{ "@@locale": "en", "categoryHealth": "Health", "categoryCar": "Car", "categoryFood": "Food", "categoryTravel": "Travel", "next": "Next", "back": "Back", "finish": "Finish", "errorEmptyName": "Name cannot be empty", "welcome": "Welcome!", "welcomeAboutPrasule": "Prašule is an expense tracker tool designed for people, who don't want to spend too much time filling in all the little details.", "welcomeInstruction": "On this screen you will set up your 'wallet', in which you will track your expenses categorized under categories, which you can later set in the settings menu.", "setupWalletNameCurrency": "Set your wallet's name and default currency", "setupNamePlaceholder": "Your awesome name here...", "setupCurrency": "Currency: {currency}", "@setupCurrency": { "description": "Shows the currently selected currency on the setup screen", "placeholders": { "currency": { "type": "String", "example": "CZK" } } }, "setupCategoriesHeading": "Create categories", "setupCategoriesEditHint": "Tap on the icon or name to edit it", "ok": "Ok", "cancel": "Cancel", "setupCategoriesEditingName": "Editing name", "setupWalletNamePlaceholder": "Edit me", "addNew": "Add new", "addCamera": "Add through camera", "addGallery": "Add through saved image", "home": "Home", "settings": "Settings", "about": "About", "noEntries": "No entries :(", "noEntriesSub": "Add one using the floating action button.", "sureDialog": "Are you sure?", "deleteSure": "Do you really want to delete this entry?", "missingOcr": "You don't have any OCR language data downloaded!", "download": "Download", "ocrLoading": "Loading text from image, please wait a moment...", "yes": "Yes", "no": "No", "ocrSelect": "Select languages for OCR", "createEntry": "Create new entry", "name": "Name", "amount": "Amount", "type": "Type", "expense": "Expense", "income": "Income", "category": "Category", "save": "Save", "downloadedOcr": "View downloaded OCR data", "downloadedOcrDesc": "This data is used by the OCR engine to recognize text from pictues", "ocr": "OCR", "ocrData": "OCR Data", "downloaded": "Downloaded", "deleteOcr": "Do you really want to delete '{lang}' OCR data?\nYou will not be able to use these language data when scanning pictures.", "@deleteOcr": { "description": "Shown when a user wants to delete OCR data through settings", "placeholders": { "lang": { "type": "String", "example": "ces" } } }, "langDownloadDialog": "Downloading {lang}, please wait...", "@langDownloadDialog": { "description": "Shown as a title of a dialog while downloading new OCR data", "placeholders": { "lang": { "type": "String", "example": "ces" } } }, "langDownloadProgress": "Download progress: {progress} %", "@langDownloadProgress": { "description": "Progress percentage shown while downloading OCR data", "placeholders": { "progress": { "type": "num", "example": "99.7" } } }, "addingFromOcr": "Add from OCR", "license": "©️ 2023 Matyáš Caras\nReleased under the GNU AGPL license version 3\nIncludes the tessdata_fast English trained data, ©️ tessdata_fast / Tesseract contributors, used under the Apache 2.0 license", "description": "Description", "newWallet": "Add new wallet", "walletExists": "A wallet with this name already exists!", "setupStartingBalance": "Starting balance", "graphs": "Graphs", "createTestData": "Create test data", "yearly": "Yearly", "monthly": "Monthly", "expenses": "Expenses", "expensesForMonth": "{month} expenses: {value}", "@expensesForMonth": { "description": "Shown as a tooltip when touching expense graph", "placeholders": { "month": { "type": "String", "example": "January" }, "value": { "type": "String", "example": "5000 Kč" } } }, "incomeForMonth": "{month} income: {value}", "@incomeForMonth": { "description": "Shown as a tooltip when touching income graph", "placeholders": { "month": { "type": "String", "example": "January" }, "value": { "type": "String", "example": "5000 Kč" } } }, "expensesForDay": "Expenses: {value}", "@expensesForDay":{ "description": "Shown as a tooltip when touching expense graph", "placeholders": { "value": { "type": "String", "example": "5000 Kč" } } }, "incomeForDay": "Income: {value}", "@incomeForDay":{ "description": "Shown as a tooltip when touching expense graph", "placeholders": { "value": { "type": "String", "example": "5000 Kč" } } }, "settingsAppearance":"Appearance", "graphType":"Graph type", "graphTypeDesc":"Choose whether to show line or bar chart and where", "lineChart":"Line chart", "barChart":"Bar chart", "selectType":"Select type", "enableYou":"Enable Material