import plugins { id("java") id("org.sonarqube") version "" } val majorVersion = 0 val minorVersion = 1 val patchVersion = determinePatchVersion(project) val commitHash = determineCommitHash(project) allprojects { group = "dev.xhyrom" version = "$majorVersion.$minorVersion.$patchVersion" description = "Incredibly fast, lightweight, and modular plugin that excels across multiple platforms." ext { set("version", "$majorVersion.$minorVersion.$patchVersion+$commitHash") set("description", description) } } subprojects { apply(plugin = "java") apply(plugin = "java-library") repositories { mavenCentral() maven("") maven("") } } fun determinePatchVersion(project: Project): Int { val tagInfo = ByteArrayOutputStream() return try { exec { commandLine("git", "describe", "--tags") standardOutput = tagInfo } val result = tagInfo.toString() if (result.contains("-")) result.split("-")[1].toInt() else 0 } catch (e: Exception) { 0 } } fun determineCommitHash(project: Project): String { val commitHashInfo = ByteArrayOutputStream() exec { commandLine("git", "rev-parse", "--short", "HEAD") standardOutput = commitHashInfo } return commitHashInfo.toString().strip() }