# Configuration file Biome { # Biome registry name [default: ] S:name=minecraft:jagged_peaks } Config { # If set to False, parameters from this config will not be used. [default: false] B:enabled=false } carbon { # Defines whether wind affects this pollutant or not. [default: true] B:affectedByWind=true # Determines when this pollutant affects the pollution level of the chunk it is in. # Possible values: # ALWAYS - always affects regardless of position. # CLOUD - affects only when it is part of a cloud at the specified height (see concentrationAltitude). # NEVER - never affects chunk pollution level. # [default: CLOUD] S:chunkPollutionInfluence=CLOUD # The height that pollutant blocks will try to reach and build up at. # If set to a value beyond the building height limit [-64, 319], pollution will not build up and will eventually disappear. [range: -2147483648 ~ 2147483647, default: 191] I:concentrationAltitude=191 # The amount of pollution at which all negative effects will be maximized. [range: 0 ~ 8192, default: 512] I:criticalAmount=512 # If true, all pollution that exceeds the criticalAmount will gradually dissipate [default: false] B:dissipateExcessive=false # Emission rate for this pollutant. [range: 0.0 ~ 1.0, default: 1.0] S:emissionRate=1.0 # Motion velocity of the pollutant. [range: 0.0 ~ 1.0, default: 0.2] S:motionVelocity=0.2 # Syntax: minSize-maxSize, rarity, persistence # Size (in blocks) - randomly selected between specified bounds for each cloud # Rarity (in chunks) - a pollution cloud will be generated once every X chunks # Persistence (true/false) - if true, clouds will not gradually dissipate as a result of being affected by underlying blocks or wind # [default: 0-0, 0, false] S:pregeneratedClouds=0-0, 0, false } dust { # Defines whether wind affects this pollutant or not. [default: true] B:affectedByWind=true # Determines when this pollutant affects the pollution level of the chunk it is in. # Possible values: # ALWAYS - always affects regardless of position. # CLOUD - affects only when it is part of a cloud at the specified height (see concentrationAltitude). # NEVER - never affects chunk pollution level. # [default: NEVER] S:chunkPollutionInfluence=NEVER # The height that pollutant blocks will try to reach and build up at. # If set to a value beyond the building height limit [-64, 319], pollution will not build up and will eventually disappear. [range: -2147483648 ~ 2147483647, default: -65] I:concentrationAltitude=-65 # The amount of pollution at which all negative effects will be maximized. [range: 0 ~ 8192, default: 512] I:criticalAmount=512 # If true, all pollution that exceeds the criticalAmount will gradually dissipate [default: false] B:dissipateExcessive=false # Emission rate for this pollutant. [range: 0.0 ~ 1.0, default: 1.0] S:emissionRate=1.0 # Motion velocity of the pollutant. [range: 0.0 ~ 1.0, default: 0.1] S:motionVelocity=0.1 # Syntax: minSize-maxSize, rarity, persistence # Size (in blocks) - randomly selected between specified bounds for each cloud # Rarity (in chunks) - a pollution cloud will be generated once every X chunks # Persistence (true/false) - if true, clouds will not gradually dissipate as a result of being affected by underlying blocks or wind # [default: 0-0, 0, false] S:pregeneratedClouds=0-0, 0, false } sulfur { # Defines whether wind affects this pollutant or not. [default: true] B:affectedByWind=true # Determines when this pollutant affects the pollution level of the chunk it is in. # Possible values: # ALWAYS - always affects regardless of position. # CLOUD - affects only when it is part of a cloud at the specified height (see concentrationAltitude). # NEVER - never affects chunk pollution level. # [default: CLOUD] S:chunkPollutionInfluence=CLOUD # The height that pollutant blocks will try to reach and build up at. # If set to a value beyond the building height limit [-64, 319], pollution will not build up and will eventually disappear. [range: -2147483648 ~ 2147483647, default: 190] I:concentrationAltitude=190 # The amount of pollution at which all negative effects will be maximized. [range: 0 ~ 8192, default: 512] I:criticalAmount=512 # If true, all pollution that exceeds the criticalAmount will gradually dissipate [default: false] B:dissipateExcessive=false # Emission rate for this pollutant. [range: 0.0 ~ 1.0, default: 1.0] S:emissionRate=1.0 # Motion velocity of the pollutant. [range: 0.0 ~ 1.0, default: 0.15] S:motionVelocity=0.15 # Syntax: minSize-maxSize, rarity, persistence # Size (in blocks) - randomly selected between specified bounds for each cloud # Rarity (in chunks) - a pollution cloud will be generated once every X chunks # Persistence (true/false) - if true, clouds will not gradually dissipate as a result of being affected by underlying blocks or wind # [default: 0-0, 0, false] S:pregeneratedClouds=0-0, 0, false }