import yaml from yaml.loader import SafeLoader from colorama import Fore, Back import re from import HasItemDialogue, MenuManager from .save import SaveManager from .ascii import AsciiAnimation from .fight import * from time import sleep from os import system class Game: # the game class keeps information about the loaded game def __init__(self,data:dict): = data["meta"]["name"] # Game name = data["meta"]["creator"] # Game creator self.current = "start" # Current prompt self.nodes = {} # All nodes self.inventory = [] # Player's inventory = data["meta"]["id"] # Game ID = SaveManager( # saving self.equipped = {"weapon":None,"armor":None} # Items equipped by player self.enemies = {} # Enemies if "equippable" in data["meta"].keys(): self.equippable = [] # Items that can be equipped by player for item in data["meta"]["equippable"]: name = list(item.keys())[0] if "def" in item[name].keys() and "atk" in item[name].keys(): self.equippable.append(Item(name,item[name]["atk"],item[name]["def"])) elif "def" in item[name].keys(): self.equippable.append(Item(name=name,defense=item[name]["def"])) elif "atk" in item[name].keys(): self.equippable.append(Item(name,item[name]["atk"])) if("starter" in item[name].keys()): # if starter, equip and add to inventory if item[name]["starter"]: i = next((x for x in self.equippable if == list(item.keys())[0])) self.inventory.append(i) self.equipped[i.type] = i if "enemies" in data["meta"].keys(): # Load enemies for en in data["meta"]["enemies"]: name = list(en.keys())[0] self.enemies[name] = {"name":en["name"],"hp":en["hp"],"attacks":en["attacks"],"def":en["def"]} for k in data["game"]: self.nodes.update({k:data["game"][k]}) def main_menu(self): # displays the main menu l = if not l: # New game m = MenuManager([self.lang['start'],self.lang['options'],self.lang['quit']],f"{}\n{self.lang['game_by'].replace('$author',}") selection = m.selected system("cls||clear") if(selection == 0): # start new game self.print_text() elif(selection == 1): self.settings_menu() elif(selection == 2): print(self.lang['quitting']) exit() else: # Display continue m = MenuManager([self.lang['continue'],self.lang['new_game'],self.lang['options'],self.lang['quit']],f"{}\n{self.lang['game_by'].replace('$author',}") selection = m.selected system("cls||clear") if(selection == 0): self.current = self.inventory = self.print_text() elif(selection == 1): self.print_text() elif(selection == 2): self.settings_menu() elif(selection == 3): print(self.lang['quitting']) exit() def settings_menu(self): # displays the settings menu m = MenuManager([self.lang['lang'],self.lang['back']],self.lang['options']) selection = m.selected if(selection == 0): m = MenuManager(["English","Česky",self.lang['back']],self.lang['lang']) selection = m.selected system("cls||clear") if(selection == 0): with open("./saves/lang","w") as f: f.write("en") elif(selection == 1): with open("./saves/lang","w") as f: f.write("cz") self.settings_menu() else: self.main_menu() def print_text(self): # Prints out the current prompt system("cls||clear") if "add_item" in self.nodes[self.current].keys(): # if there is an add_inventory key in the node, # add item to inventory item = self.nodes[self.current]['add_item'] if item not in self.inventory: self.inventory.append(item) print(self.inventory) system("clear||cls") print(f"{self.lang['acquire'].replace('$item',f'{Fore.CYAN}{item}{Fore.RESET}')}") sleep(3) system("clear||cls") animated ="(?!{).+(?=})",self.nodes[self.current]["text"]) # find the animated text if(animated != None): self.print_animated( self.nodes[self.current]["text"] = self.nodes[self.current]["text"].replace("{""}","") # remove the animated text from the text prompt if("actions" in self.nodes[self.current].keys()): actions_desc = [] # has descriptions of text prompts, so that we don't need to find them in MenuManager need_item = [] # helps implement a check for needing an item for option in self.nodes[self.current]["actions"]: try: actions_desc.append(self.nodes[option]["description"]) if "has_item" in self.nodes[option].keys(): need_item.append(self.nodes[option]["has_item"]) else: need_item.append(None) except Exception: print(f"{Back.RED}{Fore.WHITE}{self.lang['no_action'].replace('$action',option)}{Fore.RESET}") exit(1) m = "" actions_desc.extend([self.lang['inventory'],self.lang['quit']]) if(all(element == None for element in need_item) is False): need_item.extend([None, None]) # we need to check if user has item m = HasItemDialogue(actions_desc,self.parse_colors(self.nodes[self.current]["text"]),self.inventory,need_item) while need_item[m.selected] != None and all(element not in self.inventory for element in need_item[m.selected]): # until user selects an available prompt, re-prompt again m = HasItemDialogue(actions_desc,self.parse_colors(self.nodes[self.current]["text"]),self.inventory,need_item) if m.selected <= len(actions_desc)-3 and "has_item" in self.nodes[self.nodes[self.current]["actions"][m.selected]].keys(): for item in need_item[m.selected]: self.inventory.remove(item) elif "fight" in self.nodes[self.current].keys(): # Initiate a fight enemy = self.enemies[self.nodes[self.current]["fight"]] # TODO: Complete after fight actions s = FightHandler(self.nodes[self.current]["text"],enemy["name"],enemy["hp"],enemy["def"],enemy["attacks"],self.lang,self.equipped) while s.hp > 0: input() else: m = MenuManager(actions_desc,self.parse_colors(self.nodes[self.current]["text"])) sel = m.selected if(sel == len(actions_desc)-2): # show inventory self.show_inventory() elif (sel == len(actions_desc)-1): # Save & quit = self.current # save the current prompt = self.inventory exit(0) else: self.current = self.nodes[self.current]["actions"][sel] self.print_text() else: print(self.parse_colors(self.nodes[self.current]["text"])) print("") def show_inventory(self): if len(self.inventory) == 0: MenuManager([self.lang["return"]],f" {self.lang['inside_inv']} \n") else: s = "" for i,item in enumerate(self.inventory): if(i == len(self.inventory)): # last item s += f"- {item}" else: s += f"- {item}\n" MenuManager([self.lang["return"]],f" {self.lang['inside_inv']} \n{s}") self.print_text() def print_animated(self,animid): # prints the first found occurence of an ascii animation animation = AsciiAnimation() animation.load_ascii(animid) print() def parse_colors(self,text:str) -> str: # Converts color codes into terminal colors newText = text.replace("&b",Fore.CYAN).replace("&c",Fore.RED).replace("&e", Fore.YELLOW).replace("&a",Fore.GREEN).replace("&9",Fore.BLUE).replace("&r",Fore.RESET).replace("&f",Fore.WHITE).replace("&5",Fore.MAGENTA).replace("\n",Fore.RESET + "\n") # replace color codes and newlines with colorama newText += Fore.RESET # reset color at the end of the text return newText def load(file_path,lang): # starts to load the game from YAML try: with open(file_path) as f: data = yaml.load(f,Loader=SafeLoader) g = Game(data) g.lang = lang return g except Exception as e: print(f"{Back.RED}{Fore.WHITE}ERROR{Fore.RESET}{Back.RESET}") print(e) return None class Item: def __init__(self,name:str,attack:int = 0,defense:int = 0) -> None: = name if attack == 0 and defense > 0: self.type = "armor" else: self.type = "weapon" self.attack = attack self.defense = defense