#Enable/Disable debug mode debug = false [SmokeContainers] #Maximum length of the vent pipe for smoke or gas transmition #Range: 1 ~ 64 maxVentPipeLength = 32 #Maximum distance from vent to the gas block to be sucked in #Range: 1 ~ 16 ventReachDistance = 4 #Maximum amount of blocks that will be checked when searching for multiblock boundaries #Range: 1 ~ 512 maxBlocksInMultiblock = 81 #Strength of the airflow created in the chimney by a connected exhaust pump #Range: 0 ~ 10 pumpedChimneyAirflow = 1 #List of hoppers in the following format: blockID, suctionRange #Where suctionRange is the radius of the cylindrical area above the hopper within which the pollution will be sucked in. #The height of this area is always 3 blocks. #Range: 1 ~ 64 suctionHoppers = ["minecraft:hopper, 8", "brickhopper:brick_hopper, 6", "goldenhopper:golden_hopper, 12", "littlelogistics:rapid_hopper, 12"]