  • Joined on 2023-09-12
renovator created pull request junkmeal/Peixe#1 2024-08-18 22:10:18 +02:00
Configure Renovate
renovator created branch renovate/configure in junkmeal/Peixe 2024-08-18 22:10:17 +02:00
renovator pushed to renovate/configure at junkmeal/Peixe 2024-08-18 22:10:17 +02:00
8c999cf858 Add renovate.json
renovator pushed to renovate/grouped_list-6.x at hernik/prasule 2024-08-18 21:56:32 +02:00
c168386b37 fix(deps): update dependency grouped_list to v6
2d50509163 Added translation using Weblate (Slovak)
ef52caa836 feat: creating debt scenarios
300f359070 feat!: change app id
6530b58c19 chore: restructure views
Compare 8 commits »
renovator pushed to renovate/very_good_analysis-6.x at hernik/prasule 2024-08-18 21:56:29 +02:00
fc6a0da300 chore(deps): update dependency very_good_analysis to v6
2d50509163 Added translation using Weblate (Slovak)
ef52caa836 feat: creating debt scenarios
300f359070 feat!: change app id
6530b58c19 chore: restructure views
Compare 8 commits »
renovator pushed to renovate/flutter_iconpicker-3.x at hernik/prasule 2024-08-18 21:56:24 +02:00
9fac138386 fix(deps): update dependency flutter_iconpicker to <3.4.7
2d50509163 Added translation using Weblate (Slovak)
ef52caa836 feat: creating debt scenarios
300f359070 feat!: change app id
6530b58c19 chore: restructure views
Compare 8 commits »
renovator commented on pull request hernik/prasule#44 2024-08-18 21:56:09 +02:00
fix(deps): update dependency fl_chart to ^0.68.0

Renovate Ignore Notification

Because you closed this PR without merging, Renovate will ignore this update (^0.68.0). You will get a PR once a newer version is released. To ignore this…

renovator pushed to dev-translations at hernik/prasule 2024-07-19 17:43:33 +02:00
2d50509163 Added translation using Weblate (Slovak)
ef52caa836 feat: creating debt scenarios
300f359070 feat!: change app id
6530b58c19 chore: restructure views
2339739ff8 docs: add badges and remove playstore link
Compare 26 commits »
renovator pushed to renovate/grouped_list-6.x at hernik/prasule 2024-07-18 12:36:59 +02:00
09d2324e78 fix(deps): update dependency grouped_list to v6
renovator pushed to renovate/very_good_analysis-6.x at hernik/prasule 2024-07-18 12:36:56 +02:00
bc731fff3e chore(deps): update dependency very_good_analysis to v6
renovator pushed to renovate/flutter_iconpicker-3.x at hernik/prasule 2024-07-18 12:36:51 +02:00
e68bd611bc fix(deps): update dependency flutter_iconpicker to <3.4.7
renovator pushed to renovate/fl_chart-0.x at hernik/prasule 2024-07-18 12:36:46 +02:00
edbfef9460 fix(deps): update dependency fl_chart to ^0.68.0
renovator created branch renovate/grouped_list-6.x in hernik/ocarina2 2024-07-18 12:31:41 +02:00
renovator created pull request hernik/ocarina2#4 2024-07-18 12:31:41 +02:00
fix(deps): update dependency grouped_list to v6
renovator pushed to renovate/grouped_list-6.x at hernik/ocarina2 2024-07-18 12:31:41 +02:00
732ac1f567 fix(deps): update dependency grouped_list to v6
renovator created branch renovate/very_good_analysis-6.x in hernik/ocarina2 2024-07-18 12:31:37 +02:00
renovator pushed to renovate/very_good_analysis-6.x at hernik/ocarina2 2024-07-18 12:31:37 +02:00
bd053ca6dd chore(deps): update dependency very_good_analysis to v6
renovator created pull request hernik/ocarina2#3 2024-07-18 12:31:36 +02:00
chore(deps): update dependency very_good_analysis to v6
renovator deleted branch renovate/flutter_lints-4.x from hernik/prasule 2024-07-18 12:31:05 +02:00
renovator pushed to renovate/grouped_list-6.x at hernik/prasule 2024-07-18 12:31:04 +02:00
33110bc664 fix(deps): update dependency grouped_list to v6