diff --git a/.config/nvim/after/plugin/presence.lua b/.config/nvim/after/plugin/presence.lua index f46b0d2..fbdf8e2 100644 --- a/.config/nvim/after/plugin/presence.lua +++ b/.config/nvim/after/plugin/presence.lua @@ -3,7 +3,6 @@ require("presence").setup({ neovim_image_text = "Neovim", -- Text displayed when hovered over the Neovim image main_image = "neovim", -- Main image display (either "neovim" or "file") client_id = "793271441293967371", -- Use your own Discord application client id (not recommended) - log_level = "debug", -- Log messages at or above this level (one of the following: "debug", "info", "warn", "error") debounce_timeout = 10, -- Number of seconds to debounce events (or calls to `:lua package.loaded.presence:update(, true)`) enable_line_number = false, -- Displays the current line number instead of the current project blacklist = {}, -- A list of strings or Lua patterns that disable Rich Presence if the current file name, path, or workspace matches diff --git a/.config/openbox/autostart b/.config/openbox/autostart deleted file mode 100644 index aa1ae79..0000000 --- a/.config/openbox/autostart +++ /dev/null @@ -1,7 +0,0 @@ -tint2 & -xcompmgr & -xwallpaper --zoom ~/Pictures/Th0q7eQ.jpg -xrandr --output eDP-1 --auto --output HDMI-1 --mode 1920x1080 --rate 144 --primary --left-of eDP-1 -xbindkeys -xinput --set-prop "pointer:Razer Razer DeathAdder Essential" "libinput Accel Speed" -0.85 -eval $(dbus-launch --sh-syntax --exit-with-session) diff --git a/.config/openbox/autostartdupmon b/.config/openbox/autostartdupmon deleted file mode 100644 index 762954f..0000000 --- a/.config/openbox/autostartdupmon +++ /dev/null @@ -1,5 +0,0 @@ -tint2 & -xcompmgr & -nitrogen --restore -xrandr --output eDP --auto --primary --output HDMI-A-0 --same-as eDP -xbindkeys diff --git a/.config/openbox/menu.xml b/.config/openbox/menu.xml deleted file mode 100644 index 541a249..0000000 --- a/.config/openbox/menu.xml +++ /dev/null @@ -1,85 +0,0 @@ - - - - - - - - nvim - - yes - nvim - - - - - idea - - - zed - - - - - - modrinth-app - - - - - - kitty - - - - - - - google-chrome-stable - - yes - Chrome - - - - - - vesktop - - yes - Discord - - - - - - - - - obconf - yes - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - yes - - - - - diff --git a/.config/openbox/rc.xml b/.config/openbox/rc.xml deleted file mode 100644 index d6ef8a0..0000000 --- a/.config/openbox/rc.xml +++ /dev/null @@ -1,794 +0,0 @@ - - - - - 10 - 20 - - - yes - - no - - yes - - no - - 200 - - no - - - - Smart - -
- - Mouse - - Active - -
- - Prismatic-Night - NLIMC - - yes - yes - - sans - 8 - - bold - - normal - - - - sans - 8 - - bold - - normal - - - - sans - 9 - - normal - - normal - - - - sans - 9 - - normal - - normal - - - - sans - 9 - - bold - - normal - - - - sans - 9 - - bold - - normal - - - - - - 4 - 1 - - - - 875 - - - - yes - Nonpixel - - Center - - - - 10 - - 10 - - - - - - 0 - 0 - 0 - 0 - - - TopLeft - - 0 - 0 - no - Above - - Vertical - - no - 300 - - 300 - - Middle - - - - C-g - - - - left - no - - - - - right - no - - - - - up - no - - - - - down - no - - - - - left - no - - - - - right - no - - - - - up - no - - - - - down - no - - - - - 1 - - - - - 2 - - - - - 3 - - - - - 4 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - client-menu - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - yes - yes - - - - - - - - - - - right - - - - - left - - - - - up - - - - - down - - - - - scrot '/tmp/%F_%T_$wx$h.png' -e 'xclip -selection clipboard -target image/png -i $f' - - - - - scrot '/tmp/%F_%T_$wx$h.png' -s -e 'xclip -selection clipboard -target image/png -i $f' - - - - - - - true - Konqueror - - kfmclient openProfile filemanagement - - - - - 1 - - 500 - - 400 - - false - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - previous - - - - - next - - - - - previous - - - - - next - - - - - previous - - - - - next - - - - - - - - - - - - - no - - - - - - - - - - - yes - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - client-menu - - - - - - - top - - - - - - - left - - - - - - - right - - - - - - - bottom - - - - - - - client-menu - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - client-menu - - - - - - - client-menu - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - vertical - - - - - horizontal - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - previous - - - - - next - - - - - previous - - - - - next - - - - - previous - - - - - next - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - client-list-combined-menu - - - - - root-menu - - - - - - - previous - - - - - next - - - - - previous - - - - - next - - - - - - - - menu.xml - 200 - - no - - 100 - - 400 - - yes - - yes - - - - - -
diff --git a/.config/sway/config b/.config/sway/config new file mode 100644 index 0000000..87afb16 --- /dev/null +++ b/.config/sway/config @@ -0,0 +1,54 @@ +include ~/.config/sway/*.swayconf + +# background +output * bg ~/Pictures/Th0q7eQ.jpg fill + +# effects +default_border normal 5 + +blur enable +shadows enable +corner_radius 10 +gaps inner 10 + +layer_effects "panel" { + blur enable + shadows enable + corner_radius 10 +} + +# colors +client.focused #282828 #282828 #ffffff #282828 +client.focused_inactive #181818 #181818 #ffffff #181818 +client.unfocused #181818 #181818 #ffffff #181818 +client.urgent #fe4f58 #fe4f58 #181818 #fe4f58 + +# window +font pango:FiraCode Nerd Font Mono 12 +for_window [title="."] title_format "%title" + +# input +input * { + xkb_layout sk + xkb_numlock enabled +} + +# bar +bar { + font pango:FiraCode Nerd Font Mono 12 + position top + gaps 10px + wrap_scroll yes + + status_command while ~/.config/sway/status.sh; do sleep 1; done + + colors { + background #282828 + statusline #ffffff + focused_workspace #181818 #181818 #ffffff + inactive_workspace #282828 #282828 #ffffff + urgent_workspace #fe4f58 #fe4f58 #181818 + } +} + +include /etc/sway/config.d/* diff --git a/.config/sway/exec.swayconf b/.config/sway/exec.swayconf new file mode 100644 index 0000000..612ba45 --- /dev/null +++ b/.config/sway/exec.swayconf @@ -0,0 +1,18 @@ +# gtk themes +exec_always { + gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.interface gtk-theme "Adwaita-dark" + gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.interface cursor-theme "Bibata-Modern-Classic" +} + +# audio +exec pipewire + +# applets +exec nm-applet +exec blueman-applet + +# auto lock + auto sleep +exec swayidle -w \ + timeout 120 'swaylock -f' \ + timeout 300 'swaymsg "output * dpms off"' resume 'swaymsg "output * dpms on"' \ + before-sleep 'swaylock -f' diff --git a/.config/sway/keys.swayconf b/.config/sway/keys.swayconf new file mode 100644 index 0000000..f95291c --- /dev/null +++ b/.config/sway/keys.swayconf @@ -0,0 +1,81 @@ +set $mod Mod1 +set $menu bemenu-run + +# window moving +floating_modifier $mod normal + +# menu +bindsym $mod+p exec $menu + +# volume settings +bindsym XF86AudioRaiseVolume exec \ + pactl set-sink-volume @DEFAULT_SINK@ +1000 +bindsym XF86AudioLowerVolume exec \ + pactl set-sink-volume @DEFAULT_SINK@ -1000 +bindsym XF86AudioMute exec \ + pactl set-sink-mute @DEFAULT_SINK@ toggle +bindsym XF86AudioMicMute exec \ + pactl set-source-mute @DEFAULT_SOURCE@ toggle + +# kill, reload +bindsym { + $mod+Shift+c kill + $mod+Shift+r reload + $mod+Shift+e exec \ + swaynag -t warning -m 'You pressed the exit shortcut. Do you really want to exit sway? This will end your Wayland session.' -B 'Yes, exit sway' 'swaymsg exit' +} + +# focus +bindsym { + $mod+Left focus left + $mod+Down focus down + $mod+Up focus up + $mod+Right focus right +} + +# move +bindsym { + $mod+Shift+Left move left + $mod+Shift+Down move down + $mod+Shift+Up move up + $mod+Shift+Right move right +} + +# workspace (by codes due to SK layout) +bindcode { + $mod+10 workspace number 1 + $mod+11 workspace number 2 + $mod+12 workspace number 3 + $mod+13 workspace number 4 + $mod+14 workspace number 5 + $mod+15 workspace number 6 + $mod+16 workspace number 7 + + $mod+Shift+10 move container to workspace number 1 + $mod+Shift+11 move container to workspace number 2 + $mod+Shift+12 move container to workspace number 3 + $mod+Shift+13 move container to workspace number 4 + $mod+Shift+14 move container to workspace number 5 + $mod+Shift+15 move container to workspace number 6 + $mod+Shift+16 move container to workspace number 7 +} + +# split +bindsym $mod+b splith +bindsym $mod+v splitv + +# layout +bindsym { + $mod+s layout stacking + $mod+w layout tabbed + $mod+e layout toggle split +} + +# other +bindsym $mod+f fullscreen + +bindsym $mod+Shift+space floating toggle + +bindsym $mod+space focus mode_toggle + +bindsym $mod+a focus parent diff --git a/.config/sway/status.sh b/.config/sway/status.sh new file mode 100755 index 0000000..9dfc8f2 --- /dev/null +++ b/.config/sway/status.sh @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +#!/bin/sh + +echo "$(date +"%H:%M:%S | %a, %d %B")" diff --git a/.config/swaylock/config b/.config/swaylock/config new file mode 100644 index 0000000..f9c9b44 --- /dev/null +++ b/.config/swaylock/config @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +color=#11111b +ignore-empty-password +daemonize diff --git a/.config/tint2/icons/file-manager.png b/.config/tint2/icons/file-manager.png deleted file mode 100644 index 2765baa..0000000 Binary files a/.config/tint2/icons/file-manager.png and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.config/tint2/icons/firefox.png b/.config/tint2/icons/firefox.png deleted file mode 100644 index cb2203d..0000000 Binary files a/.config/tint2/icons/firefox.png and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.config/tint2/icons/gpick.png b/.config/tint2/icons/gpick.png deleted file mode 100644 index 571b1ca..0000000 Binary files a/.config/tint2/icons/gpick.png and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.config/tint2/icons/inkscape.png b/.config/tint2/icons/inkscape.png deleted file mode 100644 index 65e39dc..0000000 Binary files a/.config/tint2/icons/inkscape.png and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.config/tint2/icons/mail.png b/.config/tint2/icons/mail.png deleted file mode 100644 index 424d0b2..0000000 Binary files a/.config/tint2/icons/mail.png and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.config/tint2/icons/music.png b/.config/tint2/icons/music.png deleted file mode 100644 index 1211c8b..0000000 Binary files a/.config/tint2/icons/music.png and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.config/tint2/icons/power.png b/.config/tint2/icons/power.png deleted file mode 100644 index 77f0bd5..0000000 Binary files a/.config/tint2/icons/power.png and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.config/tint2/icons/synaptic.png b/.config/tint2/icons/synaptic.png deleted file mode 100644 index 33fdfbe..0000000 Binary files a/.config/tint2/icons/synaptic.png and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.config/tint2/icons/terminal.png b/.config/tint2/icons/terminal.png deleted file mode 100644 index 9352d1e..0000000 Binary files a/.config/tint2/icons/terminal.png and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.config/tint2/icons/text-editor.png b/.config/tint2/icons/text-editor.png deleted file mode 100644 index d8731be..0000000 Binary files a/.config/tint2/icons/text-editor.png and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.config/tint2/icons/vscode.png b/.config/tint2/icons/vscode.png deleted file mode 100644 index 249fd60..0000000 Binary files a/.config/tint2/icons/vscode.png and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.config/tint2/tint2rc b/.config/tint2/tint2rc deleted file mode 100644 index 4dcb8d0..0000000 --- a/.config/tint2/tint2rc +++ /dev/null @@ -1,521 +0,0 @@ -#---- Generated by tint2conf 8904 ---- -# See https://gitlab.com/o9000/tint2/wikis/Configure for -# full documentation of the configuration options. -#------------------------------------- -# Gradients -# Gradient 1 -gradient = horizontal -start_color = #f4847e 100 -end_color = #e2d58e 100 - -# Gradient 2 -gradient = horizontal -start_color = #ab433d 100 -end_color = #bfab3c 100 - -#------------------------------------- -# Backgrounds -# Background 1: Active task -rounded = 0 -border_width = 2 -border_sides = B -border_content_tint_weight = 0 -background_content_tint_weight = 0 -background_color = #131417 0 -border_color = #9c27b0 100 -gradient_id = 0 -background_color_hover = #434950 0 -border_color_hover = #ce33e8 100 -gradient_id_hover = 0 -background_color_pressed = #000000 0 -border_color_pressed = #832094 100 -gradient_id_pressed = 0 - -# Background 2: Active desktop name -rounded = 7 -border_width = 2 -border_sides = -border_content_tint_weight = 2 -background_content_tint_weight = 0 -background_color = #f67e7d 100 -border_color = #f67e7d 100 -gradient_id = 0 -background_color_hover = #387970 100 -border_color_hover = #00dcff 57 -background_color_pressed = #d8d8d8 30 -border_color_pressed = #d8d8d8 30 - -# Background 3: Iconified task -rounded = 0 -border_width = 2 -border_sides = B -border_content_tint_weight = 0 -background_content_tint_weight = 0 -background_color = #000000 0 -border_color = #593bb7 73 -background_color_hover = #000000 0 -border_color_hover = #8161d7 100 -background_color_pressed = #000000 0 -border_color_pressed = #000000 0 - -# Background 4: Urgent task -rounded = 0 -border_width = 2 -border_sides = B -border_content_tint_weight = 0 -background_content_tint_weight = 0 -background_color = #888888 20 -border_color = #ec013f 60 -background_color_hover = #888888 20 -border_color_hover = #ed2323 60 -background_color_pressed = #888888 20 -border_color_pressed = #ed2323 60 - -# Background 5: Inactive taskbar -rounded = 2 -border_width = 1 -border_sides = TBLR -border_content_tint_weight = 0 -background_content_tint_weight = 0 -background_color = #000000 0 -border_color = #000000 0 -background_color_hover = #000000 0 -border_color_hover = #000000 0 -background_color_pressed = #000000 0 -border_color_pressed = #000000 0 - -# Background 6: Active taskbar -rounded = 2 -border_width = 1 -border_sides = TBLR -border_content_tint_weight = 0 -background_content_tint_weight = 0 -background_color = #000000 0 -border_color = #d8d8d8 0 -background_color_hover = #d8d8d8 8 -border_color_hover = #d8d8d8 0 -background_color_pressed = #d8d8d8 0 -border_color_pressed = #d8d8d8 0 - -# Background 7: Default task, Normal task -rounded = 0 -border_width = 2 -border_sides = B -border_content_tint_weight = 0 -background_content_tint_weight = 0 -background_color = #cecece 0 -border_color = #9575cd 73 -background_color_hover = #222222 0 -border_color_hover = #9a78d4 90 -background_color_pressed = #222222 90 -border_color_pressed = #222222 90 - -# Background 8: Clock, Panel, Systray, Tooltip -rounded = 2 -border_width = 0 -border_sides = -border_content_tint_weight = 0 -background_content_tint_weight = 0 -background_color = #1a2125 100 -border_color = #000000 0 -background_color_hover = #000000 0 -border_color_hover = #000000 0 -background_color_pressed = #000000 0 -border_color_pressed = #000000 0 - -# Background 9: Inactive desktop name -rounded = 2 -border_width = 2 -border_sides = TBLR -border_content_tint_weight = 0 -background_content_tint_weight = 0 -background_color = #462f57 100 -border_color = #584671 100 -background_color_hover = #202326 100 -border_color_hover = #9775c7 71 -background_color_pressed = #d8d8d8 30 -border_color_pressed = #d8d8d8 30 - -# Background 10: -rounded = 2 -border_width = 2 -border_sides = TBLR -border_content_tint_weight = 0 -background_content_tint_weight = 0 -background_color = #951311 100 -border_color = #b42016 100 -background_color_hover = #212528 0 -border_color_hover = #9775c7 71 -background_color_pressed = #d8d8d8 30 -border_color_pressed = #d8d8d8 30 - -# Background 11: Button -rounded = 1 -border_width = 0 -border_sides = TBLR -border_content_tint_weight = 0 -background_content_tint_weight = 0 -background_color = #191c1e 0 -border_color = #9775c7 0 -background_color_hover = #181a1c 0 -border_color_hover = #9775c7 0 -background_color_pressed = #d8d8d8 0 -border_color_pressed = #d8d8d8 30 - -# Background 12: -rounded = 0 -border_width = 0 -border_sides = -border_content_tint_weight = 0 -background_content_tint_weight = 0 -background_color = #191c1e 0 -border_color = #9775c7 0 -background_color_hover = #000000 100 -border_color_hover = #9775c7 0 -background_color_pressed = #d8d8d8 30 -border_color_pressed = #d8d8d8 30 - -# Background 13: -rounded = 14 -border_width = 0 -border_sides = -border_content_tint_weight = 0 -background_content_tint_weight = 0 -background_color = #434950 100 -border_color = #828282 0 -gradient_id = 0 -background_color_hover = #000000 57 -border_color_hover = #828282 0 -gradient_id_hover = 0 -background_color_pressed = #000000 40 -border_color_pressed = #1a1c1f 100 - -#------------------------------------- -# Panel -panel_items = :SCTPPPPPPPPPP: -panel_size = 100% 28 -panel_margin = 0 0 -panel_padding = 0 0 5 -panel_background_id = 8 -wm_menu = 1 -panel_dock = 0 -panel_pivot_struts = 0 -panel_position = top center horizontal -panel_layer = normal -panel_monitor = all -panel_shrink = 0 -autohide = 0 -autohide_show_timeout = 0.3 -autohide_hide_timeout = 1.5 -autohide_height = 6 -strut_policy = follow_size -panel_window_name = tint2 -disable_transparency = 0 -mouse_effects = 1 -font_shadow = 0 -mouse_hover_icon_asb = 100 0 10 -mouse_pressed_icon_asb = 82 6 0 -scale_relative_to_dpi = 0 -scale_relative_to_screen_height = 0 - -#------------------------------------- -# Taskbar -taskbar_mode = multi_desktop -taskbar_hide_if_empty = 1 -taskbar_padding = 6 0 2 -taskbar_background_id = 5 -taskbar_active_background_id = 6 -taskbar_name = 0 -taskbar_hide_inactive_tasks = 0 -taskbar_hide_different_monitor = 0 -taskbar_hide_different_desktop = 0 -taskbar_always_show_all_desktop_tasks = 0 -taskbar_name_padding = 6 4 -taskbar_name_background_id = 9 -taskbar_name_active_background_id = 2 -taskbar_name_font = Terminus 9 -taskbar_name_font_color = #7e62b0 100 -taskbar_name_active_font_color = #00ad96 100 -taskbar_distribute_size = 1 -taskbar_sort_order = none -task_align = center - -#------------------------------------- -# Task -task_text = 1 -task_icon = 0 -task_centered = 1 -urgent_nb_of_blink = 20 -task_maximum_size = 180 30 -task_padding = 10 1 3 -task_font = Iosevka Semibold 10 -task_tooltip = 0 -task_thumbnail = 0 -task_thumbnail_size = 24 -task_font_color = #828282 60 -task_active_font_color = #f4f4f4 100 -task_urgent_font_color = #ffffff 100 -task_iconified_font_color = #d8d8d8 60 -task_icon_asb = 80 0 0 -task_active_icon_asb = 100 0 0 -task_urgent_icon_asb = 100 0 0 -task_iconified_icon_asb = 80 0 0 -task_background_id = 7 -task_normal_background_id = 7 -task_active_background_id = 1 -task_urgent_background_id = 4 -task_iconified_background_id = 3 -mouse_left = toggle_iconify -mouse_middle = none -mouse_right = close -mouse_scroll_up = toggle -mouse_scroll_down = iconify - -#------------------------------------- -# System tray (notification area) -systray_padding = 0 0 6 -systray_background_id = 8 -systray_sort = right2left -systray_icon_size = 16 -systray_icon_asb = 100 0 0 -systray_monitor = primary -systray_name_filter = - -#------------------------------------- -# Launcher -launcher_padding = 0 0 0 -launcher_background_id = 0 -launcher_icon_background_id = 0 -launcher_icon_size = 0 -launcher_icon_asb = 100 0 0 -launcher_icon_theme_override = 0 -startup_notifications = 0 -launcher_tooltip = 0 - -#------------------------------------- -# Clock -time1_format = %d %b %a %I:%M %p -time2_format = -time1_font = Iosevka Semibold 10 -time1_timezone = -time2_timezone = -clock_font_color = #ec9fac 100 -clock_padding = 5 4 -clock_background_id = 8 -clock_tooltip = -clock_tooltip_timezone = -clock_lclick_command = gsimplecal -clock_rclick_command = gsimplecal -clock_mclick_command = -clock_uwheel_command = -clock_dwheel_command = - -#------------------------------------- -# Battery -battery_tooltip = 1 -battery_low_status = 20 -battery_low_cmd = notify-send "battery low" -battery_full_cmd = -bat1_font = Iosevka Semibold 10 -bat2_font = Iosevka Semibold 10 -battery_font_color = #b5b5b5 100 -bat1_format = -bat2_format = -battery_padding = 2 0 -battery_background_id = 0 -battery_hide = 101 -battery_lclick_command = -battery_rclick_command = -battery_mclick_command = -battery_uwheel_command = -battery_dwheel_command = -ac_connected_cmd = -ac_disconnected_cmd = - -#------------------------------------- -# Separator 1 -separator = new -separator_background_id = 0 -separator_color = #777777 0 -separator_style = dots -separator_size = 3 -separator_padding = 0 0 - -#------------------------------------- -# Separator 2 -separator = new -separator_background_id = 0 -separator_color = #777777 80 -separator_style = empty -separator_size = 3 -separator_padding = 0 0 - -#------------------------------------- -# Button 1 -button = new -button_icon = /home/hyro/.config/tint2/icons/firefox.png -button_text = -button_lclick_command = firefox -button_rclick_command = -button_mclick_command = -button_uwheel_command = -button_dwheel_command = -button_font_color = #000000 100 -button_padding = 2 0 -button_background_id = 11 -button_centered = 0 -button_max_icon_size = 16 - -#------------------------------------- -# Button 2 -button = new -button_icon = /home/hyro/.config/tint2/icons/text-editor.png -button_text = -button_lclick_command = nvim -button_rclick_command = -button_mclick_command = -button_uwheel_command = -button_dwheel_command = -button_font_color = #000000 100 -button_padding = 2 0 -button_background_id = 11 -button_centered = 0 -button_max_icon_size = 16 - -#------------------------------------- -# Button 3 -button = new -button_icon = /home/hyro/.config/tint2/icons/terminal.png -button_text = -button_lclick_command = kitty -button_rclick_command = -button_mclick_command = -button_uwheel_command = -button_dwheel_command = -button_font_color = #000000 100 -button_padding = 2 0 -button_background_id = 11 -button_centered = 0 -button_max_icon_size = 16 - -#------------------------------------- -# Button 4 -button = new -button_icon = /home/hyro/.config/tint2/icons/vscode.png -button_text = -button_lclick_command = code -button_rclick_command = -button_mclick_command = -button_uwheel_command = -button_dwheel_command = -button_font_color = #000000 100 -button_padding = 2 0 -button_background_id = 0 -button_centered = 1 -button_max_icon_size = 16 - -#------------------------------------- -# Button 5 -button = new -button_icon = /home/hyro/.config/tint2/icons/synaptic.png -button_text = -button_lclick_command = synaptic-pkexec -button_rclick_command = -button_mclick_command = -button_uwheel_command = -button_dwheel_command = -button_font_color = #000000 100 -button_padding = 2 0 -button_background_id = 11 -button_centered = 0 -button_max_icon_size = 16 - -#------------------------------------- -# Button 6 -button = new -button_icon = /home/hyro/.config/tint2/icons/file-manager.png -button_text = -button_lclick_command = nemo -button_rclick_command = -button_mclick_command = -button_uwheel_command = -button_dwheel_command = -button_font_color = #000000 100 -button_padding = 2 0 -button_background_id = 11 -button_centered = 0 -button_max_icon_size = 16 - -#------------------------------------- -# Button 7 -button = new -button_icon = /home/hyro/.config/tint2/icons/mail.png -button_text = -button_lclick_command = thunderbird -button_rclick_command = -button_mclick_command = -button_uwheel_command = -button_dwheel_command = -button_font_color = #000000 100 -button_padding = 2 0 -button_background_id = 11 -button_centered = 1 -button_max_icon_size = 16 - -#------------------------------------- -# Button 8 -button = new -button_icon = /home/hyro/.config/tint2/icons/music.png -button_text = -button_lclick_command = urxvt -e ncmpcpp -button_rclick_command = -button_mclick_command = -button_uwheel_command = -button_dwheel_command = -button_font_color = #000000 100 -button_padding = 2 0 -button_background_id = 11 -button_centered = 0 -button_max_icon_size = 16 - -#------------------------------------- -# Button 9 -button = new -button_icon = /home/hyro/.config/tint2/icons/gpick.png -button_text = -button_lclick_command = gpick -button_rclick_command = -button_mclick_command = -button_uwheel_command = -button_dwheel_command = -button_font_color = #000000 100 -button_padding = 2 0 -button_background_id = 11 -button_centered = 0 -button_max_icon_size = 16 - -#------------------------------------- -# Button 10 -button = new -button_icon = /home/hyro/.config/tint2/icons/power.png -button_text = -button_lclick_command = bl-exit -button_rclick_command = -button_mclick_command = -button_uwheel_command = -button_dwheel_command = -button_font_color = #000000 100 -button_padding = 2 0 -button_background_id = 11 -button_centered = 0 -button_max_icon_size = 16 - -#------------------------------------- -# Tooltip -tooltip_show_timeout = 0 -tooltip_hide_timeout = 0 -tooltip_padding = 2 2 -tooltip_background_id = 8 -tooltip_font_color = #d8d8d8 100 -tooltip_font = Iosevka Semibold 10 - diff --git a/.icons/Bibata-Modern-Classic/cursor.theme b/.icons/Bibata-Modern-Classic/cursor.theme new file mode 100644 index 0000000..97d753e --- /dev/null +++ b/.icons/Bibata-Modern-Classic/cursor.theme @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +[Icon Theme] +Name=Bibata-Modern-Classic +Inherits="Bibata-Modern-Classic" \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/.icons/Bibata-Modern-Classic/cursors/00000000000000020006000e7e9ffc3f 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b/.icons/Bibata-Modern-Classic/cursors/col-resize new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b4b39ba Binary files /dev/null and b/.icons/Bibata-Modern-Classic/cursors/col-resize differ diff --git a/.icons/Bibata-Modern-Classic/cursors/color-picker b/.icons/Bibata-Modern-Classic/cursors/color-picker new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ca157a1 Binary files /dev/null and b/.icons/Bibata-Modern-Classic/cursors/color-picker differ diff --git a/.icons/Bibata-Modern-Classic/cursors/context-menu b/.icons/Bibata-Modern-Classic/cursors/context-menu new file mode 100644 index 0000000..57e79c6 Binary files /dev/null and b/.icons/Bibata-Modern-Classic/cursors/context-menu differ diff --git a/.icons/Bibata-Modern-Classic/cursors/copy b/.icons/Bibata-Modern-Classic/cursors/copy new file mode 100644 index 0000000..5bc856e Binary files /dev/null and b/.icons/Bibata-Modern-Classic/cursors/copy differ diff --git a/.icons/Bibata-Modern-Classic/cursors/cross b/.icons/Bibata-Modern-Classic/cursors/cross new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d068dda Binary files /dev/null and b/.icons/Bibata-Modern-Classic/cursors/cross differ diff --git a/.icons/Bibata-Modern-Classic/cursors/cross_reverse b/.icons/Bibata-Modern-Classic/cursors/cross_reverse new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d068dda Binary files /dev/null and b/.icons/Bibata-Modern-Classic/cursors/cross_reverse differ diff --git a/.icons/Bibata-Modern-Classic/cursors/crossed_circle b/.icons/Bibata-Modern-Classic/cursors/crossed_circle new file mode 100644 index 0000000..6ff5b5a Binary files /dev/null and b/.icons/Bibata-Modern-Classic/cursors/crossed_circle differ diff --git a/.icons/Bibata-Modern-Classic/cursors/crosshair b/.icons/Bibata-Modern-Classic/cursors/crosshair new file mode 100644 index 0000000..9f1a175 Binary files /dev/null and b/.icons/Bibata-Modern-Classic/cursors/crosshair differ diff --git a/.icons/Bibata-Modern-Classic/cursors/d9ce0ab605698f320427677b458ad60b 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b/.icons/Bibata-Modern-Classic/cursors/dnd-copy new file mode 100644 index 0000000..3d420fc Binary files /dev/null and b/.icons/Bibata-Modern-Classic/cursors/dnd-copy differ diff --git a/.icons/Bibata-Modern-Classic/cursors/dnd-link b/.icons/Bibata-Modern-Classic/cursors/dnd-link new file mode 100644 index 0000000..440d47a Binary files /dev/null and b/.icons/Bibata-Modern-Classic/cursors/dnd-link differ diff --git a/.icons/Bibata-Modern-Classic/cursors/dnd-move b/.icons/Bibata-Modern-Classic/cursors/dnd-move new file mode 100644 index 0000000..7783f9f Binary files /dev/null and b/.icons/Bibata-Modern-Classic/cursors/dnd-move differ diff --git a/.icons/Bibata-Modern-Classic/cursors/dnd-none b/.icons/Bibata-Modern-Classic/cursors/dnd-none new file mode 100644 index 0000000..7783f9f Binary files /dev/null and b/.icons/Bibata-Modern-Classic/cursors/dnd-none differ diff --git a/.icons/Bibata-Modern-Classic/cursors/dnd_no_drop b/.icons/Bibata-Modern-Classic/cursors/dnd_no_drop new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ce4fbd3 Binary files /dev/null and b/.icons/Bibata-Modern-Classic/cursors/dnd_no_drop differ diff --git a/.icons/Bibata-Modern-Classic/cursors/dot_box_mask b/.icons/Bibata-Modern-Classic/cursors/dot_box_mask new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b00315c Binary files /dev/null and b/.icons/Bibata-Modern-Classic/cursors/dot_box_mask differ diff --git a/.icons/Bibata-Modern-Classic/cursors/dotbox b/.icons/Bibata-Modern-Classic/cursors/dotbox new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b00315c Binary files /dev/null and b/.icons/Bibata-Modern-Classic/cursors/dotbox differ diff --git a/.icons/Bibata-Modern-Classic/cursors/double_arrow b/.icons/Bibata-Modern-Classic/cursors/double_arrow new file mode 100644 index 0000000..9d57572 Binary files /dev/null and b/.icons/Bibata-Modern-Classic/cursors/double_arrow differ diff --git a/.icons/Bibata-Modern-Classic/cursors/down-arrow b/.icons/Bibata-Modern-Classic/cursors/down-arrow new file mode 100644 index 0000000..45aee73 Binary files 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b/.icons/Bibata-Modern-Classic/cursors/draped_box differ diff --git a/.icons/Bibata-Modern-Classic/cursors/e-resize b/.icons/Bibata-Modern-Classic/cursors/e-resize new file mode 100644 index 0000000..22f55ff Binary files /dev/null and b/.icons/Bibata-Modern-Classic/cursors/e-resize differ diff --git a/.icons/Bibata-Modern-Classic/cursors/e29285e634086352946a0e7090d73106 b/.icons/Bibata-Modern-Classic/cursors/e29285e634086352946a0e7090d73106 new file mode 100644 index 0000000..04d670e Binary files /dev/null and b/.icons/Bibata-Modern-Classic/cursors/e29285e634086352946a0e7090d73106 differ diff --git a/.icons/Bibata-Modern-Classic/cursors/ew-resize b/.icons/Bibata-Modern-Classic/cursors/ew-resize new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b4b39ba Binary files /dev/null and b/.icons/Bibata-Modern-Classic/cursors/ew-resize differ diff --git a/.icons/Bibata-Modern-Classic/cursors/fcf1c3c7cd4491d801f1e1c78f100000 b/.icons/Bibata-Modern-Classic/cursors/fcf1c3c7cd4491d801f1e1c78f100000 new file mode 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b/.icons/Bibata-Modern-Classic/cursors/forbidden new file mode 100644 index 0000000..1f69b80 Binary files /dev/null and b/.icons/Bibata-Modern-Classic/cursors/forbidden differ diff --git a/.icons/Bibata-Modern-Classic/cursors/grab b/.icons/Bibata-Modern-Classic/cursors/grab new file mode 100644 index 0000000..bcdc232 Binary files /dev/null and b/.icons/Bibata-Modern-Classic/cursors/grab differ diff --git a/.icons/Bibata-Modern-Classic/cursors/grabbing b/.icons/Bibata-Modern-Classic/cursors/grabbing new file mode 100644 index 0000000..7783f9f Binary files /dev/null and b/.icons/Bibata-Modern-Classic/cursors/grabbing differ diff --git a/.icons/Bibata-Modern-Classic/cursors/h_double_arrow b/.icons/Bibata-Modern-Classic/cursors/h_double_arrow new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b4b39ba Binary files /dev/null and b/.icons/Bibata-Modern-Classic/cursors/h_double_arrow differ diff --git a/.icons/Bibata-Modern-Classic/cursors/hand1 b/.icons/Bibata-Modern-Classic/cursors/hand1 new file mode 100644 index 0000000..bcdc232 Binary files /dev/null and b/.icons/Bibata-Modern-Classic/cursors/hand1 differ diff --git a/.icons/Bibata-Modern-Classic/cursors/hand2 b/.icons/Bibata-Modern-Classic/cursors/hand2 new file mode 100644 index 0000000..04d670e Binary files /dev/null and b/.icons/Bibata-Modern-Classic/cursors/hand2 differ diff --git a/.icons/Bibata-Modern-Classic/cursors/help b/.icons/Bibata-Modern-Classic/cursors/help new file mode 100644 index 0000000..7168be0 Binary files /dev/null and b/.icons/Bibata-Modern-Classic/cursors/help differ diff --git a/.icons/Bibata-Modern-Classic/cursors/ibeam b/.icons/Bibata-Modern-Classic/cursors/ibeam new file mode 100644 index 0000000..f3fc2ed Binary files /dev/null and b/.icons/Bibata-Modern-Classic/cursors/ibeam differ diff --git a/.icons/Bibata-Modern-Classic/cursors/icon b/.icons/Bibata-Modern-Classic/cursors/icon new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b00315c Binary files /dev/null and b/.icons/Bibata-Modern-Classic/cursors/icon differ diff --git a/.icons/Bibata-Modern-Classic/cursors/left-arrow b/.icons/Bibata-Modern-Classic/cursors/left-arrow new file mode 100644 index 0000000..c68c250 Binary files /dev/null and b/.icons/Bibata-Modern-Classic/cursors/left-arrow differ diff --git a/.icons/Bibata-Modern-Classic/cursors/left_ptr b/.icons/Bibata-Modern-Classic/cursors/left_ptr new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ba8c40b Binary files /dev/null and b/.icons/Bibata-Modern-Classic/cursors/left_ptr differ diff --git a/.icons/Bibata-Modern-Classic/cursors/left_ptr_help b/.icons/Bibata-Modern-Classic/cursors/left_ptr_help new file mode 100644 index 0000000..7168be0 Binary files /dev/null and b/.icons/Bibata-Modern-Classic/cursors/left_ptr_help differ diff --git a/.icons/Bibata-Modern-Classic/cursors/left_ptr_watch b/.icons/Bibata-Modern-Classic/cursors/left_ptr_watch new file mode 100644 index 0000000..dbf1048 Binary files /dev/null and b/.icons/Bibata-Modern-Classic/cursors/left_ptr_watch differ diff --git a/.icons/Bibata-Modern-Classic/cursors/left_side b/.icons/Bibata-Modern-Classic/cursors/left_side new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b0e9e1f Binary files /dev/null and b/.icons/Bibata-Modern-Classic/cursors/left_side differ diff --git a/.icons/Bibata-Modern-Classic/cursors/left_tee b/.icons/Bibata-Modern-Classic/cursors/left_tee new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d06dd40 Binary files /dev/null and b/.icons/Bibata-Modern-Classic/cursors/left_tee differ diff --git a/.icons/Bibata-Modern-Classic/cursors/link b/.icons/Bibata-Modern-Classic/cursors/link new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e3f2371 Binary files /dev/null and b/.icons/Bibata-Modern-Classic/cursors/link differ diff --git a/.icons/Bibata-Modern-Classic/cursors/ll_angle b/.icons/Bibata-Modern-Classic/cursors/ll_angle new file mode 100644 index 0000000..3f9327c Binary files /dev/null and b/.icons/Bibata-Modern-Classic/cursors/ll_angle differ diff --git a/.icons/Bibata-Modern-Classic/cursors/lr_angle b/.icons/Bibata-Modern-Classic/cursors/lr_angle new file mode 100644 index 0000000..9675278 Binary files /dev/null and b/.icons/Bibata-Modern-Classic/cursors/lr_angle differ diff --git a/.icons/Bibata-Modern-Classic/cursors/move b/.icons/Bibata-Modern-Classic/cursors/move new file mode 100644 index 0000000..6ee5133 Binary files /dev/null and b/.icons/Bibata-Modern-Classic/cursors/move differ diff --git a/.icons/Bibata-Modern-Classic/cursors/n-resize b/.icons/Bibata-Modern-Classic/cursors/n-resize new file mode 100644 index 0000000..706eab7 Binary files /dev/null and b/.icons/Bibata-Modern-Classic/cursors/n-resize differ diff --git a/.icons/Bibata-Modern-Classic/cursors/ne-resize b/.icons/Bibata-Modern-Classic/cursors/ne-resize new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a451e15 Binary files /dev/null and b/.icons/Bibata-Modern-Classic/cursors/ne-resize differ diff --git a/.icons/Bibata-Modern-Classic/cursors/nesw-resize b/.icons/Bibata-Modern-Classic/cursors/nesw-resize new file mode 100644 index 0000000..7522adc Binary files /dev/null and b/.icons/Bibata-Modern-Classic/cursors/nesw-resize differ diff --git a/.icons/Bibata-Modern-Classic/cursors/no-drop b/.icons/Bibata-Modern-Classic/cursors/no-drop new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ce4fbd3 Binary files /dev/null and b/.icons/Bibata-Modern-Classic/cursors/no-drop differ diff --git a/.icons/Bibata-Modern-Classic/cursors/not-allowed b/.icons/Bibata-Modern-Classic/cursors/not-allowed new file mode 100644 index 0000000..6ff5b5a Binary files /dev/null and b/.icons/Bibata-Modern-Classic/cursors/not-allowed differ diff --git a/.icons/Bibata-Modern-Classic/cursors/ns-resize b/.icons/Bibata-Modern-Classic/cursors/ns-resize new file mode 100644 index 0000000..9d57572 Binary files /dev/null and b/.icons/Bibata-Modern-Classic/cursors/ns-resize differ diff --git a/.icons/Bibata-Modern-Classic/cursors/nw-resize b/.icons/Bibata-Modern-Classic/cursors/nw-resize new file mode 100644 index 0000000..5d05250 Binary files /dev/null and b/.icons/Bibata-Modern-Classic/cursors/nw-resize differ diff --git a/.icons/Bibata-Modern-Classic/cursors/nwse-resize b/.icons/Bibata-Modern-Classic/cursors/nwse-resize new file mode 100644 index 0000000..aabc04f Binary files /dev/null and b/.icons/Bibata-Modern-Classic/cursors/nwse-resize differ diff --git a/.icons/Bibata-Modern-Classic/cursors/openhand b/.icons/Bibata-Modern-Classic/cursors/openhand new file mode 100644 index 0000000..bcdc232 Binary files /dev/null and b/.icons/Bibata-Modern-Classic/cursors/openhand differ diff --git a/.icons/Bibata-Modern-Classic/cursors/pencil b/.icons/Bibata-Modern-Classic/cursors/pencil new file mode 100644 index 0000000..48773d2 Binary files /dev/null and b/.icons/Bibata-Modern-Classic/cursors/pencil differ diff --git a/.icons/Bibata-Modern-Classic/cursors/pirate b/.icons/Bibata-Modern-Classic/cursors/pirate new file mode 100644 index 0000000..346f007 Binary files /dev/null and b/.icons/Bibata-Modern-Classic/cursors/pirate differ diff --git a/.icons/Bibata-Modern-Classic/cursors/plus b/.icons/Bibata-Modern-Classic/cursors/plus new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b89547f Binary files /dev/null and b/.icons/Bibata-Modern-Classic/cursors/plus differ diff --git a/.icons/Bibata-Modern-Classic/cursors/pointer b/.icons/Bibata-Modern-Classic/cursors/pointer new file mode 100644 index 0000000..04d670e Binary files /dev/null and b/.icons/Bibata-Modern-Classic/cursors/pointer differ diff --git a/.icons/Bibata-Modern-Classic/cursors/pointer-move b/.icons/Bibata-Modern-Classic/cursors/pointer-move new file mode 100644 index 0000000..16dd7a1 Binary files /dev/null and b/.icons/Bibata-Modern-Classic/cursors/pointer-move differ diff --git a/.icons/Bibata-Modern-Classic/cursors/pointing_hand b/.icons/Bibata-Modern-Classic/cursors/pointing_hand new file mode 100644 index 0000000..04d670e Binary files /dev/null and b/.icons/Bibata-Modern-Classic/cursors/pointing_hand differ diff --git a/.icons/Bibata-Modern-Classic/cursors/progress b/.icons/Bibata-Modern-Classic/cursors/progress