# This hook creates a new PKGDESTDIR with 32bit files for x86_64. # # Variables that can be used in templates: # - lib32depends: if set, 32bit pkg will use this rather than "depends". # - lib32disabled: if set, no 32bit pkg will be created. # - lib32files: additional files to add to the 32bit pkg (abs paths, separated by blanks). # - lib32symlinks: makes a symlink from lib32 to lib of the specified file (basename). # - lib32mode: # * if unset only files for libraries will be copied. # * if set to "full" all files will be copied. hook() { local destdir32=${XBPS_DESTDIR}/${pkgname}-32bit-${version} # By default always enabled unless "lib32disabled" is set. if [ -n "$lib32disabled" ]; then return fi # This hook will only work when building for x86. if [ "$XBPS_TARGET_MACHINE" != "i686" ]; then return fi if [ -z "$lib32mode" ]; then # Library mode, copy only relevant files to new destdir. # # If /usr/lib does not exist don't continue... # except for devel packages, for which empty 32bit package will be created if ! [ -d ${PKGDESTDIR}/usr/lib ] && ! [[ ${pkgname} == *-devel ]]; then return fi mkdir -p ${destdir32}/usr/lib32 if [ -d ${PKGDESTDIR}/usr/lib ]; then cp -a ${PKGDESTDIR}/usr/lib/* ${destdir32}/usr/lib32 fi # Only keep shared libs, static libs, and pkg-config files. find "${destdir32}" -not \( \ -name '*.pc' -or \ -name '*.so' -or \ -name '*.so.*' -or \ -name '*.a' -or \ -name '*.la' -or \ -name '*.o' -or \ -type d \ \) -delete # Remove empty dirs. while IFS= read -r -d '' f; do _dir="${f##${destdir32}}" [ -z "${_dir}" ] && continue rmdir --ignore-fail-on-non-empty -p "$f" &>/dev/null done < <(find ${destdir32} -type d -empty -print0 | sort -uz) # Switch pkg-config files to lib32. if [ -d ${destdir32}/usr/lib32/pkgconfig ]; then sed -e 's,/usr/lib$,/usr/lib32,g' \ -e 's,${exec_prefix}/lib$,${exec_prefix}/lib32,g' \ -i ${destdir32}/usr/lib32/pkgconfig/*.pc fi elif [ "$lib32mode" = "full" ]; then # Full 32bit mode; copy everything to new destdir. mkdir -p ${destdir32} cp -a ${PKGDESTDIR}/. ${destdir32}/ # remove symlink if [ -h ${destdir32}/usr/lib32 ]; then rm ${destdir32}/usr/lib32 fi # if /usr/lib dir exists move it to lib32. if [ -d ${destdir32}/usr/lib ]; then mv ${destdir32}/usr/lib ${destdir32}/usr/lib32 fi fi if [[ ${pkgname} == *-devel ]]; then mkdir -p ${destdir32} fi if [ ! -d ${destdir32} ]; then return fi # Also install additional files set via "lib32files". for f in ${lib32files}; do echo "$pkgver: installing additional files: $f ..." _targetdir=${destdir32}/${f%/*}/ mkdir -p ${_targetdir/\/usr\/lib/\/usr\/lib32} cp -a ${PKGDESTDIR}/${f} ${_targetdir/\/usr\/lib/\/usr\/lib32} done # Additional symlinks to the native libdir. for f in ${lib32symlinks}; do echo "$pkgver: symlinking $f to the native libdir..." if [ "${f%/*}" != "${f}" ]; then mkdir -p ${destdir32}/usr/lib{,32}/${f%/*}/ else mkdir -p ${destdir32}/usr/lib{,32}/ fi ln -sfr ${destdir32}/usr/lib32/$f ${destdir32}/usr/lib/$f done }