# Configuration file FluidImpacts { # Allows polluting fluids floating on the water surface to affect underwater plants and blocks [default: true] B:canAffectUnderwaterBlocks=true # Allows polluted water to spread out across the water driven by the wind [default: true] B:canSpreadAcrossWater=true # Allows polluting fluids to spread through soil/sand blocks [default: true] B:canSpreadThroughSoil=true # List of polluting fluids # Id is a basic unit (block or item) identifier in format. # ModId can be omitted for vanilla items. Meta can be omitted too if it equals 0. # UnitName must be lowercase, words separated by '_', words order - from private to common (example: black_iron_ore). # Use '*' char or '[]' as meta value to specify all possible values (all block states). # To define multiple block states, you can use block properties. The format is # Also you may use tags. The format is <#modId:tagPath> (example: #forge:ores/copper). # S:fluids < #forge:acetaldehyde #forge:biodiesel #forge:bioethanol #forge:biofuel #forge:chlorine #forge:creosote #forge:crude_oil #forge:deuterium #forge:diesel #forge:ethanol #forge:fuel #forge:fusion_fuel #forge:gasoline #forge:glycerin #forge:herbicide #forge:heavy_water #forge:hydrofluoric_acid #forge:kerosene #forge:latex #forge:lithium #forge:lpg #forge:lubricant #forge:meat #forge:methanol #forge:napalm #forge:naphtha #forge:oil #forge:petrol #forge:petroleum #forge:phenolic_resin #forge:plantoil #forge:polluted_water #forge:redstone_acid #forge:sewage #forge:sludge #forge:sulfur_dioxide #forge:sulfur_trioxide #forge:sulfuric_acid #forge:superheated_sodium #forge:tritium #forge:uranium_hexafluoride #forge:uranium_oxide #beyond_earth:vehicle_fuel > # Action syntax: blockId -> ACTION # Replacement syntax: blockId -> blockId # Replacement with copying of all properties: blockId -> blockId:* # Syntax for a specific fluid: fluidId -> blockId -> ACTION or blockId # Possible actions (case sensitive): BONEMEAL, KILL, POLLUTE # S:impacts < minecraft:dirt_path:* -> minecraft:podzol minecraft:dirt:* -> minecraft:coarse_dirt minecraft:farmland:* -> minecraft:podzol minecraft:grass_block:* -> minecraft:podzol minecraft:rooted_dirt:* -> minecraft:coarse_dirt minecraft:stone -> minecraft:cobblestone minecraft:bamboo:* -> KILL minecraft:cactus:* -> KILL #minecraft:crops -> KILL minecraft:fern:* -> KILL minecraft:grass:* -> KILL minecraft:large_fern:* -> KILL #minecraft:leaves -> KILL #minecraft:saplings -> KILL #minecraft:small_flowers -> KILL minecraft:tall_grass:* -> KILL #minecraft:tall_flowers -> KILL minecraft:tube_coral -> minecraft:dead_tube_coral minecraft:tube_coral_fan -> minecraft:dead_tube_coral_fan minecraft:brain_coral -> minecraft:dead_brain_coral minecraft:brain_coral_fan -> minecraft:dead_brain_coral_fan minecraft:bubble_coral -> minecraft:dead_bubble_coral minecraft:bubble_coral_fan -> minecraft:dead_bubble_coral_fan minecraft:fire_coral -> minecraft:dead_fire_coral minecraft:fire_coral_fan -> minecraft:dead_fire_coral_fan minecraft:horn_coral -> minecraft:dead_horn_coral minecraft:horn_coral_fan -> minecraft:dead_horn_coral_fan minecraft:big_dripleaf:* -> KILL minecraft:kelp:* -> KILL minecraft:kelp_plant:* -> KILL minecraft:lily_pad:* -> KILL minecraft:seagrass:* -> KILL minecraft:sea_pickle:* -> KILL minecraft:small_dripleaf:* -> KILL minecraft:tall_seagrass:* -> KILL minecraft:water -> POLLUTE beyond_earth:oil:* -> water -> water > # Limits the distance at which polluting fluids can affect underwater blocks [range: 0 ~ 1024, default: 96] I:maxUnderwaterDistance=96 # Limits the ability of polluting fluids to spread through soil blocks. # Note that higher values may affect game performance. [range: 0 ~ 256, default: 32] I:maxWaterColumnPressure=32 }