new file mode 100644 index 0000000..dbf1048 Binary files /dev/null and b/.icons/Bibata-Modern-Classic/cursors/progress differ diff --git a/.icons/Bibata-Modern-Classic/cursors/question_arrow b/.icons/Bibata-Modern-Classic/cursors/question_arrow new file mode 100644 index 0000000..7168be0 Binary files /dev/null and b/.icons/Bibata-Modern-Classic/cursors/question_arrow differ diff --git a/.icons/Bibata-Modern-Classic/cursors/right-arrow b/.icons/Bibata-Modern-Classic/cursors/right-arrow new file mode 100644 index 0000000..2bd9897 Binary files /dev/null and b/.icons/Bibata-Modern-Classic/cursors/right-arrow differ diff --git a/.icons/Bibata-Modern-Classic/cursors/right_ptr b/.icons/Bibata-Modern-Classic/cursors/right_ptr new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d72550c Binary files /dev/null and b/.icons/Bibata-Modern-Classic/cursors/right_ptr differ diff --git a/.icons/Bibata-Modern-Classic/cursors/right_side b/.icons/Bibata-Modern-Classic/cursors/right_side new file mode 100644 index 0000000..22f55ff Binary files /dev/null and b/.icons/Bibata-Modern-Classic/cursors/right_side differ diff --git a/.icons/Bibata-Modern-Classic/cursors/right_tee b/.icons/Bibata-Modern-Classic/cursors/right_tee new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e2475ab Binary files /dev/null and b/.icons/Bibata-Modern-Classic/cursors/right_tee differ diff --git a/.icons/Bibata-Modern-Classic/cursors/row-resize b/.icons/Bibata-Modern-Classic/cursors/row-resize new file mode 100644 index 0000000..9d57572 Binary files /dev/null and b/.icons/Bibata-Modern-Classic/cursors/row-resize differ diff --git a/.icons/Bibata-Modern-Classic/cursors/s-resize b/.icons/Bibata-Modern-Classic/cursors/s-resize new file mode 100644 index 0000000..c5811da Binary files /dev/null and b/.icons/Bibata-Modern-Classic/cursors/s-resize differ diff --git a/.icons/Bibata-Modern-Classic/cursors/sb_down_arrow b/.icons/Bibata-Modern-Classic/cursors/sb_down_arrow new file mode 100644 index 0000000..45aee73 Binary files /dev/null and b/.icons/Bibata-Modern-Classic/cursors/sb_down_arrow differ diff --git a/.icons/Bibata-Modern-Classic/cursors/sb_h_double_arrow b/.icons/Bibata-Modern-Classic/cursors/sb_h_double_arrow new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b4b39ba Binary files /dev/null and b/.icons/Bibata-Modern-Classic/cursors/sb_h_double_arrow differ diff --git a/.icons/Bibata-Modern-Classic/cursors/sb_left_arrow b/.icons/Bibata-Modern-Classic/cursors/sb_left_arrow new file mode 100644 index 0000000..c68c250 Binary files /dev/null and b/.icons/Bibata-Modern-Classic/cursors/sb_left_arrow differ diff --git a/.icons/Bibata-Modern-Classic/cursors/sb_right_arrow b/.icons/Bibata-Modern-Classic/cursors/sb_right_arrow new file mode 100644 index 0000000..2bd9897 Binary files /dev/null and b/.icons/Bibata-Modern-Classic/cursors/sb_right_arrow differ diff --git a/.icons/Bibata-Modern-Classic/cursors/sb_up_arrow b/.icons/Bibata-Modern-Classic/cursors/sb_up_arrow new file mode 100644 index 0000000..760b3f6 Binary files /dev/null and b/.icons/Bibata-Modern-Classic/cursors/sb_up_arrow differ diff --git a/.icons/Bibata-Modern-Classic/cursors/sb_v_double_arrow b/.icons/Bibata-Modern-Classic/cursors/sb_v_double_arrow new file mode 100644 index 0000000..9d57572 Binary files /dev/null and b/.icons/Bibata-Modern-Classic/cursors/sb_v_double_arrow differ diff --git a/.icons/Bibata-Modern-Classic/cursors/se-resize b/.icons/Bibata-Modern-Classic/cursors/se-resize new file mode 100644 index 0000000..f6286ad Binary files /dev/null and b/.icons/Bibata-Modern-Classic/cursors/se-resize differ diff --git a/.icons/Bibata-Modern-Classic/cursors/size-hor b/.icons/Bibata-Modern-Classic/cursors/size-hor new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b4b39ba Binary files /dev/null and b/.icons/Bibata-Modern-Classic/cursors/size-hor differ diff --git a/.icons/Bibata-Modern-Classic/cursors/size-ver b/.icons/Bibata-Modern-Classic/cursors/size-ver new file mode 100644 index 0000000..9d57572 Binary files /dev/null and b/.icons/Bibata-Modern-Classic/cursors/size-ver differ diff --git a/.icons/Bibata-Modern-Classic/cursors/size_all b/.icons/Bibata-Modern-Classic/cursors/size_all new file mode 100644 index 0000000..6ee5133 Binary files /dev/null and b/.icons/Bibata-Modern-Classic/cursors/size_all differ diff --git a/.icons/Bibata-Modern-Classic/cursors/size_bdiag b/.icons/Bibata-Modern-Classic/cursors/size_bdiag new file mode 100644 index 0000000..7522adc Binary files /dev/null and b/.icons/Bibata-Modern-Classic/cursors/size_bdiag differ diff --git a/.icons/Bibata-Modern-Classic/cursors/size_fdiag b/.icons/Bibata-Modern-Classic/cursors/size_fdiag new file mode 100644 index 0000000..aabc04f Binary files /dev/null and b/.icons/Bibata-Modern-Classic/cursors/size_fdiag differ diff --git a/.icons/Bibata-Modern-Classic/cursors/size_hor b/.icons/Bibata-Modern-Classic/cursors/size_hor new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b4b39ba Binary files /dev/null and b/.icons/Bibata-Modern-Classic/cursors/size_hor differ diff --git a/.icons/Bibata-Modern-Classic/cursors/size_ver b/.icons/Bibata-Modern-Classic/cursors/size_ver new file mode 100644 index 0000000..9d57572 Binary files /dev/null and b/.icons/Bibata-Modern-Classic/cursors/size_ver differ diff --git a/.icons/Bibata-Modern-Classic/cursors/split_h b/.icons/Bibata-Modern-Classic/cursors/split_h new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b4b39ba Binary files /dev/null and b/.icons/Bibata-Modern-Classic/cursors/split_h differ diff --git a/.icons/Bibata-Modern-Classic/cursors/split_v b/.icons/Bibata-Modern-Classic/cursors/split_v new file mode 100644 index 0000000..9d57572 Binary files /dev/null and b/.icons/Bibata-Modern-Classic/cursors/split_v differ diff --git a/.icons/Bibata-Modern-Classic/cursors/sw-resize b/.icons/Bibata-Modern-Classic/cursors/sw-resize new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d37ca14 Binary files /dev/null and b/.icons/Bibata-Modern-Classic/cursors/sw-resize differ diff --git a/.icons/Bibata-Modern-Classic/cursors/target b/.icons/Bibata-Modern-Classic/cursors/target new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b00315c Binary files /dev/null and b/.icons/Bibata-Modern-Classic/cursors/target differ diff --git a/.icons/Bibata-Modern-Classic/cursors/tcross b/.icons/Bibata-Modern-Classic/cursors/tcross new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ca157a1 Binary files /dev/null and b/.icons/Bibata-Modern-Classic/cursors/tcross differ diff --git a/.icons/Bibata-Modern-Classic/cursors/text b/.icons/Bibata-Modern-Classic/cursors/text new file mode 100644 index 0000000..f3fc2ed Binary files /dev/null and b/.icons/Bibata-Modern-Classic/cursors/text differ diff --git a/.icons/Bibata-Modern-Classic/cursors/top_left_arrow b/.icons/Bibata-Modern-Classic/cursors/top_left_arrow new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ba8c40b Binary files /dev/null and b/.icons/Bibata-Modern-Classic/cursors/top_left_arrow differ diff --git a/.icons/Bibata-Modern-Classic/cursors/top_left_corner b/.icons/Bibata-Modern-Classic/cursors/top_left_corner new file mode 100644 index 0000000..5d05250 Binary files /dev/null and b/.icons/Bibata-Modern-Classic/cursors/top_left_corner differ diff --git a/.icons/Bibata-Modern-Classic/cursors/top_right_corner b/.icons/Bibata-Modern-Classic/cursors/top_right_corner new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a451e15 Binary files /dev/null and b/.icons/Bibata-Modern-Classic/cursors/top_right_corner differ diff --git a/.icons/Bibata-Modern-Classic/cursors/top_side b/.icons/Bibata-Modern-Classic/cursors/top_side new file mode 100644 index 0000000..706eab7 Binary files /dev/null and b/.icons/Bibata-Modern-Classic/cursors/top_side differ diff --git a/.icons/Bibata-Modern-Classic/cursors/top_tee b/.icons/Bibata-Modern-Classic/cursors/top_tee new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ce62889 Binary files /dev/null and b/.icons/Bibata-Modern-Classic/cursors/top_tee differ diff --git a/.icons/Bibata-Modern-Classic/cursors/ul_angle b/.icons/Bibata-Modern-Classic/cursors/ul_angle new file mode 100644 index 0000000..7698064 Binary files /dev/null and b/.icons/Bibata-Modern-Classic/cursors/ul_angle differ diff --git a/.icons/Bibata-Modern-Classic/cursors/up-arrow b/.icons/Bibata-Modern-Classic/cursors/up-arrow new file mode 100644 index 0000000..760b3f6 Binary files /dev/null and b/.icons/Bibata-Modern-Classic/cursors/up-arrow differ diff --git a/.icons/Bibata-Modern-Classic/cursors/ur_angle b/.icons/Bibata-Modern-Classic/cursors/ur_angle new file mode 100644 index 0000000..6b8ea7e Binary files /dev/null and b/.icons/Bibata-Modern-Classic/cursors/ur_angle differ diff --git a/.icons/Bibata-Modern-Classic/cursors/v_double_arrow b/.icons/Bibata-Modern-Classic/cursors/v_double_arrow new file mode 100644 index 0000000..9d57572 Binary files /dev/null and b/.icons/Bibata-Modern-Classic/cursors/v_double_arrow differ diff --git a/.icons/Bibata-Modern-Classic/cursors/vertical-text b/.icons/Bibata-Modern-Classic/cursors/vertical-text new file mode 100644 index 0000000..96cc265 Binary files /dev/null and b/.icons/Bibata-Modern-Classic/cursors/vertical-text differ diff --git a/.icons/Bibata-Modern-Classic/cursors/w-resize b/.icons/Bibata-Modern-Classic/cursors/w-resize new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b0e9e1f Binary files /dev/null and b/.icons/Bibata-Modern-Classic/cursors/w-resize differ diff --git a/.icons/Bibata-Modern-Classic/cursors/wait b/.icons/Bibata-Modern-Classic/cursors/wait new file mode 100644 index 0000000..4fc79a6 Binary files /dev/null and b/.icons/Bibata-Modern-Classic/cursors/wait differ diff --git a/.icons/Bibata-Modern-Classic/cursors/watch b/.icons/Bibata-Modern-Classic/cursors/watch new file mode 100644 index 0000000..4fc79a6 Binary files /dev/null and b/.icons/Bibata-Modern-Classic/cursors/watch differ diff --git a/.icons/Bibata-Modern-Classic/cursors/wayland-cursor b/.icons/Bibata-Modern-Classic/cursors/wayland-cursor new file mode 100644 index 0000000..036b0ca Binary files /dev/null and b/.icons/Bibata-Modern-Classic/cursors/wayland-cursor differ diff --git a/.icons/Bibata-Modern-Classic/cursors/whats_this b/.icons/Bibata-Modern-Classic/cursors/whats_this new file mode 100644 index 0000000..7168be0 Binary files /dev/null and b/.icons/Bibata-Modern-Classic/cursors/whats_this differ diff --git a/.icons/Bibata-Modern-Classic/cursors/x-cursor b/.icons/Bibata-Modern-Classic/cursors/x-cursor new file mode 100644 index 0000000..346f007 Binary files /dev/null and b/.icons/Bibata-Modern-Classic/cursors/x-cursor differ diff --git a/.icons/Bibata-Modern-Classic/cursors/xterm b/.icons/Bibata-Modern-Classic/cursors/xterm new file mode 100644 index 0000000..f3fc2ed Binary files /dev/null and b/.icons/Bibata-Modern-Classic/cursors/xterm differ diff --git a/.icons/Bibata-Modern-Classic/cursors/zoom-in b/.icons/Bibata-Modern-Classic/cursors/zoom-in new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ef46c41 Binary files /dev/null and b/.icons/Bibata-Modern-Classic/cursors/zoom-in differ diff --git a/.icons/Bibata-Modern-Classic/cursors/zoom-out b/.icons/Bibata-Modern-Classic/cursors/zoom-out new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a402899 Binary files /dev/null and b/.icons/Bibata-Modern-Classic/cursors/zoom-out differ diff --git a/.icons/Bibata-Modern-Classic/index.theme b/.icons/Bibata-Modern-Classic/index.theme new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d941afc --- /dev/null +++ b/.icons/Bibata-Modern-Classic/index.theme @@ -0,0 +1,4 @@ +[Icon Theme] +Name=Bibata-Modern-Classic +Comment=Black and rounded edge Bibata (v2.0.6). XCursors +Inherits="hicolor" \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/.icons/default/index.theme b/.icons/default/index.theme new file mode 100644 index 0000000..02eccbb --- /dev/null +++ b/.icons/default/index.theme @@ -0,0 +1,4 @@ +[Icon Theme] +Name=Default +Comment=Default Cursor Theme +Inherits=Bibata-Modern-Classic diff --git a/.profile b/.profile new file mode 100755 index 0000000..a49ab5e --- /dev/null +++ b/.profile @@ -0,0 +1,15 @@ +# Start sway if we're on tty1 +if [[ "$(tty)" == "/dev/tty1" ]]; then + export XDG_SESSION_TYPE=wayland + export XDG_SESSION_DESKTOP=sway + export XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP=sway + + export VK_DRIVER_FILES=/usr/share/vulkan/icd.d/radeon_icd.x86_64.json + + # Wayland stuff + export QT_QPA_PLATFORM=wayland + export SDL_VIDEODRIVER=wayland + export _JAVA_AWT_WM_NONREPARENTING=1 + + exec dbus-launch sway --unsupported-gpu "$@" +fi diff --git a/.themes/Prismatic-Night/index.theme b/.themes/Prismatic-Night/index.theme deleted file mode 100644 index cc7804d..0000000 --- a/.themes/Prismatic-Night/index.theme +++ /dev/null @@ -1,6 +0,0 @@ -[Desktop Entry] -Type=X-GNOME-Metatheme -Name=Prismatic-Night -Comment=A dark theme with vibrant, colorful buttons -Encoding=UTF-8 - diff --git a/.themes/Prismatic-Night/openbox-3/bullet.xbm b/.themes/Prismatic-Night/openbox-3/bullet.xbm deleted file mode 100644 index 72c8504..0000000 --- a/.themes/Prismatic-Night/openbox-3/bullet.xbm +++ /dev/null @@ -1,4 +0,0 @@ -#define bullet_width 6 -#define bullet_height 9 -static unsigned char bullet_bits[] = { - 0x00, 0x06, 0x0e, 0x1c, 0x38, 0x1c, 0x0e, 0x06, 0x00 }; diff --git a/.themes/Prismatic-Night/openbox-3/close.xbm b/.themes/Prismatic-Night/openbox-3/close.xbm deleted file mode 100644 index f48c414..0000000 --- a/.themes/Prismatic-Night/openbox-3/close.xbm +++ /dev/null @@ -1,6 +0,0 @@ -#define close_width 15 -#define close_height 15 -static unsigned char close_bits[] = { - 0x00, 0x00, 0x3e, 0x3e, 0x7e, 0x3f, 0xe6, 0x33, 0xc6, 0x31, 0x8e, 0x38, - 0x1c, 0x1c, 0x38, 0x0e, 0x1c, 0x1c, 0x8e, 0x38, 0xc6, 0x31, 0xe6, 0x33, - 0x7e, 0x3f, 0x3e, 0x3e, 0x00, 0x00 }; diff --git a/.themes/Prismatic-Night/openbox-3/desk.xbm b/.themes/Prismatic-Night/openbox-3/desk.xbm deleted file mode 100644 index 2ed9e7b..0000000 --- a/.themes/Prismatic-Night/openbox-3/desk.xbm +++ /dev/null @@ -1,6 +0,0 @@ -#define desk_width 15 -#define desk_height 15 -static unsigned char desk_bits[] = { - 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xfc, 0x1f, 0xfc, 0x1f, 0x0c, 0x18, 0x0c, 0x18, - 0xcc, 0x19, 0xcc, 0x19, 0xcc, 0x19, 0x0c, 0x18, 0x0c, 0x18, 0xfc, 0x1f, - 0xfc, 0x1f, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 }; diff --git a/.themes/Prismatic-Night/openbox-3/desk_toggled.xbm b/.themes/Prismatic-Night/openbox-3/desk_toggled.xbm deleted file mode 100644 index 55ded81..0000000 --- a/.themes/Prismatic-Night/openbox-3/desk_toggled.xbm +++ /dev/null @@ -1,6 +0,0 @@ -#define desk_toggled_width 15 -#define desk_toggled_height 15 -static unsigned char desk_toggled_bits[] = { - 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xf8, 0x0f, 0xf8, 0x0f, 0xf8, 0x0f, - 0x38, 0x0e, 0x38, 0x0e, 0x38, 0x0e, 0xf8, 0x0f, 0xf8, 0x0f, 0xf8, 0x0f, - 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 }; diff --git a/.themes/Prismatic-Night/openbox-3/iconify.xbm b/.themes/Prismatic-Night/openbox-3/iconify.xbm deleted file mode 100644 index 24e639c..0000000 --- a/.themes/Prismatic-Night/openbox-3/iconify.xbm +++ /dev/null @@ -1,6 +0,0 @@ -#define iconify_width 15 -#define iconify_height 15 -static unsigned char iconify_bits[] = { - 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x1e, 0x3c, 0x3e, 0x3e, 0x76, 0x37, 0xe6, 0x33, - 0xc6, 0x31, 0x8e, 0x38, 0x1c, 0x1c, 0x38, 0x0e, 0x70, 0x07, 0xe0, 0x03, - 0xc0, 0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 }; diff --git a/.themes/Prismatic-Night/openbox-3/max.xbm b/.themes/Prismatic-Night/openbox-3/max.xbm deleted file mode 100644 index c68a4f1..0000000 --- a/.themes/Prismatic-Night/openbox-3/max.xbm +++ /dev/null @@ -1,6 +0,0 @@ -#define max_width 15 -#define max_height 15 -static unsigned char max_bits[] = { - 0x00, 0x00, 0xf8, 0x1f, 0xfc, 0x1f, 0x0e, 0x18, 0x07, 0x18, 0xfe, 0x19, - 0xfc, 0x19, 0x80, 0x19, 0x80, 0x19, 0x80, 0x19, 0x80, 0x1d, 0x80, 0x0f, - 0x00, 0x07, 0x00, 0x02, 0x00, 0x00 }; diff --git a/.themes/Prismatic-Night/openbox-3/max_toggled.xbm b/.themes/Prismatic-Night/openbox-3/max_toggled.xbm deleted file mode 100644 index 5f77f47..0000000 --- a/.themes/Prismatic-Night/openbox-3/max_toggled.xbm +++ /dev/null @@ -1,6 +0,0 @@ -#define max_toggled_width 15 -#define max_toggled_height 15 -static unsigned char max_toggled_bits[] = { - 0x10, 0x00, 0x38, 0x00, 0x7c, 0x00, 0x6e, 0x00, 0x66, 0x00, 0x66, 0x00, - 0x66, 0x00, 0xe6, 0x0f, 0xe6, 0x1f, 0x06, 0x38, 0x06, 0x1c, 0xfe, 0x0f, - 0xfe, 0x07, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 }; diff --git a/.themes/Prismatic-Night/openbox-3/shade.xbm b/.themes/Prismatic-Night/openbox-3/shade.xbm deleted file mode 100644 index 01b2c6a..0000000 --- a/.themes/Prismatic-Night/openbox-3/shade.xbm +++ /dev/null @@ -1,6 +0,0 @@ -#define shade_width 15 -#define shade_height 15 -static unsigned char shade_bits[] = { - 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xc0, 0x01, 0xe0, 0x03, 0x70, 0x07, 0x38, 0x0e, - 0x1c, 0x1c, 0x8e, 0x38, 0xc6, 0x31, 0xe6, 0x33, 0x76, 0x37, 0x3e, 0x3e, - 0x1e, 0x3c, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 }; diff --git a/.themes/Prismatic-Night/openbox-3/themerc b/.themes/Prismatic-Night/openbox-3/themerc deleted file mode 100644 index 4b29f61..0000000 --- a/.themes/Prismatic-Night/openbox-3/themerc +++ /dev/null @@ -1,161 +0,0 @@ -# # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # -#______ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ # -#| ___ \ (_) | | (_) | \ | |(_) | | | | # -#| |_/ /_ __ _ ___ _ __ ___ __ _ | |_ _ ___ ______ | \| | _ __ _ | |__ | |_ # -#| __/| '__|| |/ __|| '_ ` _ \ / _` || __|| | / __||______|| . ` || | / _` || '_ \ | __|# -#| | | | | |\__ \| | | | | || (_| || |_ | || (__ | |\ || || (_| || | | || |_ # -#\_| |_| |_||___/|_| |_| |_| \__,_| \__||_| \___| \_| \_/|_| \__, ||_| |_| \__|# -# __/ | # -# |___/ # -# https://github.com/dbuxy218/Prismatic-Night # -# # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # - -border.width: 0 - -window.client.padding.width: 0 -window.client.padding.height: 0 -window.handle.width: 0 - -padding.width: 4 -padding.height: 4 - -window.active.border.color: #1c1e21 -window.inactive.border.color: #1c1e21 -window.active.title.separator.color: #222D32 -window.inactive.title.separator.color: #222D32 -window.active.client.color: #222D32 -window.inactive.client.color: #222D32 - -window.active.label.text.color: #222D32 -window.inactive.label.text.color: #222D32 - -window.active.button.unpressed.image.color: #9ba8bb -window.active.button.pressed.image.color: #434950 -window.active.button.disabled.image.color: #222D32 -window.active.button.hover.image.color: #4b8bad -window.active.button.toggled.unpressed.image.color: #9ba8bb -window.active.button.toggled.pressed.image.color: #434950 -window.active.button.toggled.hover.image.color: #4b8bad -window.inactive.button.unpressed.image.color: #434950 -window.inactive.button.pressed.image.color: #434950 -window.inactive.button.disabled.image.color: #222D32 -window.inactive.button.hover.image.color: #4b8bad -window.inactive.button.toggled.unpressed.image.color: #434950 -window.inactive.button.toggled.pressed.image.color: #434950 -window.inactive.button.toggled.hover.image.color: #4b8bad - 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-window.label.text.justify: center - -#window.active.label.text.font: text shadow -#window.inactive.label.text.font: text shadow - -### MENU -menu.border.width: 4 -menu.separator.width: 1 -menu.separator.padding.width: 10 -menu.separator.padding.height: 2 - -menu.overlap.x: 0 -menu.overlap.y: 0 - -menu.border.color: #29353B -menu.separator.color: #29353B - -menu.title.text.color: #FF441A -menu.items.text.color: #9ba8bb -menu.items.disabled.text.color: #76797F -menu.items.active.text.color: #9EDF1D -menu.items.active.disabled.text.color: #222D32 - -menu.items.bg: flat solid -menu.items.bg.color: #29353B -menu.items.active.bg: flat solid -menu.items.active.bg.color: #29353B -menu.title.bg: flat solid -menu.title.bg.color: #222D32 - -menu.title.text.justify: center - -#menu.items.font: text shadow -#menu.title.text.font: text shadow - -### OSD -osd.border.width: 0 - -osd.border.color: #1c1e21 - -osd.label.text.color: #9ba8bb - -osd.bg: flat solid -osd.bg.color: #222D32 -osd.label.bg: flat solid -osd.label.bg.color: #222D32 -osd.hilight.bg: flat solid -osd.hilight.bg.color: #434950 -osd.unhilight.bg: flat solid -osd.unhilight.bg.color: #222D32 - -#osd.label.text.font: text shadow - - -## BUTTONS - -window.active.button.disabled.image.color: #848688 -window.active.button.hover.image.color: #A054D0 -window.active.button.toggled.image.color: #1DDF7B -window.inactive.button.disabled.image.color: #292D31 -window.inactive.button.hover.image.color: #793F9E -window.inactive.button.toggled.image.color: #8db9b8 - -window.active.button.iconify.unpressed.image.color: #27C5CD -window.active.button.max.unpressed.image.color: #9EDF1D -window.active.button.close.unpressed.image.color: #FF1A58 -window.active.button.shade.unpressed.image.color: #FF441A -window.active.button.desk.unpressed.image.color: #FFC31B - -window.active.button.iconify.pressed.image.color: #27C5CD -window.active.button.max.pressed.image.color: #9EDF1D -window.active.button.close.pressed.image.color: #FF1A58 -window.active.button.shade.pressed.image.color: #FF441A -window.active.button.desk.pressed.image.color: #FFC31B - -window.inactive.button.iconify.unpressed.image.color: #1F9CA3 -window.inactive.button.max.unpressed.image.color: #6C9913 -window.inactive.button.close.unpressed.image.color: #A51039 -window.inactive.button.shade.unpressed.image.color: #AA2D11 -window.inactive.button.desk.unpressed.image.color: #A98111 - -window.inactive.button.iconify.pressed.image.color: #1F9CA3 -window.inactive.button.max.pressed.image.color: #6C9913 -window.inactive.button.close.pressed.image.color: #A51039 -window.inactive.button.shade.pressed.image.color: #AA2D11 -window.inactive.button.desk.pressed.image.color: #A98111 - diff --git a/.themes/Prismatic-Night/xfce-notify-4.0/gtk.css b/.themes/Prismatic-Night/xfce-notify-4.0/gtk.css deleted file mode 100644 index d31982a..0000000 --- a/.themes/Prismatic-Night/xfce-notify-4.0/gtk.css +++ /dev/null @@ -1,57 +0,0 @@ -#XfceNotifyWindow { - background-color: #1A2327; - border-radius: 1px; - border: 0px solid #4b8bad; - padding: 10px; -} - -#XfceNotifyWindow:hover { - background-color: shade(#202326, 1.0); - border: 0px solid #9ba8bb; -} - -#XfceNotifyWindow label, -#XfceNotifyWindow image { - color: #9ba8bb; -} - -#XfceNotifyWindow label#summary { - font-weight: Bold; -} - -#XfceNotifyWindow button { - font-weight: Bold; - border: 1px solid shade(#292d31, .80); - box-shadow: none; - background-image: none; - background-color: shade(#292d31, 1.2); - color: #9ba8bb; -} - -#XfceNotifyWindow button:hover { - box-shadow: none; - background-image: none; - background-color: shade(#292d31, 1.0); - color: #9ba8bb; -} - -#XfceNotifyWindow progressbar { - border: 0px solid shade(#9ba8bb, 1.0); - border-radius: 0px; -} - -#XfceNotifyWindow progressbar progress { - background-image: none; - background-color: #4b8bad; - border: 0px solid shade(#4b8bad, 1.0); - border-radius: 0px; -} - -#XfceNotifyWindow progressbar trough { - background-image: linear-gradient(to bottom, - shade(#292d31, 1.0), - shade(#292d31, 1.0) - ); - border: 0px solid shade(#ffff00, 1.0); - border-radius: 0px; -} diff --git a/.xbindkeysrc b/.xbindkeysrc deleted file mode 100644 index 096fdf9..0000000 --- a/.xbindkeysrc +++ /dev/null @@ -1,15 +0,0 @@ -# Increase volume -"pactl set-sink-volume @DEFAULT_SINK@ +1000" - XF86AudioRaiseVolume - -# Decrease volume -"pactl set-sink-volume @DEFAULT_SINK@ -1000" - XF86AudioLowerVolume - -# Mute volume -"pactl set-sink-mute @DEFAULT_SINK@ toggle" - XF86AudioMute - -# Mute microphone -"pactl set-source-mute @DEFAULT_SOURCE@ toggle" - XF86AudioMicMute diff --git a/goog b/goog index 7663c7a..a5c39ff 100755 --- a/goog +++ b/goog @@ -8,12 +8,12 @@ from common.sync import sync from common.util import expand stuff: list[str] = [ - *expand("~/.config/{kitty,nvim,openbox,pipewire,tint2,zed}/**"), + *expand("~/.config/{kitty,nvim,pipewire,sway,swaylock,zed}/**"), "~/.config/starship.toml", - "~/.themes/**", + "~/.icons/**", *expand("~/.local/bin/{yarn}"), "~/.bashrc", - "~/.xbindkeysrc" + "~/.profile", ] options, _ = getopt(sys.argv[1:], "ds", ["dump", "sync"]) diff --git a/packages.txt b/packages.txt index f982d0a..8a20ee6 100644 --- a/packages.txt +++ b/packages.txt @@ -1,686 +1,693 @@ -ii AppStream-1.0.2_2 Tools and libraries to work with AppStream metadata -ii LuaJIT-2.1.1720049189_1 Just-In-Time Compiler for Lua -ii NetworkManager-1.46.0_2 Network Management daemon -ii SDL-1.2.15_14 Simple Directmedia Layer -ii SDL2-2.30.4_1 Simple DirectMedia Layer (version 2) -ii aalib-1.4rc5_2 Portable ASCII art GFX library -ii abseil-cpp-20240116.2_1 Abseil common libraries -ii accountsservice-0.6.55_3 D-Bus interfaces for querying and manipulating user account information -ii acl-2.3.2_1 Access Control List filesystem support -ii acpid-2.0.34_3 ACPI Daemon (acpid) With Netlink Support -ii acpilight-1.2_2 Backward-compatibile xbacklight replacement -ii adwaita-icon-theme-46.2_1 Theme consisting of a set of icons for GTK+ -ii alsa-lib-1.2.12_1 Advanced Linux Sound Architecture (ALSA) library -ii alsa-pipewire-1.2.1_1 Server and user space API to deal with multimedia pipelines - ALSA client library -ii alsa-utils-1.2.12_1 Advanced Linux Sound Architecture (ALSA) utilities -ii at-spi2-atk-2.52.0_1 Assistive Technology Service Provider Interface - ATK bridge -ii at-spi2-core-2.52.0_1 Assistive Technology Service Provider Interface -ii atk-2.52.0_1 Set of interfaces for accessibility -ii attr-2.5.2_1 Extended attribute support library for ACL support -ii avahi-libs-0.8_2 Avahi shared libraries -ii ayatana-ido-0.9.3_1 Ayatana Indicator Display Objects -ii base-files-0.144_1 Void Linux base system files -ii base-system-0.114_2 Void Linux base system meta package -ii bash-5.2.21_2 GNU Bourne Again Shell -ii bat-0.24.0_2 Cat(1) clone with syntax highlighting and Git integration -ii bc-1.07.1_5 Arbitrary precision numeric processing language -ii binutils-2.41_3 GNU binary utilities -ii binutils-doc-2.41_3 GNU binary utilities - info files -ii binutils-libs-2.41_3 GNU binary utilities - shared libraries -ii blueman-2.4.2_1 GTK+ Bluetooth Manager -ii bluez-5.76_1 Bluetooth tools and daemons -ii brotli-1.1.0_1 Generic-purpose lossless compression algorithm -ii brotli-devel-1.1.0_1 Generic-purpose lossless compression algorithm - development files -ii btrfs-progs-6.5.1_1 Btrfs filesystem utilities -ii bubblewrap-0.9.0_1 Unprivileged sandboxing tool -ii bzip2-1.0.8_2 Freely available, patent free, high-quality data compressor -ii c-ares-1.32.2_1 Library for asynchronous DNS requests -ii ca-certificates-20240203+3.101.1_1 Common CA certificates for SSL/TLS from Mozilla -ii cairo-1.18.0_1 Vector graphics library with cross-device output support -ii cairomm1.16-1.16.1_1 C++ bindings to Cairo vector graphics library -ii cantarell-fonts-0.303.1_1 Cantarell family of TrueType fonts -ii celt-0.11.3_3 An audio codec for use in low-delay speech and audio communication -ii chromaprint-1.5.1_2 Library that extracts fingerprints from any audio source -ii cmake-3.30.1_1 Cross-platform, open-source build system -ii coreutils-9.4_1 GNU core utilities -ii cpio-2.15_1 GNU copy-in/out (cpio) with remote magnetic tape (rmt) support -ii cppdap-1.58.0+a_1 C++ library for the Debug Adapter Protocol -ii cryptsetup-2.7.0_1 Setup virtual encryption devices under Linux dm-crypt -ii curl-8.8.0_1 Client that groks URLs -ii dash-0.5.12_2 POSIX-compliant Unix shell, much smaller than GNU bash -ii dbus-1.14.10_1 Message bus system -ii dbus-glib-0.112_1 GLib bindings for D-Bus -ii dbus-libs-1.14.10_1 Message bus system - shared libraries -ii dbus-x11-1.14.10_1 Message bus system - X11 support -ii dconf-0.40.0_1 Low-level configuration system -ii dejavu-fonts-ttf-2.37_2 DejaVu family of TrueType fonts -ii desktop-file-utils-0.27_1 Utilities to manage desktop entries -ii device-mapper-2.03.23_1 Device Mapper userspace library and tools -ii dhcpcd-10.0.8_1 RFC2131 compliant DHCP client -ii dialog-1.3.20240619_1 Tool to display dialog boxes from shell scripts -ii diffutils-3.10_1 GNU diff utilities -ii dkms-3.0.12_2 Dynamic Kernel Module Support -ii dnssec-anchors-20230213_1 DNSSEC trust anchors for the root zone -ii dosfstools-4.2_1 DOS filesystem tools -ii double-conversion-3.3.0_1 Efficient binary-decimal and decimal-binary routines for IEEE doubles -ii dracut-059_7 Low-level tool for generating an initramfs/initrd image -ii duktape-2.7.0_1 Embeddable JavaScript engine -ii e2fsprogs-1.47.0_2 Ext2/3/4 Filesystem Utilities -ii e2fsprogs-libs-1.47.0_2 Ext2/3/4 Filesystem Utilities - shared libraries -ii efibootmgr-18_1 Tool to modify UEFI Firmware Boot Manager Variables -ii electron24-24.3.0_3 Cross platform application framework based on web technologies -ii elogind-252.9_2 Standalone logind fork -ii enchant2-2.6.4_1 Generic spell checking library -ii ethtool-6.6_1 Utility for controlling network drivers and hardware -ii eudev-3.2.14_1 Fork of systemd-udev (enhanced userland device daemon) -ii eudev-libudev-3.2.14_1 Fork of systemd-udev (enhanced userland device daemon) - runtime library -ii expat-2.6.2_1 XML parser library written in C -ii f2fs-tools-1.16.0_1 Tools for the Linux Flash-Friendly File System (F2FS) -ii faac-1.30_1 AAC audio encoder library -ii fdk-aac-2.0.3_1 Fraunhofer FDK AAC codec library -ii file-5.45_1 File type identification utility -ii findutils-4.9.0_1 GNU Find Utilities -ii flatpak-1.15.8_1 Application sandboxing and distribution framework -ii flite-2.2_1 Lightweight speech synthesis engine -ii font-alias-1.0.5_1 Standard aliases for X11 PCF fonts -ii font-latinmodern-math-1.959_1 Improved version of Computer Modern math font as used in LaTeX -ii font-misc-misc-1.1.3_1 Standard X11 fixed PCF fonts -ii font-util-1.4.1_1 Tools for truncating and subseting of ISO10646-1 BDF fonts -ii fontconfig-2.14.2_1 Library for configuring and customizing font access -ii freetype-2.13.2_1 Font rendering engine and library API -ii fribidi-1.0.14_1 Free Implementation of the Unicode Bidirectional Algorithm -ii fuse-2.9.9_1 Filesystem in Userspace -ii fuse3-3.16.2_1 Filesystem in Userspace 3.x -ii gawk-5.1.1_1 GNU awk utility -ii gc-8.2.6_1 Garbage collector for C and C++ -ii gcc-13.2.0_2 GNU Compiler Collection -ii gcr-3.41.2_1 GNOME crypto package -ii gcr4-4.3.0_1 GNOME crypto package -ii gdb-15.1_1 GNU Debugger -ii gdb-common-15.1_1 GNU Debugger - common files -ii gdbm-1.23_1 GNU database routines -ii gdk-pixbuf-2.42.10_2 Image loading library for The GTK+ toolkit (v2) -ii giflib-5.2.2_1 Library to handle, display and manipulate GIF images -ii gir-freedesktop-1.80.1_1 Introspection data for some FreeDesktop components -ii git-2.45.2_1 Git Tree History Storage Tool -ii github-cli-2.53.0_1 GitHub CLI tool -ii glib-2.80.3_1 GNU library of C routines -ii glib-networking-2.80.0_1 Network-related giomodules for glib -ii glibc-2.39_4 GNU C library -ii glibc-devel-2.39_4 GNU C library - development files -ii glibc-locales-2.39_4 GNU C library - locale data files -ii glibmm2.68-2.78.0_1 C++ bindings for GLib -ii gmp-6.3.0_1 Library for arbitrary precision arithmetic -ii gmp-devel-6.3.0_1 Library for arbitrary precision arithmetic - development files -ii gnome-desktop-44.0_1 GNOME desktop management utilities -ii gnome-keyring-46.1_1 GNOME password and secret manager -ii gnupg-2.4.5_1 GNU Privacy Guard (2.x) -ii gnutls-3.8.6_1 GNU Transport Layer Security library -ii go-1.22.5_1 Go Programming Language -ii google-chrome-125.0.6422.141_1 Attempt at creating a safer, faster, and more stable browser -ii gotop-4.2.0_3 Terminal based graphical activity monitor -ii graphene-1.10.8_1 Thin layer of types for graphic libraries -ii graphite-1.3.14_1 Reimplementation of the SIL Graphite text processing engine -ii grep-3.11_2 GNU grep utility -ii grub-2.12_2 GRand Unified Bootloader 2 -ii grub-x86_64-efi-2.12_2 GRand Unified Bootloader 2 - x86_64 EFI support -ii gsettings-desktop-schemas-46.0_1 Collection of GSettings schemas -ii gst-plugins-bad1-1.24.4_2 GStreamer plugins from the bad set (v1.x) -ii gst-plugins-base1-1.24.4_1 GStreamer Base Plug-ins (v1.x) -ii gst-plugins-good1-1.24.4_1 GStreamer set of well-maintained good plug-ins (1.x) -ii gstreamer1-1.24.4_1 Core GStreamer libraries and elements (1.x) -ii gtk+-2.24.33_3 GTK+ toolkit (v2) -ii gtk+3-3.24.42_1 GTK+ toolkit (v3) -ii gtk-update-icon-cache-3.24.42_1 GTK+ toolkit (v3) - icon-cache update tool -ii gtk4-4.14.4_2 GIMP ToolKit (v4) -ii gtkmm4-4.12.0_1 C++ bindings for The GTK+ toolkit (v4) -ii guile-2.2.7_3 Portable, embeddable Scheme implementation written in C -ii gzip-1.13_1 GNU compression utility (replacement for compress) -ii hicolor-icon-theme-0.17_3 Standard icon theme called hicolor -ii highway-1.2.0_1 C++ library providing portable SIMD/vector intrinsics -ii http-parser- HTTP request/response parser for c -ii hwids-0.375_1 Hardware Identification Databases -ii hyperfine-1.18.0_1 Command-line benchmarking tool -ii hyphen-2.8.8_4 ALTLinux hyphenation library -ii hyphen-en- English hyphenation rules -ii iana-etc-20240117_1 Unix /etc/services and /etc/protocols files -ii icu-devel-73.2_2 Robust and fully-featured Unicode libraries - development files -ii icu-libs-73.2_2 Robust and fully-featured Unicode libraries - shared libs -ii imlib2-1.12.3_1 Image manipulation library -ii inih-58_1 Simple ini file parser library -ii iproute2-6.7.0_1 IP Routing Utilities -ii iptables-1.8.10_1 Linux IPv[46] packet filtering ruleset -ii iputils-20240117_1 Useful utilities for Linux networking (including ping) -ii ipw2100-firmware-1.3_6 Firmware for the Intel PRO/Wireless 2100 wifi cards -ii ipw2200-firmware-3.1_6 Firmware for the Intel PRO/Wireless 2200BG wifi cards -ii iso-codes-4.16.0_1 List of country, language and currency names -ii iw-5.19_1 Utility for nl80211 based CLI configuration of wireless devices -ii jansson-2.14_1 Library for encoding, decoding and manipulating JSON data -ii jbigkit-libs-2.2_2 Data compression library/utilities for bi-level high-resolution images - shared libraries -ii jq-1.7.1_1 Command-line JSON processor -ii json-c-0.17_1 JSON implementation in C -ii json-glib-1.9.2_1 JSON parser for GLib-based libraries and applications -ii jsoncpp-1.9.5_1 JSON implementation in C++ -ii kbd-2.6.4_1 Linux keyboard utilities -ii kernel-libc-headers-6.1_1 Linux API headers for userland development -ii kitty-0.35.2_1 Modern, hackable, featureful, OpenGL based terminal emulator -ii kitty-kitten-0.35.2_1 Modern, hackable, featureful, OpenGL based terminal emulator - kitten client -ii kitty-shell-integration-0.35.2_1 Modern, hackable, featureful, OpenGL based terminal emulator - shell integration scripts -ii kitty-terminfo-0.35.2_1 Modern, hackable, featureful, OpenGL based terminal emulator - terminfo data -ii kmod-31_1 Linux kernel module handling -ii kpartx-0.9.6_1 Create device maps from partition tables -ii lame-3.100_2 Fast, high quality MP3 encoder -ii lcms2-2.16_2 Small-footprint color management engine, version 2 -ii ldacBT- LDAC Bluetooth encoder library -ii less-643_1 Pager program similar to more(1) -ii libICE-1.1.1_1 Inter Client Exchange (ICE) library for X -ii libSM-1.2.4_1 X Session Management Library -ii libX11-1.8.9_1 Base X libraries from Xorg -ii libXScrnSaver-1.2.4_1 X11 Screen Saver Library -ii libXau-1.0.11_1 Authorization Protocol for X -ii libXcomposite-0.4.6_1 X Composite Library -ii libXcursor-1.2.2_1 Client-side cursor loading library for X -ii libXdamage-1.1.6_1 Xdamage extension Library -ii libXdmcp-1.1.5_1 X Display Manager Control Protocol library -ii libXext-1.3.6_1 X Extension library -ii libXfixes-6.0.1_1 Xfixes library and extension of X RandR from modular X.org -ii libXfont2-2.0.6_1 X font 2 Library -ii libXft-2.3.8_1 Library for configuring and customizing font access -ii libXi-1.8.1_1 X Input extension library -ii libXinerama-1.1.5_1 X PanoramiX extension library -ii libXmu-1.2.1_1 X Miscellaneous Utilities library -ii libXpm-3.5.17_1 X PixMap Library from modular Xorg X11 -ii libXrandr-1.5.4_1 X RandR Library from X.org -ii libXrender-0.9.11_1 X Render Library -ii libXres-1.2.2_1 X Resource Information Extension Library -ii libXt-1.3.0_1 X Toolkit Intrinsics library -ii libXtst-1.2.4_1 X Tst Library -ii libXv-1.0.12_1 Xv Extension library -ii libXvMC-1.0.13_1 XVideo Motion Compensation Library -ii libXxf86vm-1.1.5_1 Library for the XFree86-VidMode X extension -ii libadwaita-1.5.2_1 GTK4 building blocks for modern adaptive applications -ii libaio-0.3.113_1 Linux-native asynchronous I/O facility (aio) library -ii libaom-3.8.1_1 AV1 Codec library implementation -ii libarchive-3.7.4_1 Library to read/write several different streaming archive formats -ii libargon2-20190702_3 Password hashing library -ii libaspell- Spell checker with good multi-language support - library -ii libass-0.17.2_1 Portable library for SSA/ASS subtitles rendering -ii libassuan-2.5.7_1 IPC library used by some GnuPG related software -ii libasyncns-0.8_9 C library for executing name service queries asynchronously -ii libatomic-13.2.0_2 GNU Compiler Collection - Atomics library -ii libatomic-devel-13.2.0_2 GNU Compiler Collection - Atomics library - development files -ii libavcodec-4.4.4_8 FFmpeg codec library -ii libavcodec6-6.0.1_1 FFmpeg codec library -ii libavformat-4.4.4_8 FFmpeg file format library -ii libavformat6-6.0.1_1 FFmpeg file format library -ii libavif-1.1.0_1 Library for encoding and decoding .avif files -ii libavutil-4.4.4_8 FFmpeg utility library -ii libavutil6-6.0.1_1 FFmpeg utility library -ii libayatana-appindicator-0.5.93_1 Ayatana Application Indicators Shared Library -ii libayatana-indicator-0.9.4_1 Ayatana Indicators Shared Library -ii libb2-0.98.1_1 BLAKE2 cryptographic hash function -ii libblkid-2.40.1_1 Library to handle device identification -ii libbluetooth-5.76_1 Library to use the Bluez Linux Bluetooth Stack -ii libbluray-1.3.4_1 Library to access Blu-Ray disks for video playback -ii libbpf-1.4.5_1 Library for working with (e)BPF -ii libbs2b-3.1.0_3 Audiofilter for headphones -ii libcaca-0.99.beta19_13 Graphics library that outputs text instead of pixels -ii libcamera-0.2.0_1 Complex camera support library for Linux, Android, and ChromeOS -ii libcanberra-0.30_15 XDG Sound Theme and Name Specification library implementation -ii libcap-2.70_1 POSIX.1e capabilities suite -ii libcap-ng-0.8.5_1 Alternate POSIX capabilities library -ii libcap-progs-2.70_1 POSIX.1e capabilities suite - utilities -ii libcdparanoia-10.2_15 CDDA reading utility with extra data verification features - runtime library -ii libcloudproviders-0.3.6_1 DBus API for cloud storage sync clients to expose their services -ii