from tempfile import TemporaryDirectory from time import sleep from zipfile import ZipFile from os import listdir, system import yaml class AsciiAnimation: def __init__(self) -> None: self.frames = [] self.speed = 0.2 def load_ascii(self,name:str): """ Loads art from .asc file """ with TemporaryDirectory() as tmpdir: # Vytvoříme dočasnou složku with ZipFile(f"./assets/{name}.asc","r") as z: # Extrahujeme asc soubor z.extractall(f"{tmpdir}/ascii/{name}") for f in listdir(f"{tmpdir}/ascii/{name}"): # Přečte soubory if f == "config.yml": with open(f"{tmpdir}/ascii/{name}/{f}",encoding="utf-8") as c: data = yaml.load(c,Loader=yaml.SafeLoader) if(data["speed"] != None): self.speed = data["speed"] with open(f"{tmpdir}/ascii/{name}/{f}",encoding="utf-8") as f: # Přidá všechny snímky do seznamu self.frames.append( def play(self): """ Plays the animation frame by frame """ for frame in self.frames: system("cls||clear") print(frame) sleep(self.speed)