[mod] #Set to false to disable TreeChop without having to uninstall the mod enabled = true #Let TreeChop print to the log printDebugInfo = true [permissions] [permissions.choppingEnabled] canBeFalse = true canBeTrue = true [permissions.fellingEnabled] canBeFalse = true canBeTrue = true [permissions.sneakBehavior] canBeInvertFelling = true canBeInvertChopping = true canBeNone = true [permissions.treeMustHaveLeaves] canBeFalse = true canBeTrue = true [permissions.chopInCreativeMode] canBeFalse = true canBeTrue = true [general] #If false, log items will be destroyed when chopping dropLootForChoppedBlocks = true #If true, chopped logs will drop a log item immediately instead of waiting for the tree to be felled, restoring legacy behavior. Does nothing if dropLootForChoppedBlocks is false dropLootOnFirstChop = false [treeDetection] #Maximum number of log blocks that can be detected to belong to one tree #Range: 1 ~ 8096 maxTreeBlocks = 1024 #Maximum number of leaves blocks that can destroyed when a tree is felled #Range: 1 ~ 8096 maxLeavesBlocks = 1024 #Destroy leaves when a tree is felled breakLeaves = true #Non-decayable leaves are ignored when detecting leaves ignorePersistentLeaves = true #Maximum distance from log blocks to destroy leaves blocks when felling #Range: 0 ~ 16 maxBreakLeavesDistance = 7 [treeDetection.logs] #Blocks that should be considered choppable #For block lists, specify using registry names (mod:block), tags (#mod:tag), namespaces (@mod), and Java-style regular expressions #Regular expressions must match the whole resource name, including the colon. Some simple examples are: # - To match any block ending in _log: ".*_log", where .* is a wildcard # - You can also specify a mod: "treemod:.*_log" # - To also match stripped versions: ".*_log(_stripped)?", where ? means that the text in the parenthesis is optional #For more help, see https://github.com/hammertater/treechop/wiki/Configuration blocks = ["#treechop:choppables", "#minecraft:logs"] #Blocks that should never be chopped, even if included in the list above #Specify using registry names (mod:block), tags (#mod:tag), and namespaces (@mod) exceptions = ["minecraft:bamboo", "#dynamictrees:branches", "dynamictrees:trunk_shell"] [treeDetection.leaves] #Blocks that should be considered leaves #Specify using registry names (mod:block), tags (#mod:tag), and namespaces (@mod) blocks = ["#treechop:leaves_like", "#minecraft:leaves", "pamhc2trees:pam[a-z]+"] #Blocks that should never be considered leaves, even if included in the list above #Specify using registry names (mod:block), tags (#mod:tag), and namespaces (@mod) exceptions = [] [chopCounting] #Method to use for computing the number of chops needed to fell a tree #Allowed Values: LINEAR, LOGARITHMIC algorithm = "LOGARITHMIC" #How to round the number of chops needed to fell a tree; this is more meaningful for smaller trees #Allowed Values: DOWN, NEAREST, UP rounding = "NEAREST" #Felling a tree can require more chops than the number of blocks in the tree canRequireMoreChopsThanBlocks = false #See https://github.com/hammertater/treechop/#logarithmic [chopCounting.logarithmic] #Determines the number of chops required to fell a tree; higher values require more chops for bigger trees #Range: 0.0 ~ 10000.0 a = 10.0 #See https://github.com/hammertater/treechop/#linear [chopCounting.linear] #The number of chops per block required to fell a tree; if chopsPerBlock = 0.5, it will take 50 chops to fell a 100 block tree #Range: 0.0 ~ 7.0 chopsPerBlock = 1.0 #The base number of chops required to fell a tree regardless of its size #Range: -10000.0 ~ 10000.0 baseNumChops = 0.0 [compatibility] #https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/carry-on #https://modrinth.com/mod/carry-on #Small fixes. carryOn = true #https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/project-mmo #https://modrinth.com/mod/project-mmo #Award woodcutting XP for chopping. projectMMO = true #https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/the-one-probe #https://modrinth.com/mod/the-one-probe #Shows the number of chops required to fell a tree and what loot will drop. theOneProbe = true #https://github.com/TerraformersMC #Fixes starting chop radius