libcolord-1.4.6_2 System daemon for managing color devices - runtime library -ii libcrypto3-3.3.1_1 Toolkit for Secure Sockets Layer and Transport Layer Security - crypto library -ii libcryptsetup-2.7.0_1 Setup virtual encryption devices under Linux dm-crypt - runtime libraries -ii libcups-2.4.7_5 Common Unix Printing System - client runtime shared libraries -ii libcurl-8.8.0_1 Multiprotocol file transfer library -ii libdatrie-0.2.13_1 Implementation of double-array structure for representing trie -ii libdav1d-1.3.0_1 Small and fast AV1 Decoder - runtime library -ii libdb-5.3.28_8 Berkeley DB embedded database system - C shared libraries -ii libdbusmenu-glib-16.04.0_6 Library for passing menus over DBus -ii libdbusmenu-gtk3-16.04.0_6 Library for passing menus over DBus (GTK+3) -ii libde265-1.0.12_1 Open h.265 video codec implementation -ii libdebuginfod-0.190_1 Utilities to handle ELF object files - debuginfod library -ii libdecor-0.2.2_1 Client-side decorations library for Wayland client -ii libdrm-2.4.122_1 Userspace interface to kernel DRM services -ii libedit-20240517.3.1_1 Port of the NetBSD Command Line Editor Library -ii libefivar-39_1 Library to manipulate EFI variables -ii libelf-0.190_1 Utilities to handle ELF object files - runtime library -ii libelogind-252.9_2 Standalone logind fork - elogind library -ii libepoxy-1.5.10_1 Library for handling OpenGL function pointer management for you -ii libev-4.33_1 High-performance event loop loosely modelled after libevent -ii libevdev-1.13.2_1 Wrapper library for evdev devices -ii libevent-2.1.12_3 Abstract asynchronous event notification library -ii libfdisk-2.40.1_1 Library for fdisk(8) -ii libffi-3.3_2 Library supporting Foreign Function Interfaces -ii libffi-devel-3.3_2 Library supporting Foreign Function Interfaces - development files -ii libfftw-3.3.10_2 Library for computing the discrete Fourier transform (DFT) - runtime libraries -ii libflac-1.4.3_1 Free Lossless Audio Codec - shared libraries -ii libfluidsynth-2.3.5_1 Real-time software synthesizer based on the SoundFont 2 specifications - runtime library -ii libfontenc-1.1.8_1 Fontenc Library from X.org -ii libfreeaptx-0.1.1_1 Open Source implementation of Audio Processing Technology codec (aptX) -ii libgbm-24.1.3_1 Mesa Generic buffer management API - runtime -ii libgcc-13.2.0_2 GNU Compiler Collection - GCC library -ii libgcc-devel-13.2.0_2 GNU Compiler Collection - GCC library - development files -ii libgcrypt-1.10.3_1 GNU cryptographic library -ii libgirepository-1.80.1_1 Library for handling GObject introspection data (runtime library) -ii libgit2-1.7.2_1 Git linkable library -ii libglapi-24.1.3_1 Free implementation of the GL API - shared library -ii libglvnd-1.7.0_1 GL Vendor-Neutral Dispatch library -ii libgme-0.6.3_1 Video game music file emulation/playback library -ii libgomp-13.2.0_2 GNU Compiler Collection - OpenMP v4.0 library -ii libgpg-error-1.49_1 Library for error values used by GnuPG component -ii libgpgme-1.23.2_4 GnuPG Made Easy - library -ii libgs-10.03.1_1 Interpreter for the PostScript language - runtime shared library -ii libgsm-1.0.22_2 GSM 06.10 lossy speech compression -ii libgtop-2.41.3_1 Library to retrieve system information, used in GNOME -ii libgudev-238_1 Library providing GObject bindings for libudev -ii libguile-2.2.7_3 Portable, embeddable Scheme implementation written in C - runtime library -ii libgusb-0.4.9_1 GLib wrapper around libusb1 -ii libharfbuzz-9.0.0_1 OpenType text shaping engine - runtime library -ii libheif-1.17.5_1 ISO/IEC 23008-12:2017 HEIF file format decoder and encoder -ii libhunspell1.7-1.7.2_1 Spell checker and morphological analyzer - runtime library -ii libid3tag-0.15.1b_8 ID3 tag library, part of MAD (MPEG Audio Decoder) -ii libidn2-2.3.4_1 Internationalized string handling library -ii libinput-1.26.0_1 Provides handling input devices in Wayland compositors and X -ii libinstpatch-1.1.6_1 Instrument file software library -ii libjack-1.9.22_1 JACK Audio Connection Kit low-latency sound server (pro audio) - runtime library -ii libjasper-2.0.25_1 Software-based reference implementation of the JPEG-2000 codec - shared library -ii libjbig2dec-0.20_1 Decoder implementation of the JBIG2 image compression format - runtime library -ii libjpeg-turbo-3.0.1_1 Derivative of libjpeg which uses SIMD instructions -ii libjxl-0.10.3_1 JPEG XL image format reference implementation -ii libkeybinder3-0.3.2_2 Library for registering global keyboard shortcuts (GTK+3) -ii libkmod-31_1 Linux kernel module handling - runtime shared library -ii libksba-1.6.6_1 CMS and X.509 access library -ii liblastlog2-2.40.1_1 Lastlog replacement library from util-linux -ii liblc3-1.1.1_1 Low complexity communication codec -ii libldap-2.6.8_1 OpenLDAP (Lightweight Directory Access Protocol) library -ii libldns-1.8.3_2 Modern DNS/DNSSEC library -ii liblightdm-gobject-1.32.0_5 Light Display Manager - GObject support library -ii liblilv-0.24.12_4 Simple yet powerful C API for using LV2 plugins - Runtime library -ii libllvm17-17.0.6_3 LLVM Compiler Infrastructure Project - Version 17 - library -ii libllvm18-18.1.8_2 LLVM Compiler Infrastructure Project - Version 18 - library -ii liblouis-3.15.0_4 Open-source braille translator and back-translator -ii liblrdf-0.6.1_2 Lightweight RDF library with special support for LADSPA plugins -ii libltdl-2.4.7_7 Runtime libraries for GNU Libtool Dynamic Module Loader -ii libluv- Bare libuv bindings for LuaJIT -ii liblz4-1.9.4_1 LZ4 compression library -ii liblzma-5.6.2_1 XZ-format compression library -ii liblzma-devel-5.6.2_1 XZ-format compression library - development files -ii libmagic-5.45_1 File type identification library -ii libmanette-0.2.6_1 Simple GObject game controller library -ii libmd4c-0.4.8_1 Markdown for C - libraries -ii libmm-glib-1.18.12_1 Mobile broadband modem management service - GLib library -ii libmng-2.0.3_2 Multiple-image Network Graphics (MNG) reference library -ii libmnl-1.0.5_1 Minimalistic user-space library oriented to Netlink developers -ii libmodplug- A MOD playing library -ii libmount-2.40.1_1 Library for mount(8) -ii libmpc-1.3.1_1 C library for the arithmetic of complex numbers -ii libmpc-devel-1.3.1_1 C library for the arithmetic of complex numbers - development files -ii libmpg123-1.32.5_1 Fast console MPEG audio decoder/player - Runtime library -ii libmtp-1.1.21_1 Library for Microsoft's Media Transfer Protocol (MTP) -ii libmysofa-1.3.2_1 Reader for AES SOFA files to get better HRTFs -ii libndp-1.8_1 Library for Neighbor Discovery Protocol -ii libnetfilter_conntrack-1.0.9_1 Library providing an API to the in-kernel connection tracking table -ii libnfnetlink-1.0.2_1 Low-level library for netfilter kernel/userspace communication -ii libnfs-5.0.3_1 Client library for accessing NFS shares -ii libnftnl-1.2.7_1 Low-level netlink interface to nf_tables -ii libnice-0.1.22_1 Implementation of the IETF's draft ICE (for P2P UDP data streams) -ii libnl3-3.9.0_1 Netlink Protocol Library Suite -ii libnm-1.46.0_2 Network Management daemon - shared libraries -ii libnma-1.10.6_1 NetworkManager panel applet for GNOME - runtime library -ii libnotify-0.8.3_1 Desktop notification library -ii libnuspell-5.1.3_1 C++ spell checking library -ii libogg-1.3.5_1 Ogg bitstream file format library -ii libopenal-1.23.1_2 Cross-platform 3D audio library -ii libopenbox-3.6.1_5 Openbox runtime shared libraries -ii libopenjpeg2-2.5.2_1 Open-source JPEG 2000 codec written in C language (Version 2) - library files -ii libpaper-1.1.29_1 Library for handling paper characteristics -ii libpcap-1.10.4_1 System-independent interface for user-level packet capture -ii libpciaccess-0.18.1_1 X11 PCI Access library -ii libpcre-8.45_3 Perl Compatible Regular Expressions - shared libraries -ii libpcre2-10.42_1 Perl Compatible Regular Expressions (2nd version) - shared libraries -ii libpipewire-1.2.1_1 Server and user space API to deal with multimedia pipelines - pipewire library -ii libplist-2.2.0_4 Apple Property List library -ii libpng-1.6.43_1 Library for manipulating PNG images -ii libproxy-0.4.18_3 Library handling all the details of proxy configuration -ii libpsl-0.21.5_1 Public Suffix List library functions -ii libpulseaudio-16.1_2 Featureful, general-purpose sound server - shared libraries -ii libqt6shadertools-6.7.2_1 Cross-platform application and UI framework - shadertools - libraries -ii libraptor-2.0.16_1 Raptor RDF Syntax Library - Runtime libraries -ii libre2.10-2023.03.01_1 Efficient, principled regular expression library -ii libreadline8-8.2.010_1 GNU Readline Library -ii librist-0.2.7_1 Reliable Internet Stream Transport (RIST) -ii librsvg-2.58.2_1 SVG library for GNOME -ii librtmp-2.4.20161210_10 Toolkit for RTMP streams - shared library -ii libsamplerate-0.2.2_1 Sample Rate Converter for audio -ii libsasl-2.1.28_2 Cyrus SASL - runtime shared libraries -ii libseccomp-2.5.5_1 High level interface to the Linux Kernel's seccomp filter -ii libsecret-0.21.4_1 GObject based library for accessing the Secret Service API -ii libsensors-3.6.0_2 Library to read temperature/voltage/fan sensors -ii libserd-0.32.2_1 Lightweight C library for RDF syntax - Runtime library -ii libsharpyuv-1.4.0_1 Library to expose libwebp's sharpyuv functionality -ii libsigc++3-3.4.0_1 Type-safe callback system for C++ programs -ii libsmartcols-2.40.1_1 Table or Tree library from util-linux -ii libsndfile-1.2.2_1 C library for reading and writing files containing sampled sound -ii libsndio-1.9.0_1 Small audio and MIDI framework part of the OpenBSD project -- library -ii libsodium-1.0.20_1 Modern and easy-to-use crypto library -ii libsord-0.16.16_1 Lightweight C library for storing RDF data in memory - Runtime library -ii libsoup-2.74.3_1 HTTP library implementation in C -ii libsoxr-0.1.3_2 SoX resampler library -ii libspa-alsa-1.2.1_1 Server and user space API to deal with multimedia pipelines - alsa plugins -ii libspa-audioconvert-1.2.1_1 Server and user space API to deal with multimedia pipelines - audioconvert plugins -ii libspa-audiomixer-1.2.1_1 Server and user space API to deal with multimedia pipelines - audiomixer plugins -ii libspa-bluetooth-1.2.1_1 Server and user space API to deal with multimedia pipelines - bluetooth plugins -ii libspa-control-1.2.1_1 Server and user space API to deal with multimedia pipelines - control plugins -ii libspa-v4l2-1.2.1_1 Server and user space API to deal with multimedia pipelines - v4l2 plugins -ii libspectre-0.2.12_1 Small library for rendering Postscript documents -ii libspeex-1.2.1_1 Free codec for free speech - shared libraries -ii libsrt-1.5.3_1 Secure, Reliable, Transport - development files -ii libsrtp-2.6.0_1 Library implementing SRTP, the Secure Real-time Transport Protocol -ii libssh-0.10.6_1 Multiplatform C library implementing the SSH v2 protocol -ii libssh2-1.11.0_2 Library implementing the SSH2 protocol -ii libssl3-3.3.1_1 Toolkit for Secure Sockets Layer and Transport Layer Security - SSL/TLS library -ii libstdc++-13.2.0_2 GNU Compiler Collection - Standard C++ Library -ii libstdc++-devel-13.2.0_2 GNU Compiler Collection - Standard C++ Library - development files -ii libsvt-av1-1.7.0_1 AV1-compliant encoder/decoder library core - library files -ii libswresample-4.4.4_8 FFmpeg video resampling library -ii libswresample6-6.0.1_1 FFmpeg video resampling library -ii libtasn1-4.19.0_1 ASN.1 structure parser library -ii libtdb-1.4.10_1 Trivial Database, similar to GDBM but allows simultaneous commits - shared libraries -ii libthai-0.1.29_1 Thai language support routines -ii libtheora-1.1.1_8 Theora Video Compression Codec -ii libtirpc-1.3.4_1 Transport Independent RPC library (SunRPC replacement) -ii libtracker-3.7.3_1 Personal search tool and storage system - shared libraries -ii libunbound-1.20.0_1 Validating, recursive, and caching DNS resolver - shared library -ii libunistring-1.0_1 Library for manipulating Unicode strings and C strings -ii liburcu-0.14.0_1 Userspace RCU (read-copy-update) library -ii libusb-1.0.27_1 Library which allows userspace access to USB devices -ii libusbmuxd-2.0.2_1 USB Multiplex Daemon library -ii libuuid-2.40.1_1 UUID library -ii libuv-1.46.0_1 Multi-platform support library with a focus on asynchronous I/O -ii libva-2.22.0_1 Video Acceleration (VA) API -ii libvdpau-1.5_1 Video Decode and Presentation API for UNIX -ii libvisual-0.4.2_1 Abstraction library for audio visualisation plugins -ii libvoikko-4.3.2_1 Free linguistic software and data for Finnish -ii libvorbis-1.3.7_1 The Vorbis General Audio Compression Codec -ii libvpx-1.13.1_1 VP8 and VP9 video codec -ii libvterm-0.3.3_1 Abstract VT220/xterm/ECMA-48 emulation library -ii libwacom-2.12.1_2 Library to identify wacom tablets -ii libwavpack-5.6.0_1 Hybrid lossless audio compression - shared library -ii libwebp-1.4.0_1 WebP image format -ii libwnck-43.0_2 Library for layout and rendering of text -ii libwoff2common1.0.2-1.0.2_1 Web Open Font Format 2 reference implementaton - common library -ii libwoff2dec1.0.2-1.0.2_1 Web Open Font Format 2 reference implementaton - decoder library -ii libxatracker-24.1.3_1 Mesa XA tracker interface library -ii libxbps-0.59.2_3 XBPS package system utilities - runtime library -ii libxcb-1.16.1_1 X protocol C-language Binding -ii libxcrypt-4.4.36_3 Modern library for one-way hashing of passwords -ii libxcrypt-compat-4.4.36_3 Modern library for one-way hashing of passwords - legacy compatibility -ii libxcrypt-devel-4.4.36_3 Modern library for one-way hashing of passwords - development files -ii libxcvt-0.1.2_1 VESA CVT standard timing modelines generator -ii libxkbcommon-1.7.0_1 Library to handle keyboard descriptions -ii libxkbcommon-x11-1.7.0_1 Library to handle keyboard descriptions - X11 support -ii libxkbfile-1.1.3_1 Xkbfile Library from X.org -ii libxkbregistry-1.7.0_1 XKB API to query available rules, models, layouts, variants and options -ii libxklavier-5.4_3 Library providing high-level API for X Keyboard Extension -ii libxml2-2.12.6_1 Library providing XML and HTML support -ii libxml2-devel-2.12.6_1 Library providing XML and HTML support - development files -ii libxmlb-0.3.19_1 Library to help create and query binary XML blobs -ii libxshmfence-1.3.2_1 X Shared memory 'SyncFence' synchronization primitive -ii libxslt-1.1.39_2 XSLT parser library from the GNOME project -ii libxxHash-0.8.2_1 Fast non-cryptographic hashing algorithm - library -ii libyaml-0.2.5_1 Fast YAML 1.1 parser and emitter library -ii libyaml-devel-0.2.5_1 Fast YAML 1.1 parser and emitter library - development files -ii libzbar-0.23.1_7 Barcode reading library and application - library files -ii libzstd-1.5.6_1 Fast real-time compression algorithm -ii light-locker-1.9.0_3 Simple session-locker for lightdm -ii lightdm-1.32.0_5 Light Display Manager -ii lightdm-gtk-greeter-2.0.9_1 Light Display Manager GTK+ Greeter -ii lightdm-gtk3-greeter-2.0.9_1 Light Display Manager GTK+ Greeter - transition -ii linux-6.6_1 Linux kernel meta package -ii linux-base-2023.05.29_1 Linux kernel base dependencies -ii linux-firmware-amd-20240709_1 Binary firmware blobs for the Linux kernel - AMD CPU/GPU microcode -ii linux-firmware-broadcom-20240709_1 Binary firmware blobs for the Linux kernel - Broadcom network blobs -ii linux-firmware-intel-20240709_1 Binary firmware blobs for the Linux kernel - Intel CPU/GPU microcode -ii linux-firmware-network-20240709_1 Binary firmware blobs for the Linux kernel - network -ii linux-firmware-nvidia-20240709_1 Binary firmware blobs for the Linux kernel NVIDIA GPU microcode -ii linux-headers-6.6_1 Linux kernel headers meta package -ii linux6.6-6.6.41_1 Linux kernel and modules (6.6 series) -ii linux6.6-headers-6.6.41_1 Linux kernel and modules (6.6 series) - source headers for 3rd party modules -ii lowdown-1.1.0_1 Simple markdown translator -ii lsd-1.1.2_3 Next gen ls command with lots of pretty colors and awesome icons -ii lua51-5.1.5_13 Powerful, fast, lightweight, embeddable scripting language (5.1.x) -ii lua51-lpeg-1.1.0_2 Pattern-matching library for Lua based on Parsing Expression Grammars (5.1.x) -ii lua54-5.4.6_1 Powerful, fast, lightweight, embeddable scripting language (5.4.x) -ii lvm2-2.03.23_1 Logical Volume Manager 2 utilities -ii lzo-2.10_2 Portable lossless data compression library -ii make-4.4.1_1 GNU Make build tool -ii man-pages-6.05.01_2 Linux Documentation Project (LDP) manual pages -ii mbedtls-2.16.12_1 Portable cryptographic TLS library -ii mdadm-4.3_2 Tool for managing/monitoring Linux md device arrays -ii mdocml-1.14.6_8 UNIX manpage compiler toolset (mandoc) -ii mesa-24.1.3_1 Open source implementation of OpenGL and Vulkan -ii mesa-dri-24.1.3_1 Mesa DRI drivers -ii mesa-vulkan-radeon-24.1.3_1 Mesa Radeon Vulkan driver -ii mit-krb5-libs-1.21.3_1 MIT Kerberos 5 implementation - runtime libraries -ii mkfontscale-1.2.2_1 X11 Scalable Font Index Generator -ii mobile-broadband-provider-info-20220511_1 Database of mobile broadband service providers -ii modrinth-app-0.7.1_1 An unique, open source launcher that allows you to play your favorite mods, and keep them up to date, all in one neat little package. -ii mpfr-4.2.1_1 Library for multiple-precision floating-point computations -ii mpfr-devel-4.2.1_1 Library for multiple-precision floating-point computations - development files -ii msgpack-4.0.0_1 Binary-based efficient object serialization library for C -ii mtdev-1.1.7_1 Multitouch Protocol Translation Library -ii ncurses-6.5_1 System V Release 4.0 curses emulation library -ii ncurses-base-6.5_1 System V Release 4.0 curses emulation library - base terminfo files -ii ncurses-libs-6.5_1 System V Release 4.0 curses emulation library -- shared libraries -ii neofetch-7.1.0_2 Simple system information script -ii neovim-0.10.1_1 Fork of Vim aiming to improve user experience, plugins and GUIs -ii nerd-fonts-3.1.1_1 Iconic font aggregator, collection and patcher -ii nerd-fonts-otf-3.1.1_1 Iconic font aggregator, collection and patcher - OTF fonts -ii nerd-fonts-symbols-ttf-3.1.1_1 Iconic font aggregator, collection and patcher - TTF symbols-only font -ii nerd-fonts-ttf-3.1.1_1 Iconic font aggregator, collection and patcher - TTF fonts -ii netcat-0.7.1_7 The GNU netcat utility -ii nethogs-0.8.7_1 Small net top tool grouping bandwidth by process -ii nettle-3.9.1_1 Low-level cryptographic library -ii network-manager-applet-1.36.0_1 NetworkManager panel applet for GNOME -ii newt-0.52.21_7 Library for color text mode, widget based user interfaces -ii nghttp2-1.62.1_1 HTTP/2 C Library -ii nload-0.7.4_2 Command line tool to visualize network traffic -ii noto-fonts-emoji-2.042_1 Google Noto Emoji Fonts -ii npth-1.7_2 New portable threads library -ii nspr-4.35_1 NetScape Portable Runtime -ii nss-3.102_1 Mozilla Network Security Services -ii ntfs-3g-2022.10.3_1 Stable Read/Write NTFS Driver in userspace -ii nvi-1.81.6_19 Berkeley Vi Editor -ii nvidia-550.100_1 NVIDIA drivers for linux - Libraries and Utilities -ii nvidia-dkms-550.100_1 NVIDIA drivers for linux - DKMS kernel module -ii nvidia-firmware-550.100_1 NVIDIA drivers for linux - Firmware -ii nvidia-gtklibs-550.100_1 NVIDIA drivers for linux - GTK+ libraries -ii nvidia-libs-550.100_1 NVIDIA drivers for linux - common libraries -ii obconf-2.0.4_7 GTK-based configuration tool for the Openbox windowmanager -ii ocl-icd-2.3.2_2 Generic OpenCL ICD loader/demultiplexer -ii oneVPL-2023.3.1_2 Intel oneAPI Video Processing Library -ii oniguruma-6.9.9_1 Multi-charset regular expressions library -ii openbox-3.6.1_5 