[misc] #Fixes multiplayer players being positioned 2 pixels above a bed fix_bed_position = true #Allows laying on a bed when you are on sleeping cooldown lay_when_on_cooldown = true #Allows player to sleep in the middle of two beds queen_size_bed = true #Disables damage from bed explosion when used in another dimension. Can also be used to disable explosion entirely allowing one to sleep in those dimensions #Allowed Values: DEFAULT, TINY_EXPLOSION, ALLOWS_SLEEPING, ALLOWS_SLEEPING_NO_RESPAWN behavior_in_dimension = "DEFAULT" #Interval between two consecutive sleep times for them to not be considered consecutive #Range: 0 ~ 1000000 sleep_interval = 24000 #Makes night bag less unique by allowing you to place them normally on the ground boring_night_bags = false #Immediately attempt sleeping after laying down on a bed sleep_immediately = false [misc.heartstone_mod_integration] #Gives some benefit when sleeping next to somebody else. By default only works in conjunction with heartstone mod #Allowed Values: HEARTSTONE_PLAYER_OR_VILLAGER, HEARTSTONE_PLAYER, ANY_PLAYER_OR_VILLAGER, ANY_PLAYER, OFF enabled = "HEARTSTONE_PLAYER_OR_VILLAGER" #Effect to give to players when they wake up #This is a list. Add more entries with syntax [[...]] [[misc.heartstone_mod_integration.effects]] intensity_per_level = 0.0 base_duration = 1800 duration_per_level = 20.0 effect = "minecraft:regeneration" [bedbugs] #Base spawn chance every time you wake up, increases with difficulty #Range: 0.0 ~ 1.0 spawn_chance = 0.11 #max radius at which they can spawn #Range: 1 ~ 64 max_spawn_radius = 24 #min radius from which they can spawn #Range: 1 ~ 64 min_spawn_radius = 12 #Max light level that a bedbug can spawn at #Range: 0 ~ 15 max_allowed_light_level = 15 #The game will perform x attempts to spawn a bedbug around each player when they wake up. This already takes into account the chance config.High values will decrease failed attempts #Range: 0 ~ 1000 tries = 20 #Prevents bedbugs when using dream essence prevented_by_dream_essence = false #Only spawns bedbugs when sleeping in your home bed only_when_in_home_bed = false [sleep_cooldown] #Time before you can sleep/rest again after you've slept in a hammock #Range: 0 ~ 1000000 hammock = 6000 #Time before you can sleep/rest again after you've successfully slept in a bed #Range: 0 ~ 1000000 night_bag = 6000 #Time before you can sleep/rest again after you've successfully slept in a bed #Range: 0 ~ 1000000 bed = 6000 [sleep_benefits] #Which type of beds will apply benefits on wake up #Allowed Values: NONE, ALWAYS, HOME_BED active_for = "HOME_BED" #Healing applied on wake up #Allowed Values: NONE, TIME_BASED, MAX healing = "MAX" # #Allowed Values: NONE, TIME_BASED, MAX effect_clearing = "MAX" # #Allowed Values: ALL, BENEFICIAL, HARMFUL effect_clearing_types = "ALL" #Effects to apply when player wakes up. You can add more entries, this is a list [[sleep_benefits.effects_on_wake_up]] intensity_per_level = 0.075 base_duration = 2400 duration_per_level = 600.0 effect = "sleep_tight:invigorated" [sleep_penalties] apply_to_beds = true apply_to_hammock = true apply_to_night_bags = true #Method to calculate hunger loss. Can be based off time slept, difficulty or constant #Allowed Values: CONSTANT, TIME_BASED, DIFFICULTY_BASED, TIME_DIFFICULTY_BASED consumed_hunger_mode = "TIME_DIFFICULTY_BASED" #Base hunger decrement value. Depends on other config. Set to 0 to disable #Range: 0.0 ~ 20.0 base_value = 5.0 [sleep_requirements] apply_to_beds = true apply_to_hammock = true apply_to_night_bags = true #Requires player to have full hunger bar before being able to sleep require_full_hunger = false #Xp cost for sleeping. Does not affect peaceful #Range: 0 ~ 200 xp_cost = 0 [home_bed] #Amount of nights needed to mark a bed as home bed #Range: 1 ~ 50 required_nights = 8 #Percentage of xp added per tier of the effect. Setting to 1 doubles the effect #Range: 0.0 ~ 1.0 invigorated_effect_xp = 0.1 #Home bed level cap. Each night slept increases this number #Range: 0 ~ 1000 max_level_cap = 100 #Makes respawning only possible when using your own Home Bed. Fight back the night! only_respawn_in_home_bed = false [nightmares] apply_to_beds = true apply_to_hammock = false apply_to_night_bags = false #Amount of consecutive nights slept after which nightmares could start to happen #Range: 0 ~ 100 appear_after_consecutive_nights = 3 #Range: 0.0 ~ 1.0 nightmare_increment_per_night = 0.16 #Multiplier applied to time slept after a nightmare #Range: 0.01 ~ 1.0 sleep_time_multiplier = 0.5 #Refractory period after a nightmare in which you won't be able to sleep #Range: 0 ~ 1000000 insomnia_duration = 36000 [wake_up_encounters] #The game will perform x attempts to spawn a mod around each player every time they sleep.Increases likelihood of finding one. Note that actual value will also depend on local difficulty #Range: 0 ~ 1000 tries = 25 #Max amount of mobs per encounter #Range: 0 ~ 20 max_count = 1 #Range: 1 ~ 32 spawn_radius = 10 #Range: 0 ~ 32 min_radius = 2 #Range: 1 ~ 10 height = 3 #Mobs that can randomly wake up the player if sleeping in a dark place. Leave empty to use default spawning behavior. Add a weighted list in the following format (replace line bellow): #[[bed.wake_up_encounters.alternative_whitelist]] # data = "minecraft:vindicator" # weight = 2 #[[bed.wake_up_encounters.alternative_whitelist]] # data = "minecraft:creeper" # weight = 2 # alternative_whitelist = [] #Multiplier applied to time slept after an encounter #Range: 0.01 ~ 1.0 sleep_time_multiplier = 0.5 #Refractory period after an encounter in which you won't be able to sleep #Range: 0 ~ 1000000 insomnia_duration = 12000