for small logs from Terraformers mods (Terrestria, etc.) terraformers = true #https://github.com/AtomicStryker/atomicstrykers-minecraft-mods #Fixes bad behavior multiMine = true #https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/apotheosis #Adds compatibility with the "chainsaw" enchantment. apotheosis = true [compatibility.general] #Only chop when using the correct tool for drops, if any (does nothing in vanilla, but some mods add tool requirements to logs choppingRequiresCorrectToolForDrops = true #Only chop when using a tool that increases block breaking speed (such as axes for logs) choppingRequiresFastBreakingTool = false #Prevent chopping when right-clicking blocks preventChoppingOnRightClick = false #Prevent infinite loops when chopping; fixes crashes when using modded items that break multiple blocks preventChopRecursion = true [compatibility.general.blacklist] #Whether the listed items should be blacklisted or whitelisted #Allowed Values: BLACKLIST, WHITELIST blacklistOrWhitelist = "BLACKLIST" #List of item registry names (mod:item), tags (#mod:tag), and namespaces (@mod) for items that should not chop when used to break a log #- Items in this list that have special support for TreeChop will not be blacklisted; see https://github.com/hammertater/treechop/blob/main/docs/compatibility.md#blacklist items = ["botania:terra_axe", "@lumberjack", "mekanism:atomic_disassembler", "practicaltools:diamond_greataxe", "practicaltools:golden_greataxe", "practicaltools:iron_greataxe", "practicaltools:netherite_greataxe", "twilightforest:giant_pickaxe"] #The chop settings used by non-player entities, such as robots and machine blocks [compatibility.general.fakePlayerChopSettings] #Use with caution! May cause conflicts with some mods, e.g. https://github.com/hammertater/treechop/issues/71 choppingEnabled = false #Felling only matters if chopping is enabled; probably best to leave this on fellingEnabled = true treesMustHaveLeaves = true #A set of alternate tree detection strategies for oddly shaped trees #For block lists, specify using registry names (mod:block), tags (#mod:tag), namespaces (@mod), and Java-style regular expressions #Regular expressions must match the whole resource name, including the colon. Some simple examples are: # - To match any block ending in _log: ".*_log", where .* is a wildcard # - You can also specify a mod: "treemod:.*_log" # - To also match stripped versions: ".*_log(_stripped)?", where ? means that the text in the parenthesis is optional #For more help, see https://github.com/hammertater/treechop/wiki/Configuration [compatibility.trees] [compatibility.trees.hugeMushrooms] logs = ["#forge:mushroom_stems"] leaves = ["#forge:mushroom_caps"] [compatibility.trees.hugeFungi] logs = ["#minecraft:crimson_stems", "#minecraft:warped_stems"] leaves = ["#minecraft:wart_blocks", "minecraft:shroomlight"] [compatibility.trees.problematicLeavesTrees] logs = ["tropicraft:.*_log(_.*)?", "mysticbiomes:.*_log", "betternether:.*_bark", "betternether:.*_log", "alexscaves:.*_log", "alexscaves:pewen_wood"] leaves = ["tropicraft:.*_leaves(_.*)?", "betternether:.*_leaves", "regions_unexplored:brimwood_leaves", "alexscaves:.*_branch", "alexscaves:pewen_pines"] [compatibility.silentgear] #https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/tinkers-construct #https://modrinth.com/mod/tinkers-construct #Makes saws do more chops. enabled = true #Number of chops a saw should perform on a single block break #Range: 1 ~ 10000 sawChops = 5 [compatibility.tinkersConstruct] #https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/tinkers-construct #https://modrinth.com/mod/tinkers-construct #Makes AOE tools do more chops. enabled = true #Number of chops that tree breaking tools (like broad axes) should perform on a single block break #Range: 1 ~ 10000 treeBreakingTools = 5 #Number of chops that wood breaking tools (like hand axes) should perform on a single block break #Range: 1 ~ 10000 woodBreakingTools = 1 #The chop count multiplier for each level of the expanded upgrade #Range: 1.0 ~ 10000.0 expandedMultiplier = 2.0 [compatibility.API] #Log information about TreeChop API usage. May be useful for debugging mod compatibility issues. verbose = false