You (May require an app restart)", "enableYouDesc":"The app will use a color scheme from your wallpaper", "editCategories":"Edit categories", "editCategoriesDesc":"Add, edit or remove categories from a wallet", "wallet":"Wallet", "noCategory":"No category", "done":"Done", "pickColor":"Pick a color", "changeDate":"Change what month/year to pick data from", "recurringPayments":"Recurring payments", "recurEvery":"{count, plural, other{Recur every}}", "@recurEvery":{ "description": "Shown when creating recurring entries, ex.: Recur every 2 months", "placeholders": { "count":{ "description": "Specifies how many X are being counted", "type": "int" } } }, "monthCounter":"{count, plural, =1{month} other{months} }", "@monthCounter":{ "placeholders": { "count":{ "description": "Specifies how many months are being counted", "type": "int" } } }, "dayCounter":"{count, plural, =1{day} other{days} }", "@dayCounter":{ "placeholders": { "count":{ "description": "Specifies how many days are being counted", "type": "int" } } }, "yearCounter":"{count, plural, =1{year} other{years} }", "@yearCounter":{ "placeholders": { "count":{ "description": "Specifies how many years are being counted", "type": "int" } } }, "startingWithDate": "starting", "@startingWithDate":{ "description": "Shown after 'Recur every X Y', e.g. 'Recur every 2 month starting 20th June 2023'" }, "evenMoney":"You're on the same balance as last month.", "balanceStatusA": "Your balance is ", "balanceStatusB": " compared to last month.", "searchLabel":"Search entries...", "exportSingle":"Export a wallet", "exportSingleDesc":"Saves a single wallet into your downloads directory", "exportArchive":"Export archive", "exportArchiveDesc":"Exports all wallets into an archive to your downloads directory", "importSingle":"Import a wallet", "importSingleDesc":"Imports a single wallet from file", "importArchive":"Import archive", "importArchiveDesc":"Imports all valid wallets inside an archive", "settingsData":"Data", "selectExportWallet":"Select a wallet to export", "exportError":"An error occured trying to export wallet", "exportCompleted":"Export completed", "importCompleted":"Import completed", "setup":"Setup", "sourceCode":"Source code", "sortNewest":"Newest first", "sortOldest":"Oldest first", "sort":"Sort", "search":"Search", "expensesPerYear":"Expenses per month in {year}", "@expensesPerYear":{ "placeholders": { "year":{ "description": "The year of the monthly expense sum", "example": "2024", "type": "int" } } }, "expensesPerMonth":"Expenses per day during {monthYear}", "@expensesPerMonth":{ "placeholders": { "monthYear":{ "description": "Month and year formatted through DateFormat class", "example": "June, 2024", "type": "String" } } }, "incomePerYear":"Income per month in {year}", "@incomePerYear":{ "placeholders": { "year":{ "description": "The year of the monthly expense sum", "example": "2024", "type": "int" } } }, "incomePerMonth":"Income per day during {monthYear}", "@incomePerMonth":{ "placeholders": { "monthYear":{ "description": "Month and year formatted through DateFormat class", "example": "June, 2024", "type": "String" } } }, "date":"Date", "incomePlural":"Income", "@incomePlural":{ "description": "Plural form of 'Income'" }, "expensesPerMonthCategory":"Expenses per category during {monthYear}", "@expensesPerMonthCategory":{ "placeholders": { "monthYear":{ "description": "Month and year formatted through DateFormat class", "example": "June, 2024", "type": "String" } } }, "expensesPerYearCategory":"Expenses per category in {year}", "@expensesPerYearCategory":{ "placeholders": { "year":{ "description": "The year", "example": "2024", "type": "int" } } }, "incomePerMonthCategory":"Income per category during {monthYear}", "@incomePerMonthCategory":{ "placeholders": { "monthYear":{ "description": "Month and year formatted through DateFormat class", "example": "June, 2024", "type": "String" } } }, "incomePerYearCategory":"Income per category in {year}", "@incomePerYearCategory":{ "placeholders": { "year":{ "description": "The year", "example": "2024", "type": "int" } } }, "selectYear":"Select a year", "selectMonth":"Select a month and year", "debts":"Debts", "debtNamePlaceholder":"Friends' debts", "people":"People", "addSomePeople":"Add people using the button below", "bankAccount":"Bank account number", "noDebtScenarios":"No debt scenarios :(", "noDebtScenariosSub":"Create one using the floating action button.", "noPersonError":"You need to add at least one person!", "unnamed":"Unnamed" }