{ "uuid": "commandLauncher@scollins", "name": "Command Launcher", "description": "Lets you to run command-line commands with the click of a button", "comments": "This is a simple multi-instance applet for Cinnamon which allows the user to launch commands as though from a command prompt with the click of a button. Unlike a program launcher, which typically uses a .desktop to launch a program, Command Launcher uses a direct command-line command. This means you can use any command you could use from a terminal (eg run a script, launch program with complicated command-line arguments, etc).", "website": "https://github.com/collinss/Cinnamon-Command-Launcher", "version": "1.4", "contributors": "Stephen Collins - Author", "max-instances": -1, "author": "collinss", "last-edited": 1687771052 }