Standards compliant, fast, light-weight, extensible window manager -ii opendoas-6.8.2_1 Portable OpenBSD doas to execute commands as another user -ii openjdk-common-2_1 Common files for OpenJDK packages -ii openjdk21-21.0.3+9_1 OpenJDK Java Development Kit (version 21) -ii openjdk21-jre-21.0.3+9_1 OpenJDK Java Development Kit (version 21) - runtime components -ii openresolv-3.13.2_1 Management framework for resolv.conf -ii openssh-9.8p1_1 OpenSSH free Secure Shell (SSH) client and server implementation -ii openssl-3.3.1_1 Toolkit for Secure Sockets Layer and Transport Layer Security -ii openssl-devel-3.3.1_1 Toolkit for Secure Sockets Layer and Transport Layer Security - development files -ii opus-1.4_1 Totally open, royalty-free, highly versatile audio codec -ii orc-0.4.38_1 Oild Runtime Compiler -ii os-prober-1.81_1 Utility to detect other OSes on a set of drives -ii ostree-2024.3_1 Operating system and container binary deployment and upgrades -ii p11-kit-0.25.3_1 Provides a way to load and enumerate PKCS#11 modules -ii pahole-1.27_1 Various DWARF utils -ii pam-1.5.3_4 Flexible mechanism for authenticating users -ii pam-base-0.4_3 PAM base configuration files -ii pam-libs-1.5.3_4 Flexible mechanism for authenticating users - runtime libraries -ii pango-1.54.0_1 Library for layout and rendering of text -ii pango-xft-1.54.0_1 Library for layout and rendering of text - X font rendering -ii pangomm2.48-2.50.0_1 C++ bindings for the pango library -ii pavucontrol-6.0_1 PulseAudio Volume Control -ii pciutils-3.13.0_1 PCI bus related utilities -ii perl-5.38.2_3 Practical Extraction and Report Language -ii perl-Authen-SASL-2.1700_1 Authen::SASL -- SASL authentication framework -ii perl-Convert-BinHex-1.125_3 Perl module to extract data from Macintosh BinHex files -ii perl-Digest-HMAC-1.04_1 Perl interface to HMAC message-digest algorithms -ii perl-IO-Socket-SSL-2.088_1 IO::Socket::SSL -- SSL sockets with IO::Socket interface -ii perl-IO-stringy-2.113_2 IO::stringy -- I/O on in-core objects like strings/arrays -ii perl-MIME-tools-5.515_1 MIME-tools -- Parses streams to create MIME entities -ii perl-MailTools-2.21_3 MailTools -- Various e-mail related modules -ii perl-Net-SMTP-SSL-1.04_3 Net::SMTP::SSL -- SSL support for Net::SMTP -ii perl-Net-SSLeay-1.94_1 Net::SSLeay - Perl extension for using OpenSSL -ii perl-TimeDate-2.33_2 TimeDate -- Date formating subroutines -ii perl-URI-5.21_1 Perl Uniform Resource Identifiers class (URI, RFC 2396) -ii pick-4.0.0_1 Fuzzy search tool for the command-line -ii pinentry-1.3.1_1 PIN or passphrase entry dialogs for GnuPG -ii pipewire-1.2.1_1 Server and user space API to deal with multimedia pipelines -ii pixman-0.43.4_1 Library of low-level pixel manipulation routines -ii pkg-config-0.29.2_3 System for managing library compile/link flags -ii polkit-124_1 Authorization Toolkit -ii popt-1.19_1 Command line option parsing library -ii postgresql-client-16_1 Client frontends programs for PostgreSQL -ii postgresql-libs-16.3_1 PostgreSQL shared libraries -ii postgresql-libs-devel-16.3_1 PostgreSQL shared libraries (development files) -ii postgresql16-client-16.3_1 Client frontends programs for PostgreSQL -ii procps-ng-4.0.4_2 Utilities for monitoring your system and its processes -ii public-suffix-2024.07.01_1 Public Suffix List -ii pulseaudio-utils-16.1_2 Featureful, general-purpose sound server - utilities -ii python3-3.12.4_1 Python programming language (3.12 series) -ii python3-atspi-2.38.0_6 Python2 bindings for AT-SPI -ii python3-cairo-1.26.0_1 Python3 bindings for the cairo graphics library -ii python3-dbus-1.3.2_2 D-Bus Python3 bindings -ii python3-devel-3.12.4_1 Python programming language (3.12 series) - development files -ii python3-gobject-3.48.2_1 Python3 bindings for GObject -ii python3-setuptools-71.1.0_1 Easily build and distribute Python3 packages -ii python3-tkinter-3.12.4_1 Python programming language - GUI toolkit for Python3 -ii python3-xdg-0.28_4 Python3 library to access freedesktop.org standards -ii qt6-base-6.7.2_2 Cross-platform application and UI framework (QT6) -ii qt6-core-6.7.2_2 Cross-platform application and UI framework (QT6) - Core -ii qt6-dbus-6.7.2_2 Cross-platform application and UI framework (QT6) - DBus -ii qt6-declarative-6.7.2_1 Cross-platform application and UI framework - Declarative -ii qt6-gui-6.7.2_2 Cross-platform application and UI framework (QT6) - Gui -ii qt6-imageformats-6.7.2_1 Cross-platform application and UI framework - imageformats -ii qt6-network-6.7.2_2 Cross-platform application and UI framework (QT6) - Network -ii qt6-networkauth-6.7.2_1 Cross-platform application and UI framework - networkauth -ii qt6-plugin-tls-openssl-6.7.2_2 Cross-platform application and UI framework (QT6) - TLS plugin -ii qt6-qt5compat-6.7.2_1 Cross-platform application and UI framework - Qt5 Compatibilty Component -ii qt6-sql-6.7.2_2 Cross-platform application and UI framework (QT6) - Sql -ii qt6-svg-6.7.2_1 Cross-platform application and UI framework (QT6) - qt6-svg component -ii qt6-widgets-6.7.2_2 Cross-platform application and UI framework (QT6) - Widgets -ii qt6-xml-6.7.2_2 Cross-platform application and UI framework (QT6) - Xml -ii rav1e-0.6.6_2 Fastest and safest AV1 encoder -ii rbenv-1.2.0_1 Manage your app's Ruby environment -ii re2-2024.06.01_1 Efficient, principled regular expression library -ii removed-packages-0.1.20240625_2 Uninstalls packages removed from repository -ii rhash-1.4.4_2 Utility for computing hash sums and creating magnet links -ii ruby-build-20240722_1 Compile and install Ruby -ii run-parts-4.11.2_2 Run scripts or programs in a directory -ii runit-2.1.2_15 UNIX init scheme with service supervision -ii runit-void-20231124_5 Void Linux runit scripts -ii rustup-1.27.1_1 Rust toolchain installer -ii sbc-2.0_1 Bluetooth Subband Codec (SBC) library -ii scrot-1.11.1_1 Simple command-line screenshot utility for X -ii sed-4.9_1 The GNU stream editor -ii setxkbmap-1.3.4_1 Set the keyboard map using the X Keyboard Extension -ii shadow-4.8.1_3 Shadow password file utilities -ii shared-mime-info-2.4_2 Core database of common types -ii slang-2.3.2_2 S-Lang programming library -ii snappy-1.1.10_1 Fast compressor/decompressor library -ii soundtouch-2.3.2_1 SoundTouch Audio Processing Library -ii spandsp-0.0.6_4 Library of many DSP functions for telephony -ii spdx-licenses-list-3.24.0_1 SPDX License List -ii speedtest-cli-2.1.3_4 Command line bandwidth test using speedtest.net -ii speexdsp-1.2.1_1 Free codec for free speech - DSP -ii sqlite-3.45.3_2 SQL Database Engine in a C Library -ii sratom-0.6.16_1 Library for serialising LV2 atoms to/from RDF (Turtle syntax) -ii starship-1.19.0_1 Minimal, fast and customizable cross-shell prompt -ii startup-notification-0.12_11 Library for tracking application startup -ii taglib-1.13.1_1 Library for accessing ID tags in various media files -ii tar-1.35_1 GNU tape archiver with remote magnetic tape support -ii tcl-8.6.14_1 TCL scripting language -ii terminus-font-4.49.1_1 Clean, fixed width bitmap font -ii thin-provisioning-tools-1.0.4_1 Tools for manipulating the metadata of dm-thin device-mapper targets -ii tiff-4.6.0_1 Library and tools for reading and writing TIFF data files -ii tint2-17.0.2_1 Simple panel/taskbar made for modern X window managers -ii tk-8.6.14_1 TK graphical user interface toolkit for TCL -ii traceroute-2.1.3_1 Traces the route taken by packets over an IPv4/IPv6 network -ii tree-sitter-0.22.6_1 Parser generator tool and incremental parsing library -ii tslib-1.23_1 Touchscreen access library -ii twolame-0.4.0_2 Optimised MPEG Audio Layer 2 (MP2) encoder -ii tzdata-2024a_1 Time zone and daylight-saving time data -ii unibilium-2.1.1_1 Simple, self-contained terminfo library -ii unzip-6.0_15 List, test and extract compressed files in a ZIP archive -ii usbutils-017_1 Linux USB utilities -ii util-linux-2.40.1_1 Miscellaneous linux utilities -ii util-linux-common-2.40.1_1 Miscellaneous linux utilities - common files -ii v4l-utils-1.24.1_1 Userspace tools and libraries for Video 4 Linux -ii vesktop-1.5.3_1 Vesktop gives you the performance of web Discord and the comfort of Discord Desktop -ii void-artwork-20221013_1 Void Linux artwork -ii void-docs-2024.03.14_1 Documentation for Void Linux -ii void-docs-browse-2024.03.14_1 Documentation for Void Linux - browsing utilities -ii void-repo-nonfree-9_6 Void Linux drop-in file for the nonfree repository -ii vulkan-loader- Vulkan Installable Client Driver (ICD) loader -ii wayland-1.23.0_1 Core Wayland window system code and protocol -ii webkit2gtk-2.44.2_1 GTK+3 port of the WebKit browser engine -ii webrtc-audio-processing-1.3_1 AudioProcessing library based on Google's implementation of WebRTC -ii which-2.21_4 Displays where a particular program in your path is located -ii wifi-firmware-1.3_4 WiFi firmware meta-package -ii wireplumber-0.5.5_1 Session and policy manager implementation for PipeWire -ii wpa_supplicant-2.10_5 WPA/WPA2/IEEE 802.1X Supplicant -ii x264-20191217.2245_1 Free library for encoding H264/AVC video streams -ii x265-3.5_1 Open Source H.265/HEVC video encoder -ii xauth-1.1.3_1 X authentication utility -ii xbindkeys-1.8.7_2 Launch shell commands with your keyboard or your mouse under X -ii xbps-0.59.2_3 XBPS package system utilities -ii xbps-triggers-0.128_1 XBPS triggers for Void Linux -ii xcb-util-0.4.1_1 XCB utilities library -ii xcb-util-cursor-0.1.4_1 XCB cursor library (libxcursor port) -ii xcb-util-image-0.4.1_1 Utility libraries for XCB - XImage and XShmImage functions -ii xcb-util-keysyms-0.4.1_1 Utility libraries for XCB - key constants and keycode conversion -ii xcb-util-renderutil-0.3.10_1 Utility libraries for XCB - Render extension convenience functions -ii xcb-util-wm-0.4.2_1 Utility libraries for XC Binding - window-manager helpers for ICCCM -ii xclip-0.13_2 Command line interface to the X11 clipboard -ii xcompmgr-1.1.9_1 Composite Window-effects manager for X.org -ii xdg-dbus-proxy-0.1.5_1 Filtering proxy for D-Bus connections -ii xdg-desktop-portal-1.18.4_1 Portal frontend service for Flatpak -ii xdg-desktop-portal-gnome-46.2_1 GNOME portal backend for xdg-desktop-portal -ii xdg-desktop-portal-gtk-1.15.1_1 Portal backend service for Flatpak using GTK+ -ii xdg-utils-1.2.1_1 Tools to assist applications with various desktop integration tasks -ii xf86-input-evdev-2.10.6_2 Xorg event device input driver -ii xf86-input-libinput-1.4.0_1 Generic input driver for the X.Org server based on libinput -ii xf86-input-synaptics-1.9.2_1 Xorg synaptics touchpad input driver -ii xf86-input-vmmouse-13.2.0_1 Xorg VMware virtual mouse input driver -ii xf86-input-wacom-1.2.2_1 Xorg Wacom tablet input driver -ii xf86-video-amdgpu-23.0.0_1 Xorg AMD Radeon RXXX video driver (amdgpu kernel module) -ii xfsprogs-6.5.0_1 Utilities for managing the XFS filesystem -ii xinit-1.4.2_1 X init program -ii xinput-1.6.4_1 Utility to configure and test X input devices -ii xkbcomp-1.4.7_1 XKBD keymap compiler -ii xkeyboard-config-2.41_1 X Keyboard Configuration Database -ii xmirror-0.3_1 Interactive script for changing XBPS mirrors -ii xorg-input-drivers-7.6_4 X.org input drivers meta-package -ii xorg-minimal-1.2_2 Xorg meta-package including xorg-xserver and needed tools -ii xorg-server-21.1.13_1 X11 server from X.org -ii xorg-server-common-21.1.13_1 X11 server from X.org- common files -ii xrandr-1.5.2_1 Primitive command line interface to RandR extension -ii xset-1.2.5_2 X11 user preferences utility -ii xtools-0.66_1 Opinionated helpers for working with XBPS -ii xtools-minimal-0.66_1 Opinionated helpers for working with XBPS - minimal subset -ii xvidcore-1.3.7_1 ISO MPEG-4 compliant video codec -ii xwallpaper-0.7.4_1 Wallpaper setting utility for X -ii z3-4.13.0_1 Z3 theorem prover and SMT solver (command line + Python3 module) -ii zd1211-firmware-1.5_3 Firmware for the Zydas 1211 wifi cards -ii zed-0.140.5_1 High-performance, multiplayer code editor -ii zip-3.0_6 Create/update ZIP files compatible with pkzip -ii zix-0.4.2_1 C library of portability wrappers and data structures -ii zlib-1.3.1_1 Compression/decompression Library -ii zlib-devel-1.3.1_1 Compression/decompression Library - development files +ii AppStream-1.0.2_2 Tools and libraries to work with AppStream metadata +ii LuaJIT-2.1.1720049189_1 Just-In-Time Compiler for Lua +ii NetworkManager-1.48.6_1 Network Management daemon +ii SDL-1.2.15_14 Simple Directmedia Layer +ii SDL2-2.30.4_1 Simple DirectMedia Layer (version 2) +ii aalib-1.4rc5_2 Portable ASCII art GFX library +ii abseil-cpp-20240116.2_1 Abseil common libraries +ii acl-2.3.2_1 Access Control List filesystem support +ii acpid-2.0.34_3 ACPI Daemon (acpid) With Netlink Support +ii acpilight-1.2_2 Backward-compatibile xbacklight replacement +ii adwaita-icon-theme-46.2_1 Theme consisting of a set of icons for GTK+ +ii alsa-lib-1.2.12_1 Advanced Linux Sound Architecture (ALSA) library +ii alsa-pipewire-1.2.2_1 Server and user space API to deal with multimedia pipelines - ALSA client library +ii alsa-utils-1.2.12_1 Advanced Linux Sound Architecture (ALSA) utilities +ii at-spi2-atk-2.52.0_1 Assistive Technology Service Provider Interface - ATK bridge +ii at-spi2-core-2.52.0_1 Assistive Technology Service Provider Interface +ii atk-2.52.0_1 Set of interfaces for accessibility +ii attr-2.5.2_1 Extended attribute support library for ACL support +ii avahi-libs-0.8_2 Avahi shared libraries +ii ayatana-ido-0.9.3_1 Ayatana Indicator Display Objects +ii base-files-0.144_1 Void Linux base system files +ii base-system-0.114_2 Void Linux base system meta package +ii bash-5.2.21_2 GNU Bourne Again Shell +ii bat-0.24.0_2 Cat(1) clone with syntax highlighting and Git integration +ii bc-1.07.1_5 Arbitrary precision numeric processing language +ii bemenu-0.6.23_1 Dynamic menu library and client program inspired by dmenu +ii binutils-2.41_3 GNU binary utilities +ii binutils-doc-2.41_3 GNU binary utilities - info files +ii binutils-libs-2.41_3 GNU binary utilities - shared libraries +ii blueman-2.4.3_1 GTK+ Bluetooth Manager +ii bluez-5.76_1 Bluetooth tools and daemons +ii brotli-1.1.0_1 Generic-purpose lossless compression algorithm +ii brotli-devel-1.1.0_1 Generic-purpose lossless compression algorithm - development files +ii btrfs-progs-6.9.2_1 Btrfs filesystem utilities +ii bubblewrap-0.9.0_1 Unprivileged sandboxing tool +ii bzip2-1.0.8_2 Freely available, patent free, high-quality data compressor +ii c-ares-1.33.0_1 Library for asynchronous DNS requests +ii ca-certificates-20240203+3.101.1_1 Common CA certificates for SSL/TLS from Mozilla +ii cairo-1.18.0_1 Vector graphics library with cross-device output support +ii cairomm1.16-1.16.1_1 C++ bindings to Cairo vector graphics library +ii cantarell-fonts-0.303.1_1 Cantarell family of TrueType fonts +ii celt-0.11.3_3 An audio codec for use in low-delay speech and audio communication +ii chromaprint-1.5.1_2 Library that extracts fingerprints from any audio source +ii cmake-3.30.1_1 Cross-platform, open-source build system +ii coreutils-9.4_1 GNU core utilities +ii cpio-2.15_1 GNU copy-in/out (cpio) with remote magnetic tape (rmt) support +ii cppdap-1.58.0+a_1 C++ library for the Debug Adapter Protocol +ii cryptsetup-2.7.0_1 Setup virtual encryption devices under Linux dm-crypt +ii curl-8.9.1_1 Client that groks URLs +ii dash-0.5.12_2 POSIX-compliant Unix shell, much smaller than GNU bash +ii dbus-1.14.10_1 Message bus system +ii dbus-libs-1.14.10_1 Message bus system - shared libraries +ii dbus-x11-1.14.10_1 Message bus system - X11 support +ii dconf-0.40.0_1 Low-level configuration system +ii dejavu-fonts-ttf-2.37_2 DejaVu family of TrueType fonts +ii desktop-file-utils-0.27_1 Utilities to manage desktop entries +ii device-mapper-2.03.23_1 Device Mapper userspace library and tools +ii dhcpcd-10.0.8_1 RFC2131 compliant DHCP client +ii dialog-1.3.20240619_1 Tool to display dialog boxes from shell scripts +ii diffutils-3.10_1 GNU diff utilities +ii dkms-3.0.12_2 Dynamic Kernel Module Support +ii dnssec-anchors-20230213_1 DNSSEC trust anchors for the root zone +ii dosfstools-4.2_1 DOS filesystem tools +ii double-conversion-3.3.0_1 Efficient binary-decimal and decimal-binary routines for IEEE doubles +ii dracut-059_7 Low-level tool for generating an initramfs/initrd image +ii duktape-2.7.0_1 Embeddable JavaScript engine +ii e2fsprogs-1.47.0_2 Ext2/3/4 Filesystem Utilities +ii e2fsprogs-libs-1.47.0_2 Ext2/3/4 Filesystem Utilities - shared libraries +ii efibootmgr-18_1 Tool to modify UEFI Firmware Boot Manager Variables +ii electron24-24.3.0_3 Cross platform application framework based on web technologies +ii elogind-252.9_2 Standalone logind fork +ii enchant2-2.6.4_1 Generic spell checking library +ii ethtool-6.6_1 Utility for controlling network drivers and hardware +ii eudev-3.2.14_1 Fork of systemd-udev (enhanced userland device daemon) +ii eudev-libudev-3.2.14_1 Fork of systemd-udev (enhanced userland device daemon) - runtime library +ii expat-2.6.2_1 XML parser library written in C +ii f2fs-tools-1.16.0_1 Tools for the Linux Flash-Friendly File System (F2FS) +ii faac-1.30_1 AAC audio encoder library +ii fdk-aac-2.0.3_1 Fraunhofer FDK AAC codec library +ii ffmpeg-4.4.4_9 Decoding, encoding and streaming software (transitional dummy package) +ii ffmpeg6-6.1.2_1 Decoding, encoding and streaming software +ii ffplay6-6.1.2_1 Simple video player using FFmpeg and SDL2 +ii file-5.45_1 File type identification utility +ii findutils-4.9.0_1 GNU Find Utilities +ii flatpak-1.15.9_1 Application sandboxing and distribution framework +ii flite-2.2_1 Lightweight speech synthesis engine +ii font-alias-1.0.5_1 Standard aliases for X11 PCF fonts +ii font-latinmodern-math-1.959_1 Improved version of Computer Modern math font as used in LaTeX +ii font-misc-misc-1.1.3_1 Standard X11 fixed PCF fonts +ii font-util-1.4.1_1 Tools for truncating and subseting of ISO10646-1 BDF fonts +ii fontconfig-2.14.2_1 Library for configuring and customizing font access +ii freetype-2.13.2_1 Font rendering engine and library API +ii fribidi-1.0.14_1 Free Implementation of the Unicode Bidirectional Algorithm +ii fuse-2.9.9_1 Filesystem in Userspace +ii fuse3-3.16.2_1 Filesystem in Userspace 3.x +ii gawk-5.1.1_1 GNU awk utility +ii gcc-13.2.0_2 GNU Compiler Collection +ii gcr-3.41.2_1 GNOME crypto package +ii gcr4-4.3.0_1 GNOME crypto package +ii gdb-15.1_1 GNU Debugger +ii gdb-common-15.1_1 GNU Debugger - common files +ii gdbm-1.23_1 GNU database routines +ii gdk-pixbuf-2.42.10_2 Image loading library for The GTK+ toolkit (v2) +ii giflib-5.2.2_1 Library to handle, display and manipulate GIF images +ii gir-freedesktop-1.80.1_1 Introspection data for some FreeDesktop components +ii git-2.46.0_1 Git Tree History Storage Tool +ii github-cli-2.54.0_1 GitHub CLI tool +ii glib-2.80.3_1 GNU library of C routines +ii glib-networking-2.80.0_1 Network-related giomodules for glib +ii glibc-2.39_4 GNU C library +ii glibc-devel-2.39_4 GNU C library - development files +ii glibc-locales-2.39_4 GNU C library - locale data files +ii glibmm2.68-2.78.0_1 C++ bindings for GLib +ii gmp-6.3.0_1 Library for arbitrary precision arithmetic +ii gmp-devel-6.3.0_1 Library for arbitrary precision arithmetic - development files +ii gnome-desktop-44.0_1 GNOME desktop management utilities +ii gnome-keyring-46.1_1 GNOME password and secret manager +ii gnome-themes-extra-3.28_4 Extra GNOME themes +ii gnupg-2.4.5_1 GNU Privacy Guard (2.x) +ii gnutls-3.8.6_1 GNU Transport Layer Security library +ii go-1.22.5_1 Go