{ "section-general": { "type": "section", "description": "General" }, "transparency-type": { "type": "combobox", "default": "panel-transparent-with-shadow", "description": "Type of transparency", "options": { "With shadow": "panel-transparent-with-shadow", "Fully transparent": "panel-transparent", "Semi-transparent": "panel-semi-transparent" }, "tooltip": "Choose the type of transparency you want.", "value": "panel-transparent-with-shadow" }, "theme-defined": { "type": "switch", "default": false, "description": "Use current theme styles", "tooltip": "Only for supported themes. Let the theme style the panels instead of using the extension presets. Use this in case the panels transparency is icorrectly set.", "value": false }, "opacify": { "type": "switch", "default": false, "description": "Remove theme transparency (experimental)", "tooltip": "Remove panel transparency when it's not transparent.", "value": true }, "section-filters": { "type": "section", "description": "Filter panels" }, "filters-description": { "type": "label", "description": "Select the panels that will be affected by this extension." }, "panel-top": { "type": "switch", "default": true, "description": "Top panel", "value": true }, "panel-right": { "type": "switch", "default": true, "description": "Right panel", "value": true }, "panel-bottom": { "type": "switch", "default": true, "description": "Bottom panel", "value": true }, "panel-left": { "type": "switch", "default": true, "description": "Left panel", "value": true }, "first-launch": { "type": "generic", "default": true, "value": false }, "__md5__": "e316a2da77a1be6c20a802af8cd5a59f" }