import yaml from yaml.loader import SafeLoader from colorama import Fore, Back import re from lib.item import Item from import HasItemDialogue, MenuManager from .save import SaveManager from .ascii import AsciiAnimation from .fight import * from time import sleep from os import system class Game: # the game class keeps information about the loaded game def __init__(self,data:dict,lang): = data["meta"]["name"] # Game name = data["meta"]["creator"] # Game creator self.current = "start" # Current prompt self.nodes = {} # All nodes self.inventory = [] # Player's inventory = data["meta"]["id"] # Game ID self.lang = lang # Language strings = SaveManager(,self.lang) # saving self.equipped = {"weapon":None,"armor":None} # Items equipped by player self.enemies = {} # Enemies if "equippable" in data["meta"].keys(): self.equippable = [] # Items that can be equipped by player for item in data["meta"]["equippable"]: name = list(item.keys())[0] if "def" in item[name].keys() and "atk" in item[name].keys(): self.equippable.append(Item(name,item[name]["atk"],item[name]["def"])) elif "def" in item[name].keys(): self.equippable.append(Item(name=name,defense=item[name]["def"])) elif "atk" in item[name].keys(): self.equippable.append(Item(name,item[name]["atk"])) if("starter" in item[name].keys()): # if starter, equip and add to inventory if item[name]["starter"]: i = next((x for x in self.equippable if == list(item.keys())[0])) self.inventory.append(i) self.equipped[i.type] = i if "enemies" in data["meta"].keys(): # Load enemies for en in data["meta"]["enemies"]: name = list(en.keys())[0] self.enemies[name] = {"name":en["name"],"hp":en["hp"],"attacks":en["attacks"],"def":en["def"]} for k in data["game"]: self.nodes.update({k:data["game"][k]}) def main_menu(self): # displays the main menu l = if not l: # New game m = MenuManager([self.lang['start'],self.lang['options'],self.lang['quit']],f"{}\n{self.lang['game_by'].replace('$author',}") selection = m.selected system("cls||clear") if(selection == 0): # start new game self.print_text() elif(selection == 1): self.settings_menu() elif(selection == 2): print(self.lang['quitting']) exit() else: # Display continue m = MenuManager([self.lang['continue'],self.lang['new_game'],self.lang['options'],self.lang['quit']],f"{}\n{self.lang['game_by'].replace('$author',}") selection = m.selected system("cls||clear") if(selection == 0): self.current = self.inventory = self.print_text() elif(selection == 1): self.print_text() elif(selection == 2): self.settings_menu() elif(selection == 3): print(self.lang['quitting']) exit() def settings_menu(self): # displays the settings menu m = MenuManager([self.lang['lang'],self.lang['back']],self.lang['options']) selection = m.selected if(selection == 0): m = MenuManager(["English","Česky",self.lang['back']],self.lang['lang']) selection = m.selected system("cls||clear") if(selection == 0): with open("./saves/lang","w") as f: f.write("en") elif(selection == 1): with open("./saves/lang","w") as f: f.write("cz") self.settings_menu() else: self.main_menu() def print_text(self): # Prints out the current prompt system("cls||clear") if "add_item" in self.nodes[self.current].keys(): # if there is an add_inventory key in the node, # add item to inventory item = self.nodes[self.current]['add_item'] if item not in self.inventory: self.inventory.append(item) print(self.inventory) system("clear||cls") print(f"{self.lang['acquire'].replace('$item',f'{Fore.CYAN}{item}{Fore.RESET}')}") sleep(3) system("clear||cls") animated ="(?!{).+(?