[hammock] #Completely turns off the animation animation = true #Intensity of velocity increment that is applied when controlling a hammock #Range: 0.0 ~ 10.0 swing_force = 0.008 #Camera roll intensity when swinging on a hammock. Set to 0 to turn it off entirely #Range: 0.0 ~ 1.0 camera_roll_intensity = 1.0 #Swinging too much on a hammock will make you fall. Disable to do a barrel roll hammock_fall = true #Swing animation parameters [hammock.animation_parameters] frequency = 0.25 collision_considers_entity_hitbox = true collision_inertia = 1.0 collision_force = 1.0 min_angle = 4.9999995 max_angle = 99.99999 damping = 0.2 [dream_essence] #How subtle the effect will be essentially. Set to one for bring fancy particles #Range: 0.0 ~ 1.0 particle_alpha = 0.1 #Affects the plume height. lower to make the plume shorter #Range: 1 ~ 10000 particle_lifetime = 380 #Makes particles spawn more often. Set to 0 to disable #Range: 0.0 ~ 1.0 particle_spawn_chance = 0.15 24h_time_format = true [misc] #Show insomnia missing time when laying on a bed show_insomnia_timer = false #Show insomnia cooldown as a small bed icon above crossair when aiming at a bed or in one crossair_insomnia_cooldown = true #Displays current time when sleeping show_time_when_sleeping = true #Makes villagers close their eyes when sleeping sleeping_villagers_eyes = true