# Configuration file ########################################################################################################## # Emission #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # The amount of emissions (in blocks with light density) generated by each update of this emitter. # The update frequency depends on the type of the emitter (see the 'type' parameter). # For hardcoded emitters with type=FUEL, these values act as fuel consumption MULTIPLIERS. # Set the value to 0 for disabling emissions from this source. # ########################################################################################################## Emission { # [range: 0.0 ~ 16.0, default: 1.0] S:carbon=1.0 # [range: 0.0 ~ 16.0, default: 1.0] S:dust=1.0 # [range: 0.0 ~ 16.0, default: 1.0] S:sulfur=1.0 } Emitter { # Defines the name of the NBT tag that stores info about tile entity active state. # Emitter is considered active if the return value is greater than 0 or true. # Set to an empty string if you don't need this function. [default: burn] S:activeTag=burn # Id is a basic unit (block or item) identifier in format. # ModId can be omitted for vanilla items. Meta can be omitted too if it equals 0. # UnitName must be lowercase, words separated by '_', words order - from private to common (example: black_iron_ore). # Use '*' char or '[]' as meta value to specify all possible values (all block states). # To define multiple block states, you can use block properties. The format is # Also you may use tags. The format is <#modId:tagPath> (example: #forge:ores/copper). # [default: littlelogistics:tug:*] S:id=littlelogistics:tug:* # This parameter is required only for those blocks that use NBT tags to fully identify themselves. # The format is = # If the value is a string, it must be enclosed in double quotes. Example: id="ic2:generator" # Leave this blank if you don't need it. [default: ] S:identityTag= # Defines a list of blocks which should be considered as part of this multiblock. S:relatedBlocks < > # Defines the type of this emitter. # Valid types (case insensitive): # BLOCK - a simple Block without a Tile Entity that will be updated each time it receives a random tick. # TILE - a Block with a Tile Entity that will be updated onces per second. # ENTITY - a mobile Entity that will be updated onces per second. # FUEL - a Tile Entity with a HARDCODED hook that will be updated each time it consumes fuel. [default: FUEL] S:type=FUEL }