# Whether to display the map in full-screen # The background is slightly less stylish, but more tiles are shown at once # default: true fullscreen = true # Whether to keep scale after closing the map # default: false keepZoom = false # Whether to keep offset after closing the map # default: false keepOffset = false # How to depict player death locations. # options: CAUSE, GRAVE, ITEMS, DIED, EUPHEMISMS # default: EUPHEMISMS graveStyle = "EUPHEMISMS" # The maximum number of chunks to represent as a tile, as a power of 2 # Effectively the 'minimum zoom' # 0: 1x1 chunk = 1 tile | 6: 64x64 chunks = 1 tile # range: 0 - 6 # default: 5 maxTileChunks = 5 # The maximum size to render a tile at, as a power of 2 multiplier # Effectively the 'maximum zoom' # 0: 1 tile = 16x16 | 3: 1 tile = 128x128 # range: 0 - 3 # default: 1 maxTilePixels = 1 # The effective GUI scale for tiles and markers - independent of the overall GUI scale. # 0 will match your GUI scale - pixels will be the same size as the background & buttons # -1 will use half your GUI scale, rounding up. # -2 will use half your GUI scale, rounding down. # range: -2 - 10 # default: 0 mapScale = 0 # The maximum number of chunks to load onto the map per tick after entering a world # default: 100 chunkTickLimit = 100 # How to handle biomes that aren't in any minecraft, conventional, or forge biome tags # options: TEST, MISSING, CRASH # default: MISSING fallbackFailHandling = "MISSING" # Whether to show debug information about hovered tiles and markers # default: false debugRender = false [structureMarkers] "minecraft:start/bastion_remnant" = true "minecraft:type/ocean_monument" = true "minecraft:type/woodland_mansion" = true "minecraft:start/village_taiga" = true "minecraft:start/village_desert" = true "minecraft:type/end_city" = false "minecraft:tag/village" = true "minecraft:start/village_snowy" = true "minecraft:start/village_savanna" = true "minecraft:start/village_plains" = true