--- title: Eligible description: How to check if a guild is eligible for an experiment --- # Eligible This section of the documentation will cover how to check if a guild is eligible for an experiment. Accessible on [https://api.discord-experiments.xhyrom.dev/v2/eligible](https://api.discord-experiments.xhyrom.dev/v2/eligible) ## Eligible Object Represents the eligibility of a guild for an experiment **Eligible Structure:** | field | type | description | | --------------------- | --------------------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------- | | eligible | boolean | Whether the guild is eligible for the experiment or not | | bucket * | [bucket](./experiments#population-bucket-object) | The bucket of the guild | | filters | array of [filter](./experiments#population-filter-object) | The filters that haven't been checked | | is_override_formatted | boolean | Whether the guild is in overrides_formatted | \* Includes `id` field - id of the bucket ## Checking eligibility You can check if a guild is eligible for an experiment by sending a POST request to [https://api.discord-experiments.xhyrom.dev/v2/eligible](https://api.discord-experiments.xhyrom.dev/v2/eligible) **Body:** | field | type | description | | ------------- | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------- | | experiment_id | string | The id of the experiment to check eligibility for | | guild * | [guild](https://discord.com/developers/docs/resources/guild#guild-object-guild-structure) | The guild to check eligibility for | \* Only `id`, `features` and `member_count` fields are checked and `id` is required ``` POST https://api.discord-experiments.xhyrom.dev/v2/eligible { "experiment_id": "2023-03_clyde_ai", "guild": { "id": "1046534628577640528", "features": ["COMMUNITY"], "member_count": 100 } } ``` Returns an [eligible object](#eligible-object)