/** Discord 11 + windows 11 emojis */ @import url(https://zuzumi-f.github.io/Discord-11/base.css); @import url(https://zuzumi-f.github.io/Discord-11/release/font/windows11font.css); @import url(https://zuzumi-f.github.io/Discord-11/release/messagebubble11.css); :root { --wallpaper-is: none; /* Wallpaper - Replace de url only */ --blur-size: 24px; /* Amount of blur in pixels [24px is default] */ --opacity-thing: 0.6; /* Value from 0 to 1 [0.6 is default] */ --server-size: 48px; /* The size of the server icons [48px is default] */ /* HSL(Hue, Saturation, Lightness). This values will change the accent color (That blue color in most buttons) */ --H: 199; /* Value only number [199 is default] */ --S: 100%; /* Value in % [100% is default] */ --L: 69%; /* Value in % [69% is default] */ } /** Discolored - colorful SVGs **/ @import url(https://nyri4.github.io/Discolored/support/discolored.theme.css);