import yaml from yaml.loader import SafeLoader class Game: def __init__(self,name:str,author:str,game:dict): = name = author self.current = "start" self.nodes = {} for k in game: self.nodes.update({k:game[k]}) def make_selection(self,selection): if(selection is not int or selection >= len(self.nodes[self.current][selection]) or selection < 0): print("Invalid selection") return False else: self.current = self.nodes[self.current][selection] return True def printme(self): ''' Used to print out the current prompt with the options ''' print(self.nodes[self.current]["text"]) print("") ostring = "" for i,option in enumerate(self.nodes[self.current]["actions"]): ostring+=f"{i} - {self.nodes[option]['description']}\n" print(ostring) sel = input("Make a selection (number): ") isWrong = self.make_selection(sel) while isWrong == False: sel = input("Make a selection (number): ") isWrong = self.make_selection(sel) self.printme() def load(file_path): '''Loads the game from a YAML file to a Game class''' with open(file_path) as f: data = yaml.load(f,Loader=SafeLoader) g = Game(data["meta"]["name"],data["meta"]["creator"],data["game"]) return g