import 'package:fast_cached_network_image/fast_cached_network_image.dart'; import 'package:flutter/material.dart'; import 'package:just_audio/just_audio.dart'; import 'package:just_audio_background/just_audio_background.dart'; import 'package:ocarina/api/subsonic/song.dart'; import 'package:ocarina/main.dart'; import 'package:ocarina/util/util.dart'; /// Service used to control the audio player class AudioPlayerService { /// Service used to control the audio player factory AudioPlayerService() { return _audioPlayerService; } AudioPlayerService._internal(); static final AudioPlayerService _audioPlayerService = AudioPlayerService._internal(); /// The [AudioPlayer] instance final _player = AudioPlayer(); /// True if [AudioPlayer] instance is playing bool get isPlaying => _player.playing; /// Currently playing song /// /// Null if no song is loaded Song? get song => _song; set song(Song? s) { _song = s; logger.d("CHANGE song"); songNotifier.value = s; _setColorScheme(); } Song? _song; /// Pauses playback Future pause() async { await _player.pause(); logger.d("Paused"); } /// Resumes playback void resume() {; logger.d("Playing"); } /// Sets color scheme from image Future _setColorScheme() async { if (AudioPlayerService().song == null) { themeNotifier.value = ColorScheme.fromSeed(seedColor: Colors.deepPurple); } themeNotifier.value = await ColorScheme.fromImageProvider( provider: FastCachedImageProvider( AudioPlayerService().song!.coverArtUrl, ), ); logger.d(AudioPlayerService().song!.coverArtUrl); } /// Plays the passed [Song] as a file Future playFile({Song? song}) async { final doCache = sp.getBool("doCache") ?? true; if (song == null && == null) return; song ??=; await _player.setAudioSource( doCache ? LockCachingAudioSource( Uri.parse(song!.streamUrl), tag: MediaItem( id:, title: song.title, album: song.albumName, artist: song.artistName, artUri: Uri.parse(song.coverArtUrl), ), ) : AudioSource.uri( Uri.parse(song!.streamUrl), tag: MediaItem( id:, title: song.title, album: song.albumName, artist: song.artistName, artUri: Uri.parse(song.coverArtUrl), ), ), ); await; playerKey.currentState?.update(); resume(); } }