=})",self.nodes[self.current]["text"]) # find the animated text if(animated != None): self.print_animated( self.nodes[self.current]["text"] = self.nodes[self.current]["text"].replace("{""}","") # remove the animated text from the text prompt if("actions" in self.nodes[self.current].keys()): actions_desc = [] # has descriptions of text prompts, so that we don't need to find them in MenuManager need_item = [] # helps implement a check for needing an item for option in self.nodes[self.current]["actions"]: try: actions_desc.append(self.nodes[option]["description"]) if "has_item" in self.nodes[option].keys(): need_item.append(self.nodes[option]["has_item"]) else: need_item.append(None) except Exception: print(f"{Back.RED}{Fore.WHITE}{self.lang['no_action'].replace('$action',option)}{Fore.RESET}") exit(1) m = "" actions_desc.extend([self.lang['inventory'],self.lang['quit']]) if(all(element == None for element in need_item) is False): need_item.extend([None, None]) # we need to check if user has item m = HasItemDialogue(actions_desc,self.parse_colors(self.nodes[self.current]["text"]),self.inventory,need_item) while need_item[m.selected] != None and all(element not in self.inventory for element in need_item[m.selected]): # until user selects an available prompt, re-prompt again m = HasItemDialogue(actions_desc,self.parse_colors(self.nodes[self.current]["text"]),self.inventory,need_item) if m.selected <= len(actions_desc)-3 and "has_item" in self.nodes[self.nodes[self.current]["actions"][m.selected]].keys(): for item in need_item[m.selected]: self.inventory.remove(item) elif "fight" in self.nodes[self.current].keys(): # Initiate a fight enemy = self.enemies[self.nodes[self.current]["fight"]] # TODO: Complete after fight actions m = FightHandler(self.nodes[self.current]["text"],enemy["name"],enemy["hp"],enemy["def"],enemy["attacks"],self.lang,self.equipped,self.inventory) input() while m.hp > 0 and > 0: m.rebind() # rebind due to MenuManager in show_inventory input() system("cls||clear") keyboard.remove_all_hotkeys() if m.hp < 1: # Enemy defeated print(self.lang["defeated"].replace("$enemy",enemy["name"])) sleep(5) self.current = self.nodes[self.current]["actions"][0] # move to the first action self.print_text() else: # Player defeated print(self.lang["defeat"].replace("$enemy",enemy["name"])) sleep(5) self.print_text() return else: m = MenuManager(actions_desc,self.parse_colors(self.nodes[self.current]["text"])) sel = m.selected if(sel == len(actions_desc)-2): # show inventory self.show_inventory() elif (sel == len(actions_desc)-1): # Save & quit = self.current # save the current prompt = self.inventory exit(0) else: self.current = self.nodes[self.current]["actions"][sel] self.print_text() else: print(self.parse_colors(self.nodes[self.current]["text"])) print("") def show_inventory(self): if len(self.inventory) == 0: MenuManager([self.lang["return"]],f" {self.lang['inside_inv']} \n") else: s = "" for i,item in enumerate(self.inventory): if type(item) is Item: if(i == len(self.inventory)): # last item s += f"- {}" else: s += f"- {}\n" else: if(i == len(self.inventory)): # last item s += f"- {item}" else: s += f"- {item}\n" MenuManager([self.lang["return"]],f" {self.lang['inside_inv']} \n{s}") self.print_text() def print_animated(self,animid): # prints the first found occurence of an ascii animation animation = AsciiAnimation() animation.load_ascii(animid) print() def parse_colors(self,text:str) -> str: # Converts color codes into terminal colors newText = text.replace("&b",Fore.CYAN).replace("&c",Fore.RED).replace("&e", Fore.YELLOW).replace("&a",Fore.GREEN).replace("&9",Fore.BLUE).replace("&r",Fore.RESET).replace("&f",Fore.WHITE).replace("&5",Fore.MAGENTA).replace("\n",Fore.RESET + "\n") # replace color codes and newlines with colorama newText += Fore.RESET # reset color at the end of the text return newText def load(file_path,lang): # starts to load the game from YAML try: with open(file_path) as f: data = yaml.load(f,Loader=SafeLoader) g = Game(data,lang) return g except Exception as e: print(f"{Back.RED}{Fore.WHITE}ERROR{Fore.RESET}{Back.RESET}") print(e) return None