[chopping] #Default setting for whether or not the user wishes to chop (can be toggled in-game) choppingEnabled = true #Default setting for whether or not the user wishes to fell tree when chopping (can be toggled in-game) fellingEnabled = true #Default setting for the effect that sneaking has on chopping (can be cycled in-game) #Allowed Values: NONE, INVERT_CHOPPING, INVERT_FELLING sneakBehavior = "INVERT_CHOPPING" #Ignore trees without connected leaves (can be toggled in-game) treesMustHaveLeaves = true #Enable chopping in creative mode (even when false, sneaking can still enable chopping) (can be toggled in-game) chopInCreativeMode = false [visuals] #Visually replace the interior sides of logs with a chopped texture instead of bark removeBarkOnInteriorLogs = true [visuals.choppingIndicator] #Show an on-screen indicator when a block will be chopped instead of broken (can be toggled in-game) enabled = true #Horizontal location of the indicator relative to the player's crosshairs; positive values move the indicator to the right #Range: -256 ~ 256 xOffset = 16 #Vertical location of the indicator relative to the player's crosshairs; positive values move the indicator down #Range: -256 ~ 256 yOffset = 0 [settingsScreen] #Show in-game options for enabling and disable felling (can be toggled in-game) showFellingOptions = false #Show chat confirmations when using hotkeys to change chop settings (can be toggled in-game) showFeedbackMessages = true #Show tooltips in the settings screen (can be toggled in-game) showTooltips = true