{ // This value determines the size of a bee. By default 0.25, which means they are 1/4th of their vanilla size. Set to 1.0 to disable the different bee size feature. // min: 0.01, max: 5.0 "beeSizeModifier": 0.25, // In order to make bees a little more common. Whenever a bee naturally spawns, the mod spawns an additional 'extraBeeSpawnsPerBee' bees. // min: 0, max: 50 "extraBeeSpawnsPerBee": 9, // How many bees should be able to enter the hive in total. Minecraft's default is 3, but bees are a lot smaller so there should be more space. // min: 0, max: 50 "beeHiveBeeSpace": 20, // The smaller (baby) bees can sometimes do something unexpected with their AI and get suffocation damage. Preventing this damage fixes them disappearing. "preventBeeSuffocationDamage": true }