import yaml from yaml.loader import SafeLoader from colorama import Fore, Back, Style import re from .ascii import AsciiAnimation from time import sleep from os import system class Game: def __init__(self,data:dict): = data["meta"]["name"] = data["meta"]["creator"] self.current = "start" self.nodes = {} self.inventory = [] for k in data["game"]: self.nodes.update({k:data["game"][k]}) def make_selection(self) -> int: y = False selection = 0 # TODO: Check for "has_item" while y == False: try: selection = int(input("Make a selection (number): ")) except ValueError: print("Not a number selection") if(selection >= len(self.nodes[self.current]["actions"]) or selection < 0): print("Invalid selection") else: y = True return selection def print_text(self): ''' Used to print out the current prompt with the options ''' animated ="(?!{).+(?=})",self.nodes[self.current]["text"]) # find the animated text if(animated != None): self.print_animated( self.nodes[self.current]["text"] = self.nodes[self.current]["text"].replace("{""}","") # remove the animated text from the text prompt print(self.parse_colors(self.nodes[self.current]["text"])) print("") ostring = "" if("actions" in self.nodes[self.current].keys()): for i,option in enumerate(self.nodes[self.current]["actions"]): ostring+=f"{i} - {self.nodes[option]['description']}\n" print(ostring) sel = self.make_selection() if(self.nodes[self.current]["add_inventory"] is not None): # add item to inventory self.inventory.append(self.nodes[self.current]["add_inventory"]) self.current = self.nodes[self.current]["actions"][sel] self.print_text() def print_animated(self,animid): ''' Used to print out animated text, currently only prints out the first occurence of an animated text (in curly braces) ''' animation = AsciiAnimation() animation.load_ascii(animid) for frame in animation.frames: system("cls||clear") print(frame) sleep(animation.speed) print() def parse_colors(self,text:str) -> str: ''' Used to convert color codes in string to colors from the colorama lib ''' newText = text.replace("&b",Fore.CYAN).replace("&c",Fore.RED).replace("&e", Fore.YELLOW).replace("&a",Fore.GREEN).replace("&9",Fore.BLUE).replace("&r",Fore.RESET).replace("&f",Fore.WHITE).replace("&5",Fore.MAGENTA).replace("\n",Fore.RESET + "\n") # replace color codes and newlines with colorama newText += Fore.RESET # reset color at the end of the text return newText def load(file_path): '''Loads the game from a YAML file to a Game class''' try: with open(file_path) as f: data = yaml.load(f,Loader=SafeLoader) g = Game(data) return g except Exception as e: print(f"{Back.RED}{Fore.WHITE}An exception has occured while loading the game from the YAML file:{Fore.RESET}{Back.RESET}") print(e) return None