#!/usr/bin/env sh ############################################################################## ## ## Flutter start up script for UN*X ## Version: v1.3.1 ## Date: 2024-05-18 18:13:42 ## ## Use this flutter wrapper to bundle Flutter within your project to make ## sure everybody builds with the same version. ## ## Read about the install and uninstall process in the README on GitHub ## https://github.com/passsy/flutter_wrapper ## ## Inspired by gradle-wrapper. ## ############################################################################## echoerr() { echo "$@" 1>&2; } # Attempt to set APP_HOME # Resolve links: $0 may be a link PRG="$0" # Need this for relative symlinks. while [ -h "$PRG" ]; do ls=$(ls -ld "$PRG") link=$(expr "$ls" : '.*-> \(.*\)$') if expr "$link" : '/.*' >/dev/null; then PRG="$link" else PRG=$(dirname "$PRG")"/$link" fi done SAVED="$(pwd)" cd "$(dirname "$PRG")/" >/dev/null APP_HOME="$(pwd -P)" cd "$SAVED" >/dev/null FLUTTER_SUBMODULE_NAME='.flutter' GIT_HOME=$(git -C "${APP_HOME}" rev-parse --show-toplevel) FLUTTER_DIR="${GIT_HOME}/${FLUTTER_SUBMODULE_NAME}" # by default we should be in the correct project dir, but when run from Finder on Mac, the cwd is wrong if [ "$(uname)" = "Darwin" ] && [ "$HOME" = "$PWD" ]; then cd "$(dirname "$0")" fi # Fix not initialized flutter submodule if [ ! -f "${FLUTTER_DIR}/bin/flutter" ]; then echoerr "$FLUTTER_SUBMODULE_NAME submodule not initialized. Initializing..." git submodule update --init "${FLUTTER_DIR}" fi # Detect detach HEAD and fix it. commands like upgrade expect a valid branch, not a detached HEAD FLUTTER_SYMBOLIC_REF=$(git -C "${FLUTTER_DIR}" symbolic-ref -q HEAD) if [ -z "${FLUTTER_SYMBOLIC_REF}" ]; then FLUTTER_REV=$(git -C "${FLUTTER_DIR}" rev-parse HEAD) FLUTTER_CHANNEL=$(git -C "${GIT_HOME}" config -f .gitmodules submodule.${FLUTTER_SUBMODULE_NAME}.branch) if [ -z "${FLUTTER_CHANNEL}" ]; then echoerr "Warning: Submodule '$FLUTTER_SUBMODULE_NAME' doesn't point to an official Flutter channel \ (one of stable|beta|dev|master). './flutterw upgrade' will fail without a channel." echoerr "Fix this by adding a specific channel with:" echoerr " - './flutterw channel ' or" echoerr " - Add 'branch = ' to '$FLUTTER_SUBMODULE_NAME' submodule in .gitmodules" else echoerr "Fixing detached HEAD: '$FLUTTER_SUBMODULE_NAME' submodule points to a specific commit $FLUTTER_REV, not channel '$FLUTTER_CHANNEL' (as defined in .gitmodules)." # Make sure channel is fetched # Remove old channel branch because it might be moved to an unrelated commit where fast-forward pull isn't possible git -C "${FLUTTER_DIR}" branch -q -D "${FLUTTER_CHANNEL}" 2> /dev/null || true git -C "${FLUTTER_DIR}" fetch -q origin # bind current HEAD to channel defined in .gitmodules git -C "${FLUTTER_DIR}" checkout -q -b "${FLUTTER_CHANNEL}" "${FLUTTER_REV}" git -C "${FLUTTER_DIR}" branch -q -u "origin/${FLUTTER_CHANNEL}" "${FLUTTER_CHANNEL}" echoerr "Fixed! Migrated to channel '$FLUTTER_CHANNEL' while staying at commit $FLUTTER_REV. './flutterw upgrade' now works without problems!" git -C "${FLUTTER_DIR}" status -bs fi fi # Wrapper tasks done, call flutter binary with all args set -e "$FLUTTER_DIR/bin/flutter" "$@" set +e # Post flutterw tasks. exit code from /bin/flutterw will be used as final exit FLUTTER_EXIT_STATUS=$? if [ ${FLUTTER_EXIT_STATUS} -eq 0 ]; then # ./flutterw channel CHANNEL if echo "$@" | grep -q "channel"; then if [ -n "$2" ]; then # make sure .gitmodules is updated as well CHANNEL=${2} # second arg git config -f "${GIT_HOME}/.gitmodules" "submodule.${FLUTTER_SUBMODULE_NAME}.branch" "${CHANNEL}" # makes sure nobody forgets to do commit all changed files git add "${GIT_HOME}/.gitmodules" git add "${FLUTTER_DIR}" fi fi # ./flutterw upgrade if echo "$@" | grep -q "upgrade"; then # makes sure nobody forgets to do commit the changed submodule git add "${FLUTTER_DIR}" # flutter packages get runs automatically. Stage those changes as well if [ -f pubspec.lock ]; then git add pubspec.lock fi fi fi exit ${FLUTTER_EXIT_STATUS}