. Most constant expressions found in switch cases are valid patterns with the same meaning (named constants, literals, etc.). You may need to tweak a few constant expressions to make them valid. This only affects libraries that have upgraded to language version 3.0. - **[Switch expressions]**: Switch expressions allow you to use patterns and multi-way branching in contexts where a statement isn't allowed: ```dart return TextButton( onPressed: _goPrevious, child: Text(switch (page) { 0 => 'Exit story', 1 => 'First page', _ when page == _lastPage => 'Start over', _ => 'Previous page', }), ); ``` - **[If-case statements and elements]**: A new if construct that matches a value against a pattern and executes the then or else branch depending on whether the pattern matches: ```dart if (json case ['user', var name]) { print('Got user message for user $name.'); } ``` There is also a corresponding [if-case element] that can be used in collection literals. - **[Sealed classes]**: When you mark a type `sealed`, the compiler ensures that switches on values of that type [exhaustively cover] every subtype. This enables you to program in an [algebraic datatype][] style with the compile-time safety you expect: ```dart sealed class Amigo {} class Lucky extends Amigo {} class Dusty extends Amigo {} class Ned extends Amigo {} String lastName(Amigo amigo) => switch (amigo) { Lucky _ => 'Day', Ned _ => 'Nederlander', }; ``` In this last example, the compiler reports an error that the switch doesn't cover the subclass `Dusty`. - **[Class modifiers]**: New modifiers `final`, `interface`, `base`, and `mixin` on `class` and `mixin` declarations let you control how the type can be used. By default, Dart is flexible in that a single class declaration can be used as an interface, a superclass, or even a mixin. This flexibility can make it harder to evolve an API over time without breaking users. We mostly keep the current flexible defaults, but these new modifiers give you finer-grained control over how the type can be used. **Breaking change:** Class declarations from libraries that have been upgraded to Dart 3.0 can no longer be used as mixins by default. If you want the class to be usable as both a class and a mixin, mark it [`mixin class`][mixin class]. If you want it to be used only as a mixin, make it a `mixin` declaration. If you haven't upgraded a class to Dart 3.0, you can still use it as a mixin. - **Breaking change** [#&#8203;50902][]: Dart reports a compile-time error if a `continue` statement targets a [label] that is not a loop (`for`, `do` and `while` statements) or a `switch` member. Fix this by changing the `continue` to target a valid labeled statement. - **Breaking change** [language/#&#8203;2357][]: Starting in language version 3.0, Dart reports a compile-time error if a colon (`:`) is used as the separator before the default value of an optional named parameter. Fix this by changing the colon (`:`) to an equal sign (`=`). [records]: [tuples]: [pattern matching]: [switch cases]: [switch expressions]: [if-case statements and elements]: [if-case element]: [sealed classes]: [exhaustively cover]: [algebraic datatype]: [class modifiers]: [mixin class]: [#&#8203;50902]: [label]: [language/#&#8203;2357]: ##### Libraries ##### General changes - **Breaking Change**: Non-`mixin` classes in the platform libraries can no longer be mixed in, unless they are explicitly marked as `mixin class`. The following existing classes have been made mixin classes: - `Iterable` - `IterableMixin` (now alias for `Iterable`) - `IterableBase` (now alias for `Iterable`) - `ListMixin` - `SetMixin` - `MapMixin` - `LinkedListEntry` - `StringConversionSink` ##### `dart:core` - Added `bool.parse` and `bool.tryParse` static methods. - Added `DateTime.timestamp()` constructor to get current time as UTC. - The type of `RegExpMatch.pattern` is now `RegExp`, not just `Pattern`. - **Breaking change** [#&#8203;49529][]: - Removed the deprecated `List` constructor, as it wasn't null safe. Use list literals (e.g. `[]` for an empty list or `<int>[]` for an empty typed list) or [`List.filled`][List.filled]. - Removed the deprecated `onError` argument on [`int.parse`][int.parse], [`double.parse`][double.parse], and [`num.parse`][num.parse]. Use the [`tryParse`][tryParse] method instead. - Removed the deprecated [`proxy`][proxy] and [`Provisional`][Provisional] annotations. The original `proxy` annotation has no effect in Dart 2, and the `Provisional` type and [`provisional`][provisional] constant were only used internally during the Dart 2.0 development process. - Removed the deprecated [`Deprecated.expires`][Deprecated.expires] getter. Use [`Deprecated.message`][Deprecated.message] instead. - Removed the deprecated [`CastError`][CastError] error. Use [`TypeError`][TypeError] instead. - Removed the deprecated [`FallThroughError`][FallThroughError] error. The kind of fall-through previously throwing this error was made a compile-time error in Dart 2.0. - Removed the deprecated [`NullThrownError`][NullThrownError] error. This error is never thrown from null safe code. - Removed the deprecated [`AbstractClassInstantiationError`][AbstractClassInstantiationError] error. It was made a compile-time error to call the constructor of an abstract class in Dart 2.0. - Removed the deprecated [`CyclicInitializationError`][CyclicInitializationError]. Cyclic dependencies are no longer detected at runtime in null safe code. Such code will fail in other ways instead, possibly with a StackOverflowError. - Removed the deprecated [`NoSuchMethodError`][NoSuchMethodError] default constructor. Use the [`NoSuchMethodError.withInvocation`][NoSuchMethodError.withInvocation] named constructor instead. - Removed the deprecated [`BidirectionalIterator`][BidirectionalIterator] class. Existing bidirectional iterators can still work, they just don't have a shared supertype locking them to a