available: 'Available games:' no_games: 'No games found' yaml_unspecified: 'You need to specify a path to a YAML file' game_by: 'A game by $author' start: 'Start' options: 'Options' quit: 'Quit' quitting: 'Quitting' continue: 'Continue' new_game: 'New game' inventory: 'Show inventory' acquire: 'You acquired $item' inside_inv: "YOUR INVENTORY" return: "Return" lang: 'Language' back: 'Back' lang_en: 'English' lang_cz: 'Czech' selection: 'Make a selection (number):' not_number: 'Not a number selection' invalid: 'Invalid selection' attack: "Attack" defend: "Defend" enemydmg: "$name took $atk damage!" playerdmg: "The enemy used $name to damage you by $atk" defended: "You decide to defend yourself and take no damage." defeated: "You have defeated $enemy." defeat: "$enemy has slain you. You'll have to try again." error_loading: 'An exception has occured while loading the game from the YAML file' no_action: 'Error: No action "$action" found in the game file.' no_comp: "WARNING: This save is for an older version of the engine and may not be compatible!"