from datetime import datetime, timedelta from interactions.models.discord import Embed from import MessageCreate from interactions import EmbedAttachment, EmbedFooter, EmbedField from api.mangadex import search_manga # We don't want to spam the API too much timeouts = { "mangadex": } async def send_manga_response(event: MessageCreate, match: str) -> None: """ Searches for a manga on and sends the result as an embed into the channel that the event originated from :param event:The MessageCreate event :param match:The manga title matched from the event's message """ if < timeouts["mangadex"]: message = await"Globální timeout je 5 sekund") await message.delete(delay=5) return timeouts["mangadex"] = + timedelta(seconds=5) content_rating = ["safe", "suggestive"] if content_rating.append("erotica") content_rating.append("pornography") m = search_manga(match, content_rating) if m == {}: message = await embed=Embed(title="Chyba!", color="#e0351f", description="Nic nenalezeno :(")) await message.delete(5) return manga_em = Embed(title=f'{m["attributes"]["title"]["en"]} ', url=f"{m['id']}", fields=[ EmbedField( name="Autor", value="Neznámý" if len(m["author"]) == 0 else m["author"][0], inline=True ), EmbedField( name="Kresby", value="Neznámý" if len(m["artist"]) == 0 else m["artist"][0], inline=True ), EmbedField( name="Značky", value=', '.join(m["tags"]), inline=True ), EmbedField( name="Stav", value="Vychází" if m["attributes"]["status"] == "ongoing" else "Kompletní" if m["attributes"]["status"] == "completed" else "Zrušeno" if m["attributes"]["status"] == "cancelled" else "Vydávání pozastaveno", inline=True ), EmbedField( name="Hodnocení obsahu", value="Nezávadné" if m["attributes"]["contentRating"] == "safe" else "Lechtivé" if m["attributes"]["contentRating"] == "suggestive" else "Erotika" if m["attributes"]["contentRating"] == "erotica" else "Pornografie", inline=True ), EmbedField( name="Rok vydání", value="Neznámý" if m["attributes"]["year"] is None else str(m["attributes"]["year"]), inline=True ), EmbedField( name="Cílová skupina", value="Neznámá" if m["attributes"]["publicationDemographic"] is None else m["attributes"][ "publicationDemographic"].capitalize(), inline=True ), EmbedField( name="Poslední kapitola", value="Není" if m["attributes"]["lastChapter"] == "" else f'Kapitola {m["attributes"]["lastChapter"]}' if m["attributes"]["lastVolume"] == "" else f'Svazek {m["attributes"]["lastVolume"]}; kapitola {m["attributes"]["lastChapter"]}', inline=True ), EmbedField( name="Originální jazyk", value=m["originalLang"], inline=True ), EmbedField( name="Průměrné hodnocení", value=str(round(m["rating"]["bayesian"], 2)), inline=True ), EmbedField( name="Sledujících", value=str(m["follows"]), inline=True ), ], footer=EmbedFooter(text="Informace z", icon_url="" "/icon-180.png"), description=m["attributes"]["description"]["en"], images=[EmbedAttachment(url=None if m["cover"] is None else f"https://uploads.mangadex" f".org/covers/{m['id']}/{m['cover']}")]) await