specific name for moving backwards. - **Breaking change when migrating code to Dart 3.0**: Some changes to platform libraries only affect code when that code is migrated to language version 3.0. - The `Function` type can no longer be implemented, extended or mixed in. Since Dart 2.0 writing `implements Function` has been allowed for backwards compatibility, but it has not had any effect. In Dart 3.0, the `Function` type is `final` and cannot be subtyped, preventing code from mistakenly assuming it works. - The following declarations can only be implemented, not extended: - `Comparable` - `Exception` - `Iterator` - `Pattern` - `Match` - `RegExp` - `RegExpMatch` - `StackTrace` - `StringSink` None of these declarations contained any implementation to inherit, and are marked as `interface` to signify that they are only intended as interfaces. - The following declarations can no longer be implemented or extended: - `MapEntry` - `OutOfMemoryError` - `StackOverflowError` - `Expando` - `WeakReference` - `Finalizer` The `MapEntry` value class is restricted to enable later optimizations. The remaining classes are tightly coupled to the platform and not intended to be subclassed or implemented. [#&#8203;49529]: [`List.filled`]: [`int.parse`]: [`double.parse`]: [`num.parse`]: [`tryParse`]: [`Deprecated.expires`]: [`Deprecated.message`]: [`AbstractClassInstantiationError`]: [`CastError`]: [`FallThroughError`]: [`NoSuchMethodError`]: [`NoSuchMethodError.withInvocation`]: [`CyclicInitializationError`]: [`Provisional`]: [`provisional`]: [`proxy`]: [`CastError`]: [`TypeError`]: [`FallThroughError`]: [`NullThrownError`]: [`AbstractClassInstantiationError`]: [`CyclicInitializationError`]: [`BidirectionalIterator`]: ##### `dart:async` - Added extension member `wait` on iterables and 2-9 tuples of futures. - **Breaking change** [#&#8203;49529][]: - Removed the deprecated [`DeferredLibrary`][DeferredLibrary] class. Use the [`deferred as`][deferred as] import syntax instead. [#&#8203;49529]: [`DeferredLibrary`]: [`deferred as`]: ##### `dart:collection` - Added extension members `nonNulls`, `firstOrNull`, `lastOrNull`, `singleOrNull`, `elementAtOrNull` and `indexed` on `Iterable`s. Also exported from `dart:core`. - Deprecated the `HasNextIterator` class ([#&#8203;50883][]). - **Breaking change when migrating code to Dart 3.0**: Some changes to platform libraries only affect code when it is migrated to language version 3.0. - The following interface can no longer be extended, only implemented: - `Queue` - The following implementation classes can no longer be implemented: - `LinkedList` - `LinkedListEntry` - The following implementation classes can no longer be implemented or extended: - `HasNextIterator` (Also deprecated.) - `HashMap` - `LinkedHashMap` - `HashSet` - `LinkedHashSet` - `DoubleLinkedQueue` - `ListQueue` - `SplayTreeMap` - `SplayTreeSet` [#&#8203;50883]: ##### `dart:developer` - **Breaking change** [#&#8203;49529][]: - Removed the deprecated [`MAX_USER_TAGS`][MAX_USER_TAGS] constant. Use [`maxUserTags`][maxUserTags] instead. - Callbacks passed to `registerExtension` will be run in the zone from which they are registered. - **Breaking change** [#&#8203;50231][]: - Removed the deprecated [`Metrics`][Metrics], [`Metric`][Metric], [`Counter`][Counter], and [`Gauge`][Gauge] classes as they have been broken since Dart 2.0. [#&#8203;49529]: [#&#8203;50231]: [`MAX_USER_TAGS`]: [`maxUserTags`]: [`Metrics`]: [`Metric`]: [`Counter`]: [`Gauge`]: ##### `dart:html` - **Breaking change**: As previously announced, the deprecated `registerElement` and `registerElement2` methods in `Document` and `HtmlDocument` have been removed. See [#&#8203;49536]( for details. ##### `dart:math` - **Breaking change when migrating code to Dart 3.0**: Some changes to platform libraries only affect code when it is migrated to language version 3.0. - The `Random` interface can only be implemented, not extended. ##### `dart:io` - Added `name` and `signalNumber` to the `ProcessSignal` class. - Deprecate `NetworkInterface.listSupported`. Has always returned true since Dart 2.3. - Finalize `httpEnableTimelineLogging` parameter name transition from `enable` to `enabled`. See [#&#8203;43638][]. - Favor IPv4 connections over IPv6 when connecting sockets. See [#&#8203;50868]. - **Breaking change** [#&#8203;51035][]: - Update `NetworkProfiling` to accommodate new `String` ids that are introduced in vm_service:11.0.0 [#&#8203;43638]: [#&#8203;50868]: [#&#8203;51035]: ##### `dart:js_util` - Added several helper functions to access more JavaScript operators, like `delete` and the `typeof` functionality. - `jsify` is now permissive and has inverse semantics to `dartify`. - `jsify` and `dartify` both handle types they understand natively more efficiently. - Signature of `callMethod` has been aligned with the other methods and now takes `Object` instead of `String`. ##### Tools ##### Observatory - Observatory is no longer served by default and users should instead use Dart DevTools. Users requiring specific functionality in Observatory should set the `--serve-observatory` flag. ##### Web Dev Compiler (DDC) - Removed deprecated command line flags `-k`, `--kernel`, and `--dart-sdk`. - The compile time flag `--nativeNonNullAsserts`, which ensures web library APIs are sound in their nullability, is by default set to true in sound mode. For more information on the flag, see [][]. []: ##### dart2js - The compile time flag `--native-null-assertions`, which ensures web library APIs are sound in their nullability, is by default set to true in sound mode, unless `-O3` or higher is passed, in which case they are not checked. For more information on the flag, see [][]. []: ##### Dart2js - Cleanup related to [#&#8203;46100]( the internal dart2js snapshot fails unless it is called from a supported interface, such as `dart compile js`, `flutter build`, or `build_web_compilers`. This