Programming Language +ii google-chrome-126.0.6478.126_1 Attempt at creating a safer, faster, and more stable browser +ii gotop-4.2.0_3 Terminal based graphical activity monitor +ii graphene-1.10.8_1 Thin layer of types for graphic libraries +ii graphite-1.3.14_1 Reimplementation of the SIL Graphite text processing engine +ii grep-3.11_2 GNU grep utility +ii grub-2.12_2 GRand Unified Bootloader 2 +ii grub-x86_64-efi-2.12_2 GRand Unified Bootloader 2 - x86_64 EFI support +ii gsettings-desktop-schemas-46.0_1 Collection of GSettings schemas +ii gst-plugins-bad1-1.24.6_2 GStreamer plugins from the bad set (v1.x) +ii gst-plugins-base1-1.24.6_1 GStreamer Base Plug-ins (v1.x) +ii gst-plugins-good1-1.24.6_1 GStreamer set of well-maintained good plug-ins (1.x) +ii gstreamer1-1.24.6_1 Core GStreamer libraries and elements (1.x) +ii gtk+-2.24.33_3 GTK+ toolkit (v2) +ii gtk+3-3.24.42_1 GTK+ toolkit (v3) +ii gtk-update-icon-cache-3.24.42_1 GTK+ toolkit (v3) - icon-cache update tool +ii gtk4-4.14.4_2 GIMP ToolKit (v4) +ii gtkmm4-4.12.0_1 C++ bindings for The GTK+ toolkit (v4) +ii gzip-1.13_1 GNU compression utility (replacement for compress) +ii hicolor-icon-theme-0.17_3 Standard icon theme called hicolor +ii highway-1.2.0_1 C++ library providing portable SIMD/vector intrinsics +ii http-parser- HTTP request/response parser for c +ii hwids-0.384_1 Hardware Identification Databases +ii hyperfine-1.18.0_1 Command-line benchmarking tool +ii hyphen-2.8.8_4 ALTLinux hyphenation library +ii hyphen-en- English hyphenation rules +ii iana-etc-20240117_1 Unix /etc/services and /etc/protocols files +ii icu-devel-73.2_2 Robust and fully-featured Unicode libraries - development files +ii icu-libs-73.2_2 Robust and fully-featured Unicode libraries - shared libs +ii imlib2-1.12.3_1 Image manipulation library +ii inih-58_1 Simple ini file parser library +ii intellij-idea-community-edition-2024.1.4_1 Java integrated development environment by JetBrains +ii iproute2-6.7.0_1 IP Routing Utilities +ii iptables-1.8.10_1 Linux IPv[46] packet filtering ruleset +ii iputils-20240117_1 Useful utilities for Linux networking (including ping) +ii ipw2100-firmware-1.3_6 Firmware for the Intel PRO/Wireless 2100 wifi cards +ii ipw2200-firmware-3.1_6 Firmware for the Intel PRO/Wireless 2200BG wifi cards +ii iso-codes-4.16.0_1 List of country, language and currency names +ii iw-5.19_1 Utility for nl80211 based CLI configuration of wireless devices +ii jansson-2.14_1 Library for encoding, decoding and manipulating JSON data +ii jbigkit-libs-2.2_2 Data compression library/utilities for bi-level high-resolution images - shared libraries +ii jq-1.7.1_1 Command-line JSON processor +ii json-c-0.17_1 JSON implementation in C +ii json-glib-1.9.2_1 JSON parser for GLib-based libraries and applications +ii jsoncpp-1.9.5_1 JSON implementation in C++ +ii kbd-2.6.4_1 Linux keyboard utilities +ii kernel-libc-headers-6.1_1 Linux API headers for userland development +ii kitty-0.35.2_1 Modern, hackable, featureful, OpenGL based terminal emulator +ii kitty-kitten-0.35.2_1 Modern, hackable, featureful, OpenGL based terminal emulator - kitten client +ii kitty-shell-integration-0.35.2_1 Modern, hackable, featureful, OpenGL based terminal emulator - shell integration scripts +ii kitty-terminfo-0.35.2_1 Modern, hackable, featureful, OpenGL based terminal emulator - terminfo data +ii kmod-31_1 Linux kernel module handling +ii kpartx-0.9.6_1 Create device maps from partition tables +ii lame-3.100_2 Fast, high quality MP3 encoder +ii lcms2-2.16_2 Small-footprint color management engine, version 2 +ii ldacBT- LDAC Bluetooth encoder library +ii less-643_1 Pager program similar to more(1) +ii libICE-1.1.1_1 Inter Client Exchange (ICE) library for X +ii libSM-1.2.4_1 X Session Management Library +ii libX11-1.8.10_1 Base X libraries from Xorg +ii libXScrnSaver-1.2.4_1 X11 Screen Saver Library +ii libXau-1.0.11_1 Authorization Protocol for X +ii libXcomposite-0.4.6_1 X Composite Library +ii libXcursor-1.2.2_1 Client-side cursor loading library for X +ii libXdamage-1.1.6_1 Xdamage extension Library +ii libXdmcp-1.1.5_1 X Display Manager Control Protocol library +ii libXext-1.3.6_1 X Extension library +ii libXfixes-6.0.1_1 Xfixes library and extension of X RandR from modular X.org +ii libXfont2-2.0.6_1 X font 2 Library +ii libXft-2.3.8_1 Library for configuring and customizing font access +ii libXi-1.8.1_1 X Input extension library +ii libXinerama-1.1.5_1 X PanoramiX extension library +ii libXmu-1.2.1_1 X Miscellaneous Utilities library +ii libXrandr-1.5.4_1 X RandR Library from X.org +ii libXrender-0.9.11_1 X Render Library +ii libXres-1.2.2_1 X Resource Information Extension Library +ii libXt-1.3.0_1 X Toolkit Intrinsics library +ii libXtst-1.2.4_1 X Tst Library +ii libXv-1.0.12_1 Xv Extension library +ii libXvMC-1.0.13_1 XVideo Motion Compensation Library +ii libXxf86vm-1.1.5_1 Library for the XFree86-VidMode X extension +ii libadwaita-1.5.2_1 GTK4 building blocks for modern adaptive applications +ii libaio-0.3.113_1 Linux-native asynchronous I/O facility (aio) library +ii libaom-3.8.1_1 AV1 Codec library implementation +ii libarchive-3.7.4_1 Library to read/write several different streaming archive formats +ii libargon2-20190702_3 Password hashing library +ii libaspell- Spell checker with good multi-language support - library +ii libass-0.17.2_1 Portable library for SSA/ASS subtitles rendering +ii libassuan-2.5.7_1 IPC library used by some GnuPG related software +ii libasyncns-0.8_9 C library for executing name service queries asynchronously +ii libatomic-13.2.0_2 GNU Compiler Collection - Atomics library +ii libatomic-devel-13.2.0_2 GNU Compiler Collection - Atomics library - development files +ii libavcodec-4.4.4_9 FFmpeg codec library +ii libavcodec6-6.1.2_1 FFmpeg codec library +ii libavdevice6-6.1.2_1 FFmpeg device handling library +ii libavfilter6-6.1.2_1 FFmpeg audio/video filter library +ii libavformat-4.4.4_9 FFmpeg file format library +ii libavformat6-6.1.2_1 FFmpeg file format library +ii libavif-1.1.1_1 Library for encoding and decoding .avif files +ii libavutil-4.4.4_9 FFmpeg utility library +ii libavutil6-6.1.2_1 FFmpeg utility library +ii libayatana-appindicator-0.5.93_1 Ayatana Application Indicators Shared Library +ii libayatana-indicator-0.9.4_1 Ayatana Indicators Shared Library +ii libb2-0.98.1_1 BLAKE2 cryptographic hash function +ii libblkid-2.40.1_1 Library to handle device identification +ii libbluetooth-5.76_1 Library to use the Bluez Linux Bluetooth Stack +ii libbluray-1.3.4_1 Library to access Blu-Ray disks for video playback +ii libbpf-1.4.5_2 Library for working with (e)BPF +ii libbs2b-3.1.0_3 Audiofilter for headphones +ii libcaca-0.99.beta19_13 Graphics library that outputs text instead of pixels +ii libcamera-0.2.0_1 Complex camera support library for Linux, Android, and ChromeOS +ii libcanberra-0.30_15 XDG Sound Theme and Name Specification library implementation +ii libcap-2.70_1 POSIX.1e capabilities suite +ii libcap-ng-0.8.5_1 Alternate POSIX capabilities library +ii libcap-progs-2.70_1 POSIX.1e capabilities suite - utilities +ii libcddb-1.3.2_9 Library to access data on a CDDB server +ii libcdio-2.1.0_1 CD-ROM access library +ii libcdio-paranoia-10.2+2.0.1_1 CD paranoia utility/libraries from libcdio +ii libcdparanoia-10.2_15 CDDA reading utility with extra data verification features - runtime library +ii libcloudproviders-0.3.6_1 DBus API for cloud storage sync clients to expose their services +ii libcolord-1.4.6_2 System daemon for managing color devices - runtime library +ii libcrypto3-3.3.1_1 Toolkit for Secure Sockets Layer and Transport Layer Security - crypto library +ii libcryptsetup-2.7.0_1 Setup virtual encryption devices under Linux dm-crypt - runtime libraries +ii libcups-2.4.7_5 Common Unix Printing System - client runtime shared libraries +ii libcurl-8.9.1_1 Multiprotocol file transfer library +ii libdatrie-0.2.13_1 Implementation of double-array structure for representing trie +ii libdav1d-1.3.0_1 Small and fast AV1 Decoder - runtime library +ii libdb-5.3.28_8 Berkeley DB embedded database system - C shared libraries +ii libdbusmenu-glib-16.04.0_6 Library for passing menus over DBus +ii libdbusmenu-gtk3-16.04.0_6 Library for passing menus over DBus (GTK+3) +ii libde265-1.0.12_1 Open h.265 video codec implementation +ii libdebuginfod-0.190_1 Utilities to handle ELF object files - debuginfod library +ii libdecor-0.2.2_1 Client-side decorations library for Wayland client +ii libdisplay-info-0.1.1_1 EDID and DisplayID library +ii libdrm-2.4.122_1 Userspace interface to kernel DRM services +ii libedit-20240517.3.1_1 Port of the NetBSD Command Line Editor Library +ii libefivar-39_1 Library to manipulate EFI variables +ii libelf-0.190_1 Utilities to handle ELF object files - runtime library +ii libelogind-252.9_2 Standalone logind fork - elogind library +ii libepoxy-1.5.10_1 Library for handling OpenGL function pointer management for you +ii libev-4.33_1 High-performance event loop loosely modelled after libevent +ii libevdev-1.13.2_1 Wrapper library for evdev devices +ii libevent-2.1.12_3 Abstract asynchronous event notification library +ii libfdisk-2.40.1_1 Library for fdisk(8) +ii libffi-3.3_2 Library supporting Foreign Function Interfaces +ii libffi-devel-3.3_2 Library supporting Foreign Function Interfaces - development files +ii libfftw-3.3.10_2 Library for computing the discrete Fourier transform (DFT) - runtime libraries +ii libflac-1.4.3_1 Free Lossless Audio Codec - shared libraries +ii libfluidsynth-2.3.5_1 Real-time software synthesizer based on the SoundFont 2 specifications - runtime library +ii libfontenc-1.1.8_1 Fontenc Library from X.org +ii libfreeaptx-0.1.1_1 Open Source implementation of Audio Processing Technology codec (aptX) +ii libgbm-24.1.4_1 Mesa Generic buffer management API - runtime +ii libgcc-13.2.0_2 GNU Compiler Collection - GCC library +ii libgcc-devel-13.2.0_2 GNU Compiler Collection - GCC library - development files +ii libgcrypt-1.10.3_1 GNU cryptographic library +ii libgirepository-1.80.1_1 Library for handling GObject introspection data (runtime library) +ii libgit2-1.7.2_2 Git linkable library +ii libgit2-1.8-1.8.1_1 Git linkable library 1.8 +ii libglapi-24.1.4_1 Free implementation of the GL API - shared library +ii libglvnd-1.7.0_1 GL Vendor-Neutral Dispatch library +ii libgme-0.6.3_1 Video game music file emulation/playback library +ii libgomp-13.2.0_2 GNU Compiler Collection - OpenMP v4.0 library +ii libgpg-error-1.49_1 Library for error values used by GnuPG component +ii libgpgme-1.23.2_4 GnuPG Made Easy - library +ii libgs-10.03.1_1 Interpreter for the PostScript language - runtime shared library +ii libgsm-1.0.22_2 GSM 06.10 lossy speech compression +ii libgtop-2.41.3_1 Library to retrieve system information, used in GNOME +ii libgudev-238_1 Library providing GObject bindings for libudev +ii libgusb-0.4.9_1 GLib wrapper around libusb1 +ii libharfbuzz-9.0.0_1 OpenType text shaping engine - runtime library +ii libheif-1.18.1_2 ISO/IEC 23008-12:2017 HEIF file format decoder and encoder +ii libhunspell1.7-1.7.2_1 Spell checker and morphological analyzer - runtime library +ii libid3tag-0.15.1b_8 ID3 tag library, part of MAD (MPEG Audio Decoder) +ii libidn2-2.3.4_1 Internationalized string handling library +ii libinput-1.26.0_1 Provides handling input devices in Wayland compositors and X +ii libinstpatch-1.1.6_1 Instrument file software library +ii libjack-1.9.22_1 JACK Audio Connection Kit low-latency sound server (pro audio) - runtime library +ii libjasper-2.0.25_1 Software-based reference implementation of the JPEG-2000 codec - shared library +ii libjbig2dec-0.20_1 Decoder implementation of the JBIG2 image compression format - runtime library +ii libjpeg-turbo-3.0.1_1 Derivative of libjpeg which uses SIMD instructions +ii libjxl-0.10.3_2 JPEG XL image format reference implementation +ii libkeybinder3-0.3.2_2 Library for registering global keyboard shortcuts (GTK+3) +ii libkmod-31_1 Linux kernel module handling - runtime shared library +ii libksba-1.6.6_1 CMS and X.509 access library +ii liblastlog2-2.40.1_1 Lastlog replacement library from util-linux +ii liblc3-1.1.1_1 Low complexity communication codec +ii libldap-2.6.8_1 OpenLDAP (Lightweight Directory Access Protocol) library +ii libldns-1.8.4_1 Modern DNS/DNSSEC library +ii libliftoff-0.4.1_1 Lightweight KMS plane library +ii liblilv-0.24.12_4 Simple yet powerful C API for using LV2 plugins - Runtime library +ii libllvm17-17.0.6_3 LLVM Compiler Infrastructure Project - Version 17 - library +ii libllvm18-18.1.8_2 LLVM Compiler Infrastructure Project - Version 18 - library +ii liblouis-3.15.0_4 Open-source braille translator and back-translator +ii liblrdf-0.6.1_2 Lightweight RDF library with special support for LADSPA plugins +ii libltdl-2.4.7_7 Runtime libraries for GNU Libtool Dynamic Module Loader +ii libluv- Bare libuv bindings for LuaJIT +ii liblz4-1.9.4_1 LZ4 compression library +ii liblzma-5.6.2_1 XZ-format compression library +ii liblzma-devel-5.6.2_1 XZ-format compression library - development files +ii libmagic-5.45_1 File type identification library +ii libmanette-0.2.6_1 Simple GObject game controller library +ii libmd4c-0.4.8_1 Markdown for C - libraries +ii libmm-glib-1.18.12_1 Mobile broadband modem management service - GLib library +ii libmng-2.0.3_2 Multiple-image Network Graphics (MNG) reference library +ii libmnl-1.0.5_1 Minimalistic user-space library oriented to Netlink developers +ii libmodplug- A MOD playing library +ii libmount-2.40.1_1 Library for mount(8) +ii libmpc-1.3.1_1 C library for the arithmetic of complex numbers +ii libmpc-devel-1.3.1_1 C library for the arithmetic of complex numbers - development files +ii libmpg123-1.32.5_1 Fast console MPEG audio decoder/player - Runtime library +ii libmtp-1.1.21_1 Library for Microsoft's Media Transfer Protocol (MTP) +ii libmysofa-1.3.2_1 Reader for AES SOFA files to get better HRTFs +ii libndp-1.8_1 Library for Neighbor Discovery Protocol +ii libnetfilter_conntrack-1.0.9_1 Library providing an API to the in-kernel connection tracking table +ii libnfnetlink-1.0.2_1 Low-level library for netfilter kernel/userspace communication +ii libnfs-5.0.3_1 Client library for accessing NFS shares +ii libnftnl-1.2.7_1 Low-level netlink interface to nf_tables +ii libnice-0.1.22_1 Implementation of the IETF's draft ICE (for P2P UDP data streams) +ii libnl3-3.9.0_1 Netlink Protocol Library Suite +ii libnm-1.48.6_1 Network Management daemon - shared libraries +ii libnma-1.10.6_1 NetworkManager panel applet for GNOME - runtime library +ii libnotify-0.8.3_1 Desktop notification library +ii libnuspell-5.1.6_1 C++ spell checking library +ii libogg-1.3.5_1 Ogg bitstream file format library +ii libopenal-1.23.1_2 Cross-platform 3D audio library +ii libopenjpeg2-2.5.2_1 Open-source JPEG 2000 codec written in C language (Version 2) - library files +ii libpaper-1.1.29_1 Library for handling paper characteristics +ii libpcap-1.10.4_1 System-independent interface for user-level packet capture +ii libpciaccess-0.18.1_1 X11 PCI Access library +ii libpcre-8.45_3 Perl Compatible Regular Expressions - shared libraries +ii libpcre2-10.42_1 Perl Compatible Regular Expressions (2nd version) - shared libraries +ii libpipewire-1.2.2_1 Server and user space API to deal with multimedia pipelines - pipewire library +ii libplist-2.2.0_4 Apple Property List library +ii libpng-1.6.43_1 Library for manipulating PNG images +ii libpostproc6-6.1.2_1 FFmpeg video postprocessing library +ii libproxy-0.4.18_3 Library handling all the details of proxy configuration +ii libpsl-0.21.5_1 Public Suffix List library functions +ii libpulseaudio-16.1_2 Featureful, general-purpose sound server - shared libraries +ii libqt6shadertools-6.7.2_1 Cross-platform application and UI framework - shadertools - libraries +ii libraptor-2.0.16_1 Raptor RDF Syntax Library - Runtime libraries +ii libre2.10-2023.03.01_1 Efficient, principled regular expression library +ii libreadline8-8.2.010_1 GNU Readline Library +ii librist-0.2.7_1 Reliable Internet Stream Transport (RIST) +ii librsvg-2.58.2_1 SVG library for GNOME +ii librtmp-2.4.20161210_10 Toolkit for RTMP streams - shared library +ii libsamplerate-0.2.2_1 Sample Rate Converter for audio +ii libsasl-2.1.28_2 Cyrus SASL - runtime shared libraries +ii libseat-0.8.0_1 Universal seat management library +ii libseccomp-2.5.5_1 High level interface to the Linux Kernel's seccomp filter +ii libsecret-0.21.4_1 GObject based library for accessing the Secret Service API +ii libsensors-3.6.0_2 Library to read temperature/voltage/fan sensors +ii libserd-0.32.2_1 Lightweight C library for RDF syntax - Runtime library +ii libsharpyuv-1.4.0_2 Library to expose libwebp's sharpyuv functionality +ii libsigc++3-3.4.0_1 Type-safe callback system for C++ programs +ii libsmartcols-2.40.1_1 Table or Tree library from util-linux +ii libsndfile-1.2.2_1 C library for reading and writing files containing sampled sound +ii libsndio-1.10.0_1 Small audio and MIDI framework part of the OpenBSD project -- library +ii libsodium-1.0.20_1 Modern and easy-to-use crypto library +ii libsord-0.16.16_1 Lightweight C library for storing RDF data in memory - Runtime library +ii libsoup-2.74.3_1 HTTP library implementation in C +ii libsoxr-0.1.3_2 SoX resampler library +ii libspa-alsa-1.2.2_1 Server and user space API to deal with multimedia pipelines - alsa plugins +ii libspa-audioconvert-1.2.2_1 Server and user space API to deal with multimedia pipelines - audioconvert plugins +ii libspa-audiomixer-1.2.2_1 Server and user space API to deal with multimedia pipelines - audiomixer plugins +ii libspa-bluetooth-1.2.2_1 Server and user space API to deal with multimedia pipelines - bluetooth plugins +ii libspa-control-1.2.2_1 Server and user space API to deal with multimedia pipelines - control plugins +ii libspa-v4l2-1.2.2_1 Server and user space API to deal with multimedia pipelines - v4l2 plugins +ii libspectre-0.2.12_1 Small library for rendering Postscript documents +ii libspeex-1.2.1_1 Free codec for free speech - shared libraries +ii libsrt-1.5.3_1 Secure, Reliable, Transport - development files +ii libsrtp-2.6.0_1 Library implementing SRTP, the Secure Real-time Transport Protocol +ii libssh-0.10.6_1 Multiplatform C library implementing the SSH v2 protocol +ii libssh2-1.11.0_2 Library implementing the SSH2 protocol +ii libssl3-3.3.1_1 Toolkit for Secure Sockets Layer and Transport Layer Security - SSL/TLS library +ii libstdc++-13.2.0_2 GNU Compiler Collection - Standard C++ Library +ii libstdc++-devel-13.2.0_2 GNU Compiler Collection - Standard C++ Library - development files +ii libsvt-av1-1.7.0_1 AV1-compliant encoder/decoder library core - library files +ii libswresample-4.4.4_9 FFmpeg video resampling library +ii libswresample6-6.1.2_1 FFmpeg video resampling library +ii libswscale6-6.1.2_1 FFmpeg video scaling library +ii libtasn1-4.19.0_1 ASN.1 structure parser library +ii libtdb-1.4.10_1 Trivial Database, similar to GDBM but allows simultaneous commits - shared libraries +ii libthai-0.1.29_1 Thai language support routines +ii libtheora-1.1.1_8 Theora Video Compression Codec +ii libtirpc-1.3.4_1 Transport Independent RPC library (SunRPC replacement) +ii libtracker-3.7.3_1 Personal search tool and storage system - shared libraries +ii libunbound-1.20.0_1 Validating, recursive, and caching DNS resolver - shared library +ii libunistring-1.0_1 Library for manipulating Unicode strings