require('dotenv').config(); import express from 'express'; import hyttpo, { PayloadMethod } from 'hyttpo'; import Utils from 'hyttpo/dist/js/util/utils'; import { RoleObject } from './constants'; import { verifyKeyMiddleware, InteractionType, InteractionResponseType, InteractionResponseFlags } from 'discord-interactions'; const app = express(); const baseUrl = ''; app.get('/', (req, res) => res.send('lol')) const badFormatting = (res, rolesMax?: boolean) => { res.send({ type: InteractionResponseType.CHANNEL_MESSAGE_WITH_SOURCE, data: { flags: InteractionResponseFlags.EPHEMERAL, content: `${rolesMax ? 'You can have maximum 25 buttons. (5x5)' : 'Bad formatting, generate [here]('}` } }) }'/interactions', verifyKeyMiddleware(process.env.CLIENT_PUBLIC_KEY), async(req, res) => { const interaction = req.body; if (interaction.type === InteractionType.APPLICATION_COMMAND && === 'setup') { const json = Utils.isJSON([0].value) ? JSON.parse([0].value) : null; if (!json) return badFormatting(res); const channelId =; const message = json.message?.toString(); let roles = json.roles; if (!channelId) return badFormatting(res); if (!message) return badFormatting(res); if (!roles || Object.values(json.roles).filter((role: RoleObject) => && role.label).length === 0 || roles.length === 0 || roles.length > 25) return badFormatting(res, roles.length > 25); roles = => { return { type: 2, style: || 2, label: r.label, emoji: { id: null, name: r.emoji }, custom_id: } }) const finalComponents = []; for (let i = 0; i <= roles.length; i += 5) { const row = { type: 1, components: [] } const btnslice = roles.slice(i, i + 5); for (let y = 0; y < btnslice.length; y++) row.components.push(btnslice[y]); finalComponents.push(row); } await hyttpo.request({ method: 'POST', url: `${baseUrl}/channels/${channelId}/messages`, headers: { 'Authorization': `Bot ${process.env.CLIENT_TOKEN}`, 'Content-Type': 'application/json' }, body: JSON.stringify({ content: message, components: finalComponents }) }).catch(e => e) res.send({ type: InteractionResponseType.CHANNEL_MESSAGE_WITH_SOURCE, data: { flags: InteractionResponseFlags.EPHEMERAL, content: 'Done!' } }) } else if (interaction.type === InteractionType.MESSAGE_COMPONENT) { const roleId =; const url = `${baseUrl}/guilds/${interaction.guild_id}/members/${}/roles/${roleId}`; let method = ""; let content = ""; if (!interaction.member.roles.includes(roleId)) { content = `Gave the <@&${roleId}> role!`; method = 'PUT'; } else { content = `Removed the <@&${roleId}> role!`; method = 'DELETE'; } await hyttpo.request({ method: method as PayloadMethod, url, headers: { 'Authorization': `Bot ${process.env.CLIENT_TOKEN}` }, body: JSON.stringify({}) }).catch(e => e); res.send({ type: InteractionResponseType.CHANNEL_MESSAGE_WITH_SOURCE, data: { flags: InteractionResponseFlags.EPHEMERAL, content: content, allowed_mentions: { parse: [] } } }) } }); app.listen(80)