is not expected to be a visible change. ##### Formatter - Format `sync*` and `async*` functions with `=>` bodies. - Don't split after `<` in collection literals. - Better indentation of multiline function types inside type argument lists. - Fix bug where parameter metadata wouldn't always split when it should. ##### Analyzer - Most static analysis "hints" are converted to be "warnings," and any remaining hints are intended to be converted soon after the Dart 3.0 release. This means that any (previously) hints reported by `dart analyze` are now considered "fatal" (will result in a non-zero exit code). The previous behavior, where such hints (now warnings) are not fatal, can be achieved by using the `--no-fatal-warnings` flag. This behavior can also be altered, on a code-by-code basis, by [changing the severity of rules] in an analysis options file. - Add static enforcement of the SDK-only `@Since` annotation. When code in a package uses a Dart SDK element annotated with `@Since`, analyzer will report a warning if the package's [Dart SDK constraint] allows versions of Dart which don't include that element. - Protects the Dart Analysis Server against extreme memory usage by limiting the number of plugins per analysis context to 1. (issue \[[#&#8203;50981](]\[]). [changing the severity of rules]: [Dart SDK constraint]: ##### Linter Updates the Linter to `1.35.0`, which includes changes that - add new lints: - `implicit_reopen` - `unnecessary_breaks` - `type_literal_in_constant_pattern` - `invalid_case_patterns` - update existing lints to support patterns and class modifiers - remove support for: - `enable_null_safety` - `invariant_booleans` - `prefer_bool_in_asserts` - `prefer_equal_for_default_values` - `super_goes_last` - fix `unnecessary_parenthesis` false-positives with null-aware expressions. - fix `void_checks` to allow assignments of `Future<dynamic>?` to parameters typed `FutureOr<void>?`. - fix `use_build_context_synchronously` in if conditions. - fix a false positive for `avoid_private_typedef_functions` with generalized type aliases. - update `unnecessary_parenthesis` to detect some doubled parens. - update `void_checks` to allow returning `Never` as void. - update `no_adjacent_strings_in_list` to support set literals and for- and if-elements. - update `avoid_types_as_parameter_names` to handle type variables. - update `avoid_positional_boolean_parameters` to handle typedefs. - update `avoid_redundant_argument_values` to check parameters of redirecting constructors. - improve performance for `prefer_const_literals_to_create_immutables`. - update `use_build_context_synchronously` to check context properties. - improve `unnecessary_parenthesis` support for property accesses and method invocations. - update `unnecessary_parenthesis` to allow parentheses in more null-aware cascade contexts. - update `unreachable_from_main` to track static elements. - update `unnecessary_null_checks` to not report on arguments passed to `Future.value` or `Completer.complete`. - mark `always_use_package_imports` and `prefer_relative_imports` as incompatible rules. - update `only_throw_errors` to not report on `Never`-typed expressions. - update `unnecessary_lambdas` to not report with `late final` variables. - update `avoid_function_literals_in_foreach_calls` to not report with nullable- typed targets. - add new lint: `deprecated_member_use_from_same_package` which replaces the soft-deprecated analyzer hint of the same name. - update `public_member_api_docs` to not require docs on enum constructors. - update `prefer_void_to_null` to not report on as-expressions. ##### Migration tool removal The null safety migration tool (`dart migrate`) has been removed. If you still have code which needs to be migrated to null safety, please run `dart migrate` using Dart version 2.19, before upgrading to Dart version 3.0. ##### Pub - To preserve compatibility with null-safe code pre Dart 3, Pub will interpret a language constraint indicating a language version of `2.12` or higher and an upper bound of `<3.0.0` as `<4.0.0`. For example `>=2.19.2 <3.0.0` will be interpreted as `>=2.19.2 <4.0.0`. - `dart pub publish` will no longer warn about `dependency_overrides`. Dependency overrides only take effect in the root package of a resolution. - `dart pub token add` now verifies that the given token is valid for including in a header according to [RFC 6750 section 2.1]( This means they must contain only the characters: `^[a-zA-Z0-9._~+/=-]+$`. Before a failure would happen when attempting to send the authorization header. - `dart pub get` and related commands will now by default also update the dependencies in the `example` folder (if it exists). Use `--no-example` to avoid this. - On Windows the `PUB_CACHE` has moved to `%LOCALAPPDATA%`, since Dart 2.8 the `PUB_CACHE` has been created in `%LOCALAPPDATA%` when one wasn't present. Hence, this only affects users with a `PUB_CACHE` created by Dart 2.7 or earlier. If you have `path/to/.pub-cache/bin` in `PATH` you may need to update your `PATH`. </details> --- ### Configuration :date: **Schedule**: Branch creation - At any time (no schedule defined), Automerge - At any time (no schedule defined). :vertical_traffic_light: **Automerge**: Disabled by config. Please merge this manually once you are satisfied. :recycle: **Rebasing**: Whenever PR becomes conflicted, or you tick the rebase/retry checkbox. :no_bell: **Ignore**: Close this PR and you won't be reminded about this update again. --- - [ ] <!-- rebase-check -->If you want to rebase/retry this PR, check this box --- This PR has been generated by [Renovate Bot]( <!--renovate-debug:eyJjcmVhdGVkSW5WZXIiOiIzNi45My4xIiwidXBkYXRlZEluVmVyIjoiMzYuOTMuMSIsInRhcmdldEJyYW5jaCI6Im1haW4ifQ==-->
renovator added 1 commit 2023-09-13 08:57:19 +02:00
chore(deps): update dependency dart to v3
Some checks failed
renovate/artifacts Artifact file update failure