and C strings +ii liburcu-0.14.0_1 Userspace RCU (read-copy-update) library +ii libusb-1.0.27_1 Library which allows userspace access to USB devices +ii libusbmuxd-2.0.2_1 USB Multiplex Daemon library +ii libuuid-2.40.1_1 UUID library +ii libuv-1.46.0_1 Multi-platform support library with a focus on asynchronous I/O +ii libva-2.22.0_1 Video Acceleration (VA) API +ii libvdpau-1.5_1 Video Decode and Presentation API for UNIX +ii libvidstab-1.1.0_2 Video stabilization library +ii libvisual-0.4.2_1 Abstraction library for audio visualisation plugins +ii libvoikko-4.3.2_1 Free linguistic software and data for Finnish +ii libvorbis-1.3.7_1 The Vorbis General Audio Compression Codec +ii libvpx-1.13.1_1 VP8 and VP9 video codec +ii libvterm-0.3.3_1 Abstract VT220/xterm/ECMA-48 emulation library +ii libwacom-2.12.1_2 Library to identify wacom tablets +ii libwavpack-5.6.0_1 Hybrid lossless audio compression - shared library +ii libwebp-1.4.0_2 WebP image format +ii libwnck-43.0_2 Library for layout and rendering of text +ii libwoff2common1.0.2-1.0.2_1 Web Open Font Format 2 reference implementaton - common library +ii libwoff2dec1.0.2-1.0.2_1 Web Open Font Format 2 reference implementaton - decoder library +ii libxatracker-24.1.4_1 Mesa XA tracker interface library +ii libxbps-0.59.2_3 XBPS package system utilities - runtime library +ii libxcb-1.16.1_1 X protocol C-language Binding +ii libxcrypt-4.4.36_3 Modern library for one-way hashing of passwords +ii libxcrypt-compat-4.4.36_3 Modern library for one-way hashing of passwords - legacy compatibility +ii libxcrypt-devel-4.4.36_3 Modern library for one-way hashing of passwords - development files +ii libxcvt-0.1.2_1 VESA CVT standard timing modelines generator +ii libxkbcommon-1.7.0_1 Library to handle keyboard descriptions +ii libxkbcommon-x11-1.7.0_1 Library to handle keyboard descriptions - X11 support +ii libxkbfile-1.1.3_1 Xkbfile Library from X.org +ii libxkbregistry-1.7.0_1 XKB API to query available rules, models, layouts, variants and options +ii libxml2-2.12.6_1 Library providing XML and HTML support +ii libxml2-devel-2.12.6_1 Library providing XML and HTML support - development files +ii libxmlb-0.3.19_1 Library to help create and query binary XML blobs +ii libxshmfence-1.3.2_1 X Shared memory 'SyncFence' synchronization primitive +ii libxslt-1.1.39_2 XSLT parser library from the GNOME project +ii libxxHash-0.8.2_1 Fast non-cryptographic hashing algorithm - library +ii libyaml-0.2.5_1 Fast YAML 1.1 parser and emitter library +ii libyaml-devel-0.2.5_1 Fast YAML 1.1 parser and emitter library - development files +ii libz3-4.13.0_2 Z3 theorem prover and SMT solver (command line + Python3 module) - runtime library +ii libzbar-0.23.1_7 Barcode reading library and application - library files +ii libzstd-1.5.6_1 Fast real-time compression algorithm +ii linux-6.6_1 Linux kernel meta package +ii linux-base-2023.05.29_1 Linux kernel base dependencies +ii linux-firmware-amd-20240709_1 Binary firmware blobs for the Linux kernel - AMD CPU/GPU microcode +ii linux-firmware-broadcom-20240709_1 Binary firmware blobs for the Linux kernel - Broadcom network blobs +ii linux-firmware-intel-20240709_1 Binary firmware blobs for the Linux kernel - Intel CPU/GPU microcode +ii linux-firmware-network-20240709_1 Binary firmware blobs for the Linux kernel - network +ii linux-firmware-nvidia-20240709_1 Binary firmware blobs for the Linux kernel NVIDIA GPU microcode +ii linux-headers-6.6_1 Linux kernel headers meta package +ii linux6.6-6.6.44_1 Linux kernel and modules (6.6 series) +ii linux6.6-headers-6.6.44_1 Linux kernel and modules (6.6 series) - source headers for 3rd party modules +ii llhttp-9.2.1_1 Port of http_parser to llparse +ii lowdown-1.1.0_1 Simple markdown translator +ii lsd-1.1.2_3 Next gen ls command with lots of pretty colors and awesome icons +ii lsof-4.99.3_1 LiSt Open Files +ii lua51-5.1.5_13 Powerful, fast, lightweight, embeddable scripting language (5.1.x) +ii lua51-lpeg-1.1.0_2 Pattern-matching library for Lua based on Parsing Expression Grammars (5.1.x) +ii lua54-5.4.6_1 Powerful, fast, lightweight, embeddable scripting language (5.4.x) +ii lvm2-2.03.23_1 Logical Volume Manager 2 utilities +ii lzo-2.10_2 Portable lossless data compression library +ii make-4.4.1_1 GNU Make build tool +ii man-pages-6.05.01_2 Linux Documentation Project (LDP) manual pages +ii mbedtls-2.16.12_1 Portable cryptographic TLS library +ii mdadm-4.3_2 Tool for managing/monitoring Linux md device arrays +ii mdocml-1.14.6_8 UNIX manpage compiler toolset (mandoc) +ii mesa-24.1.4_1 Open source implementation of OpenGL and Vulkan +ii mesa-dri-24.1.4_1 Mesa DRI drivers +ii mesa-vulkan-radeon-24.1.4_1 Mesa Radeon Vulkan driver +ii mit-krb5-libs-1.21.3_1 MIT Kerberos 5 implementation - runtime libraries +ii mkfontscale-1.2.2_1 X11 Scalable Font Index Generator +ii mobile-broadband-provider-info-20220511_1 Database of mobile broadband service providers +ii modrinth-app-0.7.1_1 An unique, open source launcher that allows you to play your favorite mods, and keep them up to date, all in one neat little package. +ii mpfr-4.2.1_1 Library for multiple-precision floating-point computations +ii mpfr-devel-4.2.1_1 Library for multiple-precision floating-point computations - development files +ii msgpack-6.0.2_1 Binary-based efficient object serialization library for C +ii mtdev-1.1.7_1 Multitouch Protocol Translation Library +ii ncurses-6.5_1 System V Release 4.0 curses emulation library +ii ncurses-base-6.5_1 System V Release 4.0 curses emulation library - base terminfo files +ii ncurses-libs-6.5_1 System V Release 4.0 curses emulation library -- shared libraries +ii neofetch-7.1.0_2 Simple system information script +ii neovim-0.10.1_2 Fork of Vim aiming to improve user experience, plugins and GUIs +ii nerd-fonts-3.2.1_1 Iconic font aggregator collection +ii nerd-fonts-otf-3.2.1_1 Iconic font aggregator collection - OTF fonts +ii nerd-fonts-symbols-ttf-3.2.1_1 Iconic font aggregator collection - TTF symbols-only font +ii nerd-fonts-ttf-3.2.1_1 Iconic font aggregator collection - TTF fonts +ii netcat-0.7.1_7 The GNU netcat utility +ii nethogs-0.8.7_1 Small net top tool grouping bandwidth by process +ii nettle-3.9.1_1 Low-level cryptographic library +ii network-manager-applet-1.36.0_1 NetworkManager panel applet for GNOME +ii newt-0.52.21_7 Library for color text mode, widget based user interfaces +ii nghttp2-1.62.1_1 HTTP/2 C Library +ii nload-0.7.4_2 Command line tool to visualize network traffic +ii npth-1.7_2 New portable threads library +ii nspr-4.35_1 NetScape Portable Runtime +ii nss-3.102.1_1 Mozilla Network Security Services +ii ntfs-3g-2022.10.3_1 Stable Read/Write NTFS Driver in userspace +ii nvi-1.81.6_19 Berkeley Vi Editor +ii nvidia-550.107.02_2 NVIDIA drivers for linux - Libraries and Utilities +ii nvidia-dkms-550.107.02_2 NVIDIA drivers for linux - DKMS kernel module +ii nvidia-firmware-550.107.02_2 NVIDIA drivers for linux - Firmware +ii nvidia-gtklibs-550.107.02_2 NVIDIA drivers for linux - GTK+ libraries +ii nvidia-libs-550.107.02_2 NVIDIA drivers for linux - common libraries +ii ocl-icd-2.3.2_2 Generic OpenCL ICD loader/demultiplexer +ii oneVPL-2023.3.1_2 Intel oneAPI Video Processing Library +ii oniguruma-6.9.9_1 Multi-charset regular expressions library +ii opendoas-6.8.2_1 Portable OpenBSD doas to execute commands as another user +ii openjdk-common-2_1 Common files for OpenJDK packages +ii openjdk21-21.0.3+9_1 OpenJDK Java Development Kit (version 21) +ii openjdk21-jre-21.0.3+9_1 OpenJDK Java Development Kit (version 21) - runtime components +ii openresolv-3.13.2_1 Management framework for resolv.conf +ii openssh-9.8p1_1 OpenSSH free Secure Shell (SSH) client and server implementation +ii openssl-3.3.1_1 Toolkit for Secure Sockets Layer and Transport Layer Security +ii openssl-devel-3.3.1_1 Toolkit for Secure Sockets Layer and Transport Layer Security - development files +ii opus-1.4_1 Totally open, royalty-free, highly versatile audio codec +ii orc-0.4.39_1 Oild Runtime Compiler +ii os-prober-1.81_1 Utility to detect other OSes on a set of drives +ii ostree-2024.3_1 Operating system and container binary deployment and upgrades +ii p11-kit-0.25.3_1 Provides a way to load and enumerate PKCS#11 modules +ii pahole-1.27_1 Various DWARF utils +ii pam-1.5.3_4 Flexible mechanism for authenticating users +ii pam-base-0.4_3 PAM base configuration files +ii pam-libs-1.5.3_4 Flexible mechanism for authenticating users - runtime libraries +ii pango-1.54.0_1 Library for layout and rendering of text +ii pangomm2.48-2.50.0_1 C++ bindings for the pango library +ii pavucontrol-6.0_1 PulseAudio Volume Control +ii pciutils-3.13.0_1 PCI bus related utilities +ii perl-5.38.2_3 Practical Extraction and Report Language +ii perl-Authen-SASL-2.1700_1 Authen::SASL -- SASL authentication framework +ii perl-Convert-BinHex-1.125_3 Perl module to extract data from Macintosh BinHex files +ii perl-Digest-HMAC-1.04_1 Perl interface to HMAC message-digest algorithms +ii perl-IO-Socket-SSL-2.088_1 IO::Socket::SSL -- SSL sockets with IO::Socket interface +ii perl-IO-stringy-2.113_2 IO::stringy -- I/O on in-core objects like strings/arrays +ii perl-MIME-tools-5.515_1 MIME-tools -- Parses streams to create MIME entities +ii perl-MailTools-2.21_3 MailTools -- Various e-mail related modules +ii perl-Net-SMTP-SSL-1.04_3 Net::SMTP::SSL -- SSL support for Net::SMTP +ii perl-Net-SSLeay-1.94_1 Net::SSLeay - Perl extension for using OpenSSL +ii perl-TimeDate-2.33_2 TimeDate -- Date formating subroutines +ii perl-URI-5.21_1 Perl Uniform Resource Identifiers class (URI, RFC 2396) +ii pick-4.0.0_1 Fuzzy search tool for the command-line +ii pinentry-1.3.1_1 PIN or passphrase entry dialogs for GnuPG +ii pipewire-1.2.2_1 Server and user space API to deal with multimedia pipelines +ii pixman-0.43.4_1 Library of low-level pixel manipulation routines +ii pkg-config-0.29.2_3 System for managing library compile/link flags +ii polkit-124_1 Authorization Toolkit +ii popt-1.19_1 Command line option parsing library +ii postgresql-client-16_1 Client frontends programs for PostgreSQL +ii postgresql-libs-16.3_1 PostgreSQL shared libraries +ii postgresql-libs-devel-16.3_1 PostgreSQL shared libraries (development files) +ii postgresql16-client-16.3_1 Client frontends programs for PostgreSQL +ii procps-ng-4.0.4_2 Utilities for monitoring your system and its processes +ii public-suffix-2024.07.01_1 Public Suffix List +ii pulseaudio-utils-16.1_2 Featureful, general-purpose sound server - utilities +ii python3-3.12.5_1 Python programming language (3.12 series) +ii python3-atspi-2.38.0_6 Python2 bindings for AT-SPI +ii python3-cairo-1.26.0_1 Python3 bindings for the cairo graphics library +ii python3-dbus-1.3.2_2 D-Bus Python3 bindings +ii python3-devel-3.12.5_1 Python programming language (3.12 series) - development files +ii python3-gobject-3.48.2_1 Python3 bindings for GObject +ii python3-setuptools-72.1.0_1 Easily build and distribute Python3 packages +ii python3-tkinter-3.12.5_1 Python programming language - GUI toolkit for Python3 +ii python3-xdg-0.28_4 Python3 library to access freedesktop.org standards +ii qt6-base-6.7.2_2 Cross-platform application and UI framework (QT6) +ii qt6-core-6.7.2_2 Cross-platform application and UI framework (QT6) - Core +ii qt6-dbus-6.7.2_2 Cross-platform application and UI framework (QT6) - DBus +ii qt6-declarative-6.7.2_1 Cross-platform application and UI framework - Declarative +ii qt6-gui-6.7.2_2 Cross-platform application and UI framework (QT6) - Gui +ii qt6-imageformats-6.7.2_1 Cross-platform application and UI framework - imageformats +ii qt6-network-6.7.2_2 Cross-platform application and UI framework (QT6) - Network +ii qt6-networkauth-6.7.2_1 Cross-platform application and UI framework - networkauth +ii qt6-plugin-tls-openssl-6.7.2_2 Cross-platform application and UI framework (QT6) - TLS plugin +ii qt6-qt5compat-6.7.2_1 Cross-platform application and UI framework - Qt5 Compatibilty Component +ii qt6-sql-6.7.2_2 Cross-platform application and UI framework (QT6) - Sql +ii qt6-svg-6.7.2_1 Cross-platform application and UI framework (QT6) - qt6-svg component +ii qt6-widgets-6.7.2_2 Cross-platform application and UI framework (QT6) - Widgets +ii qt6-xml-6.7.2_2 Cross-platform application and UI framework (QT6) - Xml +ii rav1e-0.6.6_2 Fastest and safest AV1 encoder +ii rbenv-1.3.0_1 Manage your app's Ruby environment +ii re2-2024.06.01_1 Efficient, principled regular expression library +ii removed-packages-0.1.20240807_1 Uninstalls packages removed from repository +ii rhash-1.4.4_2 Utility for computing hash sums and creating magnet links +ii ruby-build-20240727_1 Compile and install Ruby +ii run-parts-4.11.2_2 Run scripts or programs in a directory +ii runit-2.1.2_15 UNIX init scheme with service supervision +ii runit-void-20231124_5 Void Linux runit scripts +ii rustup-1.27.1_1 Rust toolchain installer +ii sbc-2.0_1 Bluetooth Subband Codec (SBC) library +ii scenefx-0.1_1 Drop-in replacement for the wlroots scene API +ii scrot-1.11.1_1 Simple command-line screenshot utility for X +ii sed-4.9_1 The GNU stream editor +ii setxkbmap-1.3.4_1 Set the keyboard map using the X Keyboard Extension +ii shadow-4.8.1_3 Shadow password file utilities +ii shared-mime-info-2.4_2 Core database of common types +ii slang-2.3.2_2 S-Lang programming library +ii snappy-1.1.10_1 Fast compressor/decompressor library +ii soundtouch-2.3.2_1 SoundTouch Audio Processing Library +ii spandsp-0.0.6_4 Library of many DSP functions for telephony +ii spdx-licenses-list-3.24.0_1 SPDX License List +ii speedtest-cli-2.1.3_4 Command line bandwidth test using speedtest.net +ii speexdsp-1.2.1_1 Free codec for free speech - DSP +ii sqlite-3.45.3_2 SQL Database Engine in a C Library +ii sratom-0.6.16_1 Library for serialising LV2 atoms to/from RDF (Turtle syntax) +ii starship-1.20.1_1 Minimal, fast and customizable cross-shell prompt +ii startup-notification-0.12_11 Library for tracking application startup +ii swaybg-1.2.1_1 Wallpaper tool for Wayland compositors +ii swayfx-0.4_1 Sway, but with eye candy! +ii swayidle-1.8.0_1 Idle management daemon for Wayland +ii swaylock-1.7.2_1 Screen locker for Wayland +ii taglib-1.13.1_1 Library for accessing ID tags in various media files +ii tar-1.35_1 GNU tape archiver with remote magnetic tape support +ii tcl-8.6.14_1 TCL scripting language +ii terminus-font-4.49.1_1 Clean, fixed width bitmap font +ii thin-provisioning-tools-1.0.4_1 Tools for manipulating the metadata of dm-thin device-mapper targets +ii tiff-4.6.0_3 Library and tools for reading and writing TIFF data files +ii tk-8.6.14_1 TK graphical user interface toolkit for TCL +ii traceroute-2.1.3_1 Traces the route taken by packets over an IPv4/IPv6 network +ii tree-sitter-0.22.6_1 Parser generator tool and incremental parsing library +ii tslib-1.23_1 Touchscreen access library +ii twemoji-14.0.2_1 Twitter emoji font set in color and b&w +ii twolame-0.4.0_2 Optimised MPEG Audio Layer 2 (MP2) encoder +ii tzdata-2024a_1 Time zone and daylight-saving time data +ii unibilium-2.1.1_1 Simple, self-contained terminfo library +ii unzip-6.0_15 List, test and extract compressed files in a ZIP archive +ii usbutils-017_1 Linux USB utilities +ii util-linux-2.40.1_1 Miscellaneous linux utilities +ii util-linux-common-2.40.1_1 Miscellaneous linux utilities - common files +ii v4l-utils-1.24.1_1 Userspace tools and libraries for Video 4 Linux +ii vesktop-1.5.3_1 Vesktop gives you the performance of web Discord and the comfort of Discord Desktop +ii visual-studio-code-1.87.2_1 Visual Studio Code (vscode): Editor for building and debugging modern web and cloud applications (official binary version) +ii vmaf-2.3.1_1 Perceptual video quality assessment algorithm developed by Netflix +ii void-artwork-20221013_1 Void Linux artwork +ii void-docs-2024.03.14_1 Documentation for Void Linux +ii void-docs-browse-2024.03.14_1 Documentation for Void Linux - browsing utilities +ii void-repo-nonfree-9_6 Void Linux drop-in file for the nonfree repository +ii vulkan-loader- Vulkan Installable Client Driver (ICD) loader +ii wayland-1.23.0_1 Core Wayland window system code and protocol +ii webkit2gtk-2.44.2_1 GTK+3 port of the WebKit browser engine +ii webrtc-audio-processing-1.3_1 AudioProcessing library based on Google's implementation of WebRTC +ii which-2.21_4 Displays where a particular program in your path is located +ii wifi-firmware-1.3_4 WiFi firmware meta-package +ii wireplumber-0.5.5_1 Session and policy manager implementation for PipeWire +ii wlr-randr-0.4.1_1 Wayland clone of xrandr for wlroots compositors +ii wlroots0.17-0.17.4_1 Modular Wayland compositor library 0.17 +ii wpa_supplicant-2.10_5 WPA/WPA2/IEEE 802.1X Supplicant +ii x264-20191217.2245_1 Free library for encoding H264/AVC video streams +ii x265-3.6_1 Open Source H.265/HEVC video encoder +ii xauth-1.1.3_1 X authentication utility +ii xbps-0.59.2_3 XBPS package system utilities +ii xbps-triggers-0.128_1 XBPS triggers for Void Linux +ii xcb-util-0.4.1_1 XCB utilities library +ii xcb-util-cursor-0.1.4_1 XCB cursor library (libxcursor port) +ii xcb-util-errors-1.0.1_1 XCB errors library +ii xcb-util-image-0.4.1_1 Utility libraries for XCB - XImage and XShmImage functions +ii xcb-util-keysyms-0.4.1_1 Utility libraries for XCB - key constants and keycode conversion +ii xcb-util-renderutil-0.3.10_1 Utility libraries for XCB - Render extension convenience functions +ii xcb-util-wm-0.4.2_1 Utility libraries for XC Binding - window-manager helpers for ICCCM +ii xclip-0.13_2 Command line interface to the X11 clipboard +ii xdg-dbus-proxy-0.1.5_1 Filtering proxy for D-Bus connections +ii xdg-desktop-portal-1.18.4_1 Portal frontend service for Flatpak +ii xdg-desktop-portal-gtk-1.15.1_1 Portal backend service for Flatpak using GTK+ +ii xdg-desktop-portal-wlr-0.7.1_1 Backend of xdg-desktop-portal for wlroots +ii xdg-utils-1.2.1_1 Tools to assist applications with various desktop integration tasks +ii xev-1.2.6_1 Display X events +ii xf86-input-libinput-1.4.0_1 Generic input driver for the X.Org server based on libinput +ii xfsprogs-6.5.0_1 Utilities for managing the XFS filesystem +ii xinit-1.4.2_1 X init program +ii xinput-1.6.4_1 Utility to configure and test X input devices +ii xkbcomp-1.4.7_1 XKBD keymap compiler +ii xkeyboard-config-2.41_1 X Keyboard Configuration Database +ii xmirror-0.3_1 Interactive script for changing XBPS mirrors +ii xorg-minimal-1.2_2 Xorg meta-package including xorg-xserver and needed tools +ii xorg-server-21.1.13_1 X11 server from X.org +ii xorg-server-common-21.1.13_1 X11 server from X.org- common files +ii xorg-server-xwayland-24.1.0_1 Nested X server that runs as a wayland client +ii xrandr-1.5.2_1 Primitive command line interface to RandR extension +ii xset-1.2.5_2 X11 user preferences utility +ii xtools-0.66_1 Opinionated helpers for working with XBPS +ii xtools-minimal-0.66_1 Opinionated helpers for working with XBPS - minimal subset +ii xvidcore-1.3.7_1 ISO MPEG-4 compliant video codec +ii z3-4.13.0_2 Z3 theorem prover and SMT solver (command line + Python3 module) +ii zd1211-firmware-1.5_3 Firmware for the Zydas 1211 wifi cards +ii zed-0.147.2_1 High-performance, multiplayer code editor +ii zip-3.0_6 Create/update ZIP files compatible with pkzip +ii zix-0.4.2_1 C library of portability wrappers and data structures +ii zlib-1.3.1_1 Compression/decompression Library +ii zlib-devel-1.3.1_1 Compression/decompression Library - development files