#General settings for the mod. [general] #Should having fire resistance stop things from being on fire visually? fireResistanceExtinguish = true #Fixes some fire related damage sources not causing mobs to drop cooked items? fireFromDamagesource = true #Should fire damage spread between mobs when they hurt eachother? Zombies already do this and won't be changed. fireDamageSpreads = true #What is the % chance that fire damage will spread between mobs? #Range: 0.0 ~ 1.0 fireDamageSpreadChance = 0.3 #Should skeletons shoot flaming arrows while on fire? flameArrowSkeletons = true #What is the % chance skeletons will shoot flaming arrows while on fire? #Range: 0.0 ~ 1.0 flameArrowSkeletonChance = 0.7 #Should flint and steel deal fire damage when used as a weapon? ShouldFlintAndSteelDoFireDamage = true #How much fire damage should flint and steel do? #Range: > 0 flintAndSteelFireDamage = 3 #Should the fire/burning HUD overlay be hidden if the player has fire immunity? hideFireOverlayWhenImmune = true #How long should Fire burn players if they try to punch it out? #Range: > 0 fireHitBurnTime = 1 #How long should Soulfire burn players if they try to punch it out? #Range: > 0 soulfireHitBurnTime = 2 #Should players be able to put out fire blocks by punching them? punchOutFlames = true #Can players put out fire with bottled water? extinguishWithBottledWater = true