#The minimum percentage that diet groups can be reduced to upon death. #Range: 0 ~ 100 deathPenaltyMin = 0 #The reduction in percentage applied to all diet groups upon death. #Range: 0 ~ 100 deathPenaltyLoss = 100 #The method to apply for losses due to death penalties. #AMOUNT = Reduce by a flat percentage amount #PERCENT = Reduce by a percent of the current value #RESET = Reset value to defaults #Allowed Values: AMOUNT, PERCENT, RESET deathPenaltyMethod = "AMOUNT" #The percentage reduction in total gain for each diet group consumed at once. #Range: 0 ~ 100 gainPenaltyPerGroup = 15 #The percentage reduction in total decay for each diet group decayed at once. #Range: 0 ~ 100 decayPenaltyPerGroup = 15 #List of food quality overrides for diet gain values. #Format: "modid:name;quality" foodOverrides = [] #If enabled, food groups are assigned to unclassified items based on ingredients. generateGroupsForEmptyItems = true #If enabled, food group tooltips are hidden until player has eaten that type of item. hideTooltipsUntilEaten = false