⚠️ Artifact update problem

Renovate failed to update an artifact related to this branch. You probably do not want to merge this PR as-is.

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  • any of the package files in this branch needs updating, or
  • the branch becomes conflicted, or
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  • you rename this PR's title to start with "rebase!" to trigger it manually

The artifact failure details are included below:

File name: pubspec.lock
Command failed: flutter pub get --no-precompile
pubspec.yaml has no lower-bound SDK constraint.
You should edit pubspec.yaml to contain an SDK constraint:

  sdk: '^3.1.0'


### :warning: Artifact update problem Renovate failed to update an artifact related to this branch. You probably do not want to merge this PR as-is. :recycle: Renovate will retry this branch, including artifacts, only when one of the following happens: - any of the package files in this branch needs updating, or - the branch becomes conflicted, or - you click the rebase/retry checkbox if found above, or - you rename this PR's title to start with "rebase!" to trigger it manually The artifact failure details are included below: ##### File name: pubspec.lock ``` Command failed: flutter pub get --no-precompile pubspec.yaml has no lower-bound SDK constraint. You should edit pubspec.yaml to contain an SDK constraint: environment: sdk: '^3.1.0' See ```
hernik closed this pull request 2023-09-13 09:03:22 +02:00

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### Renovate Ignore Notification Because you closed this PR without merging, Renovate will ignore this update. You will not get PRs for *any* future `3.x` releases. But if you manually upgrade to `3.x` then Renovate will re-enable `minor` and `patch` updates automatically. If you accidentally closed this PR, or if you changed your mind: rename this PR to get a fresh replacement PR.
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